Chapter 46: Brother and Sister

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After the bright light disappeared Alicia blinked a couple of Times before she finally saw that she is already back at the academy. Alicia looked at the wall and didn't saw the mirror. "Was it a dream?" Alicia asked herself. Then she looked at herself to see that her clothes are back to normal and her hair is back to being purple instead of pink. And she felt that she still has a necklace on her neck. "Is Jii-chan's gift still here?!" Alicia asked as she took the necklace's pendant to see a small mirror pendant instead of a purple gem pendant.

"The mirror turned into a necklace?!" Alicia exclaimed. "Now I know why its familiar." Radiance said in Alicia's mind. "What is it Radiance?" Alicia asked her. "Its Elodia's seeing mirror." Radiance said. "Seeing mirror?" Alicia asked. "Its Elodia's special mirror that not only has a secret place to train and rest, it can also show you events, things or people you desire to see. And also it can take you anywhere you want, either a far place or someplace I'm different timelines." Shadow explained. Alicia looked at the small mirror on her neck in amazement. "I have a seeing mirror." Alicia said to herself.

"Alicia?" Alicia heard a familiar voice asked her from in front of her. Alicia looked at the person who called her name and saw her onii-san. "Nii-san?!" Alicia exclaimed. "Anata ga sa rete iru imōto?!" Alec asked Alicia while walking towards her furiously. "Ah ano, eh he hehe...I was umm.....somewhere...." Alicia stammered nervously.

(A/N: Anata ga sa rete iru imōto means Little sister where have you been)

Alec looked at her suspiciously. "You do know that you've been gone for the whole afternoon. Its already 11:09 late at night!" Alec exclaimed. Alicia looked at him blankly before screaming, "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT?!"

"Didn't you hear what is just said to you?!" Alec asked annoyed. "That's why I'm so hungry." Alicia said. Then Alicia's stomach growled. "You disappear for the whole day and you just came back because you're hungry?!" Alec asked angrily. "Its not my fault that I didn't know what time it is! I don't even know where I've been." Alicia said.

Alec gave her a confused looked. "You didn't know where you were?" Alec asked. "Yup!" Alicia said as her stomach continued to growl. "My tummy said 'Feed me peasant'." Alicia told Alec. Alec just gave her a look that says he gives up.


They are now at the kitchen and Alec is cooking Alicia her dinner. "You're sure that you don't know where you were?" Alec asked Alicia for the millionth time ever since Alec saw her. "Hai Nii-san. I don't know where in the world I was. But I know one thing, that I'm not going to be the same magic user I was before." Alicia said. Alec stopped for a while before saying, "Eat this steak and shut up!" Alec said that while showing one whole steak on Alicia's mouth. "Waaaaahhhhh! Alec-nii this is called sibling abuse!" Alicia said as she tried to get away from Alec.

"Just shut up! I'm thinking." Alec said, while Alicia silently took her plate of steak and ate it quietly. Then after a while Alec looked at Alicia then asked her, "Are there many new anime series?" Alicia looked at Alec for a while before answering. "Yup! There are a bunch! But its sad that you didn't get to go with me to the anime conventions and especially the one in London before Sidero attacked the academy." Alicia replied. Alec was silent for a while before screaming on top of his lungs, "WHAT?!?!?!"

"Sorry big bro! Hehehe.....looks like you can't see the new anime's that are shown these days. Hahaha....but you can go to mine and MK's fun room so we could watch a whole anime series, aka we can have an anime movie marathon if you want." Alicia told Alec.

"T-that w-would definitely be g-great." Alec stammered as his left eye twitched, "I can't believe that my only chance to see the new animes got ruined because Sidero attacked the academy." Alec said as her curled up into a ball and went to a corner at the kitchen.

"And people said I was crazy for anime." Alicia said. "Alicia, you should tell Alec. He might be able to help you." Radiance said in Alicia's mind. Alicia looked at her brother before asking him, "Alec, is spirit fusion dangerous to magic users?" Alec immediately recovered from his...something and faced Alicia with a shocked look.

"How did you know about that?!" Alec asked her in disbelief. "You do know that I had a fight with Sidero during the time she came to the academy, well I kinda used spirit fusion with Shadow my black magic spirit." Alicia said as she looked around avoiding Alec's eyes.

"NANI?!" Alec yelled. Alicia laughed nervously as Alec looked at her furiously. "You could have died!" Alec exclaimed. "But I didn't, when me and MK go to summer camp every summer we go to a deserted place in the camp we kinda practice our magic there and I always practice spirit fusion until I did it with Shadow and Radiance. But just Shadow and me then Radiance and me." Alicia explained.

Alec run his fingers through his hair to calm himself down. "Then?" He asked. "Today Ebony and Syn along with their companions came to the academy didn't they?" Alicia asked. "Yes they did. And Ebony told us something that you hid from us." Alec said, "The Curse of the Spirit Empress."

"The curse is broken. So its not a problem anymore." Alicia said. Alec looked at her in shock. "How?" Alec asked. Alicia put her hands in her skirt pocket hoping that the heirloom/gift from her deceased grandfather is there and it is but its all broken. Alicia took it out of her pocket and showed it to Alec.

"You broke the family heirloom?!" Alec asked. "Alec, its the spirit stone. A lot of beings have suffered because of its existence." Alicia said. "How does it make people and other beings suffer?!" Alec asked as he looked at the heirloom which is now shattered.

"This gem can grant any wish you desire, but I there is a price that you have to pay in return for your wish. And Elodia made two wishes on the spirit stone and she paid two important things that she held dear to her just so that her wish will be granted." Alicia explained. "And what are the wishes she made?" Alec asked.

"I don't know the first wish but I know that second and last wish she made, and Ebony already told you." Alicia said. "The curse is a wish?! How is it a wish?!" Alec asked angrily. "Elodia's final wish is to get rid of Diablos and Sidero even though her life is the payment so that her people will obtain peace." Alicia said.

"Peace?! That's what she calls peace?! So many have died just because of Sidero and Diablos' very existence! She could have wish that they will just vanish from existence." Alec said. "She already have given her power up to the gem, she doesn't have anything to give the gem to grant that wish. Even if she made that wish the gem won't grant it. Elodia has to get rid of them herself, the gem can only kill or make someone disappear from existence if the person or being is from the gem it self." Alicia explained. "So in other words, we have to destroy Diablos and Sidero ourselves." Alec said.

"Pretty much." Alicia said. "So are you done eating?" Alec asked, "Because I really want to go to sleep." Alec said. "Yup! And can I please sleep with you? Like when I was three years old?" Alicia asked Alec. "And let you kick me out of my bed like when you were three years old? No way!" Alec said before grabbing Alicia's empty plate and placing it down on the sink and stomping out of the kitchen. "What a meanie." Alicia pouted before going to her dorm room.

Meanwhile with Alec, he continued to stomp towards his room and when he got there he slammed his door closed. "That little demon thinks that I will let her steal my bed from me huh? Well she's wrong! I won't let her steal mg bed again!" Alec said to himself. He changed into his night clothes and then climbed on his bed.

"Ah! No stupid annoying demon to steal my precious," Alec stopped talking when he felt like someone is already on his bed. Alec frowned at looked under his blanket to see Alicia in a black cat onesie sleeping soundly. "YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDING ME?!" Alec scream on top of his lungs.

To be continued...

Hope you like this chapter!
Sorry if its short for your liking.
I hope all of you have a nice day and God bless! 😊
And please vote or comment if you want the picture in the media to be the new book cover.

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