Chapter 64: How Alec and Alicia train with each other

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A/N:  Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for so long. I really got busy with family and parties this past days. Since my parents really hate it when we use our phones during gatherings, I didn't actually find the time to update. And I kinda, slightly, forgot about this book.

I know. You guys are like "What?! How?!", well you guys should know this. I have a pretty horrible memory. So, that explains most of my long updates. So I hope you guys forgive me, and enjoy this chapter. Sorry if it's short for you.

Two weeks later

"Welcome back everyone."  Alexander(Alicia, Alec, and Andrew's father) greeted the students when they came back. They all looked nervous and hesitant. "What's wrong?" Tiffania(Alicia, Alec, and Andrew's mother) asked the students. "Aunt Tiffania," Ebony said. "Yes?" Tiffania asked her niece. "Alicia is, well, g...gone..." Ebony looked away from her uncle and aunt. "What do you mean? She came back two weeks ago. She said she wants to train with Alec." They all snapped their heads to their headmaster.

"What?!" Ethan exclaims. "Yes. They are in the combat arena sparring with each other. Katsu and Chase are watching them." Alexander told them, then all of the students rushed to the combat arena. "Well...I didn't know they were really exited to see Alicia." Alexander told his wife. "It seems so." Tiffania replied to her husband.

Meanwhile with the Vermilliona siblings, minus Andrew, the two eldest siblings clashed with each other. Both of them radiating with power. "Stop holding back. When you are in a real battle, you must never hold back." Alec told his sister. "I know that." Alicia said, calmly. "They are both truly powerful." Chase(Charlie's dad and their alchemy professor) said to Katsu(Their combat teacher).

"Yes, they are." Katsu said. Just then, the door burst open. Revealing a bunch of students, that are led by Ethan and Ebony. "Where's Alicia?!" All of them exclaims, some are with worry, some are with anger and some are with annoyance. Chase and Katsu casually pointed at the two clashing magic users as all of the students looked at the direction they are pointing at.

Back with Alicia and Alec. "Dark Thorn Forest!" Alec exclaims as he slammed his hands on the ground. Pitch black spikes appear on the ground towards Alicia. "Dark Inferno!" Alicia stomped on the ground as metal black flames engulfed the combat arena. "She copied Ethan's attack!" Serena exclaims. "No. She didn't. It's different." Ryan said. Then suddenly Alec noticed black fiery shadow like creatures emerge from the flames.

"What the—" Alec was cut off when one of the shadow like creatures attacked him. Alec blocked it with a pitch black transparent shield. "Alicia is trying to kill Professor Alec!" One of the female students exclaimed. "Alicia! Stop!" Syn exclaims. "Hyaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!" Alec was kicked from behind. "Ha! You fell for the distraction!" Alicia exclaims with pride.

Alec glared back at his laughing sister before casting a spell, "From the great abyss of darkness, I call upon its horrific power, to help me vanquish my greatest foe!" Then a gigantic dark orb spiralling with dark energy appeared at the palm of his hand, which he raised high. "I stand corrected." The female student said. "Kill her!" Serena and Ethan's other fangirls cheered in joy. "Alec stop!" Ethan called out to Alec. But Alec didn't paid attention to them and threw the orb towards Alicia.

"Pathetic." Alicia muttered to herself. As the orb hurled towards her and her friends looked at her with worry and with Alec, horror. "Alicia!" Ebony and Syn screamed. And like a boss, Alicia casually caught it with her left hand with ease, absorbing it like it was nothing. Alec looked at her with shock. He was sure that she will dodge it, not absorb his most powerful spell. "Did you really think that destruction orb can hurt me? Bitch please, its like taking candy from a big baby." Alicia said.

Alec just gave her this look ➡(¬_¬)...

"Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!" Alicia laughed. "Such power...." Chase and Katsu said in usion. "Woah...." All the other students said. Ethan and his friends, including Alicia's, stared at her with awe. "Alright. You win, again." Alec said. "Yasssssssssssss!!!!!!! That's right! Who's a winner? I'm a winner! Ha! In your face boi!!!!!" Alicia exclaims while pointing at Alec's face.

'Where did okaa-sama and father when wrong with her? What happened to my sister? Who made her like this?' Alec thought to himself, as he watched his sister so her little victory dance.

"So is everything alright?" All of them, except Alec and Alicia, jumped in surprise. "Father?" Alec asked as he walked towards his parents. "Hey ya mama, papa!" Alicia exclaims. "Did the two of you go overboard again?" Tiffania asked her two eldest children. "Nah!" The two siblings said. "Not overboard?! Alec-nii literally was going to destroy you!" Andrew yelled at his two older siblings. "Oh Andrew! You and the others are back!" Alicia exclaims.

"Really?!" Andrew said, angrily. "Meh..." Alicia shrugged. "Mom!" Andrew pointed at Alicia and Alec. "Oh darling, you should know your siblings." Tiffania laughed as her husband ruffled their youngest child's hair. "You should've seen how they trained while all of you were gone. They fought outside because we were all afraid that they destroy the entire building." Alexander told his son.

"Huh?" Alexander, Chase and Katsu chuckled. Alicia and Alec are truly Tiffania's children. They're just like her but with magic. Really, really, really destructive magic. So....that's pretty much the only interesting thing that has happen that day. Other than the fact the Alicia got interrogated about her disappearance which she only replied with a "It's a secret."

To be continued...

So.....sorry if it's really short. I'll try my best to update a longer chapter. Once I get my brain working properly again.

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