Chapter 22:Teacher's meeting and Blair is stalking

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I am sooooooooo sorry about my late update. I got a huge authors block and I kinda got a little distracted by Miraculous Ladybug comics. And I can't publish this chapter because my mom cut off the WiFi because my little brother didn't stop playing his tablet and he won't eat breakfast and he just also woke up. And again I am sorry for not updating.


~Tiffania Lenessia Vermilliona ~

I am know walking towards the meeting room of the faculty and staff of the academy. We are going to discuss about the information that Eclaire learned in Apollyon Academy.

We are also diccusing about 'Operation: Dark and Light'. I arrived at the meeting room and saw all of the faculty and staff are already there.

"Mother, please take a seat we are now discussing about the information that we know about the black and white magic user." My eldest son, Alec, said.

I silently walked to my seat next to my husband. "As I was saying, Alexis has an object that is user in tracking down the black and white magic user. It was onced used by the evil man that decimated the first black and white magic user. And it is very dangerous on his evil hands." Alec said.

"Alexis' son Syn and his dark dragon is sent to search fr.the black and white magic user for 7 years already. And we don't know if he has found the location of the black and white magic user." Alec continued.

I sat on my seat quietly with a sad look on my face, but I have a strange feeling that we are watched. I sighed deeply and continued to listen to the meeting.


Purr, I think I need to see those famillions that are in the academy. I wonder who has their own parents attitude.

I stood up from Alicia's bed then jumped of the window. I landed gently on the ground using a little levitation magic.

I then went to see if those famillions are not causing trouble with their partners. But I stopped when I saw the so called prince of Fire Drake Kingdom.

"I think that Ethan should just leave the b***h alone and just choose us since we know him better than that s**t!" A girl with navy blue hair exclaimed angrily.

And I assume that's the princess of Aquatium Kingdom. Huh, she has the some attitude as her father. Like father, like daughter indeed.

I stayed hidden in a bush 9 feet away from them so that I could easily hear them. "Hey guys look its Ethan!" A platinum haired girl exclaimed, and I assume she's the princess of Skylight Kingdom.

"Hey guys. I came here to say sorry about earlier. And I just wanted to apologize to Alicia then I would ignore her. How's that?" Ethan told them.

The mean people they are, they agreed. Purr, why are they mean to my adoptive mother/sister?

I stood up and then walked strait to the west wing of the academy, not caring if they noticed me. I'm going to my mommy/sister.

~To be continued...


Again, I'm deeply sorry for not updating for soooooooooooooooooooooooooo long. And sorry if this chapter is short and boring.

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