Chapter 51: Alicia is a Hamiltrash?!

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The title makes a hint why I didn't update lately. I decided to watch a few, and when I mean a few I mean a lot, Hamilton Animatics. And I kinda got addicted and I forgot to update, so sorry about that. Lol. I've been doing a bunch of research and um downloading of thing regarding Hamilton. Hahahahaha!!!!! Yeah....

Sorry for not updating again. And I'm writing this chapter while listening to my favorite Hamilton songs. So I hope you enjoy this chapter and sorry if this is short.


Today is the day! All those time spent studying will probably pay off or for those who didn't good luck with your life! And now the students are separated into random groups, some students stay in their homeroom and some students are assigned in different classrooms each year level.

As for Alicia and the others they are quite spilt into different groups since there are three classes so Alicia, Ethan, Chelsea, Jay, MK and Charlie are at Alicia's Homeroom. Aisha, Lance, Sora, Zane and Serena are at Alessandra's class. And the others are either at Chase's, Charlie's dad, class. So its pretty random.

"Alright, today you are going to have two hours to answer this exam. And in this two hours you will answer questions that all of your teachers made for you in this exam. And make sure you take your time answering this exam. This certain exam will have a certain impact with both your written and participation grades. So prepare yourselves." Katsu, their proctor, told them.

Ethan glared at the two test papers on his desk as he tried his best to keep himself awake since he didn't get enough sleep last night. After they all finished studying they all left to their dorms, and apparently the fact that his brain won't stop bothering him about his apparent "jealousy" towards Alicia and Lance. And now this is his consequence. He's tired as hell and he can't even think properly now.

As for MK she's apparently doing a silent ritual of sort that is making Charlie look at her in confusion and curiously. And for Alicia she's staring out of the window of their classroom deep in thought.

Meanwhile at Ms.Alessandra's classroom. "Okay, everyone of you prepare yourself. In a couple more minutes the exams will begin." Ms.Demariana told the students in front of her. Aisha sighed heavily as she looked down at the papers on her desk, she's still in love with him even after what he did to her. God she feels so weak and naive to still feel the same way about the boy who broke her heart. But she would lie to herself if she would deny her true feelings for him.

She has been doing it for the past year. And she can't take it anymore. As for Saghi she feels lonely since she's like two rows away from Aisha and a classroom away from her sister, MK and Alicia. But that's enough for now.

Back to Alec's classroom. "Alright, your two hours starts NOW!" Katsu tells them as they started answering their test. 'Hmm.....the first test is history. Identification. Its an mix of the history of the magic community and the normal history of the world.' Alicia thought. "Who is the person Aaron Burr killed on the famous duel on July 11, 1804?" Alicia whispered.







'WHY IS THE WORLD TORTURING ME?!' (╥_╥) Alicia cried in her thoughts as she answered "ALEXANDER HAMILTON" with a heavy heart. "Who is the founder of the Academy of Enchanted Arts in France?" Alicia gloomily reads. And with Ethan. 'The hell?! Why is this here?! I didn't know that this is included in the exams!' Ethan thought.

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