Chapter 14

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Chapter 14;

Nightfall soon came. Layne and Labiba were in the other room, still discussing their plan to help save my family from demon attacks. Adrian had left to go do something and he wouldn't tell me what. I sat here, just thinking about everything that has happened since I moved here.

I've been bullied from the start, and I had no idea that one of the people who has been witnessing it, is the demon who marked me. I've figured out Layne was a vampire but it didn't really scare me that much. I've found out that Clark was a werewolf but I didn't really know him all too well, but I have a feeling that he is Austin's pet dog. He wouldn't tell me why he was with Austin in the first place. I've found out that there are more vampires out there, and that ghosts really exist. I don't live in the world I thought I lived in. My whole world has been turned upside down since I moved here and I'm in great danger.

I soon heard Adrian's voice from behind me and a girls voice too... It wasn't Labiba's because hers was more mature and sexy sounding. This girls voice was small and quiet. I turned around and I saw someone who looked similar to Adrian. She was deathly pale like him and she looked almost see through. Great. Another ghost. I could tell because she was floating off of the ground as well.

Adrian and her soon made their way over to me. Adrian smiled at me, and looked towards the girl. "Cadence, this is Juliet. She's going to help me with the demons,"

"Pleasure to meet you," she says. She had a heavy British accent, and it was really cool.

"You too," I mumbled, trying to get a good look at her.

Something was off about her... I searched up and down her body, but nothing seemed wrong... Until I got to her face. One eye was completely white, and it looked like it was glowing, like she never had a eye there and it was just a big, white, glowing hole. Her other eye was ice blue, and it was completely normal. I could tell she was trying to use her hair to cover her glowing eye, and she was doing a bad job about it.

Other than that, she was fairly pretty. She had light blonde hair, that looked like she curled it everyday. She had a fairly good body and shape. Her face seemed flawless other than her eye... She wore long sleeves, and tight skinny jeans with some Toms.

"Do you mind if she helps? She knows a lot more about demons than I do," Adrian asked.

"Sure. I don't care, you're the one who is protecting them, not me,"

Adrian let out a sigh of relief, and directed his attention towards Juliet. Juliet's face was doubtful, but it remained emotionless other than that. I couldn't take my eyes off of her face... I felt bad because I was making it obvious, but I couldn't help it.

"I know you're staring at my face," Juliet commented. She didn't seem angry about it.

"I'm sorry... What happened?" I asked, as she sat down on the other side of the room of me.

"I was like you when I was alive. Curious, stupid, and in love. I didn't think much of it until this happened," she pointed towards his glowing eye, and then continued, "I fell in love with Austin. I didn't even know he made a mark on me, until it was too late. I went to go see him because I was going through withdrawal of him, and he's been ignoring me... I went to go find him, and I had no luck..."

*Juliet's flashback & POV*

I was searching all over for the man I craved and loved. I went out during demon hour because that was the best way I could find him. The demons would sense me, and soon, I'd be with the man of my dreams. I looked behind trees, dumpsters, playgrounds, and houses, but I had no luck... Until suddenly, I felt a sharp pain on the back of my head, and I soon blacked out.

I woke up feeling like death, and for a minute, I actually thought I was dead. I looked around, seeing nothing but darkness. I stood up easily, but I didn't feel together. I didn't feel like myself. I looked around and called for help. No one would come to my rescue. I started walking, but I wasn't really walking. I thought it was odd. I turned around and looked down. I saw my body laying all broken on the floor. I started freaking out. There was no way I could be dead. I was moving around, breathing, and I felt fine. I glared down at my body again, and noticed something odd.

My eye was completely gone.

Why the hell would they want my eye? Did they take it as a trophy to know that they... Killed me? Wait, I wasn't dead. I was fine. But why was I staring at my dead corpse? Who did this to me?

I fell to my knees, and started crying. Except, there were no tears coming out of me. I felt alone.

*End of Juliets flashback & POV*

I stared at Juliet in awe. I felt so bad for her as she was explaining her story to me. I felt like it wasn't my business to know anymore. I held up my hand and she stopped talking.

"I'm sorry about what happened. You didn't deserve that," I spoke quietly, and hugged my knees.

"It's fine. I'm okay now. I soon found Adrian later in the years once I got over the fact that I was dead, but we parted shortly after. I guess for that Labiba girl, but we remained friends,"

Adrian's face scrunched up in disappointment for himself. He grabbed Juliet's hand and kissed it. Juliet smiled at him, and glanced down. She didn't bring her head up again, nor did she ever speak.

Layne and Labiba made their way into the living room, and became angry that another ghost was here. Especially Layne. Layne made his way over to Juliet, and towered over her. Juliet still never picked her head up.

"Who are you?" Layne demanded.

"This is Juliet-" Adrian started but Layne cut him off.

"Did I ask you? No. I didn't," he directed his attention towards Juliet again. "Now tell me. Who are you?"

Juliet slowly lifted her head and came face to face with Layne. "I'm Juliet,"

"What the hell is wrong with your face?" Labiba laughed from across the room. She held her sides as she was dying against the wall.

Juliet didn't say anything and just let her head fall again. Adrian became enraged and was over to Labiba in less than a second. He had his hand... Inside of her and Labiba's face was becoming lifeless. Adrian was amused and took his hand out of her. She breathed in heavily, and glared at Adrian with slits.

Adrian didn't care. He was back over to Juliet and was caressing her arms. Labiba stood back up, and regained her composure. "What a waste of my time," she remarked. No one else heard her, but Layne was in shock.

"What did you do?" he asked.

Adrian looked up with an evil smile on his face. "You underestimate the power of the dead, don't you, Layne?"

Authors Note; sorry that this chapter is bad but I decided to make my own character(: tell me who your favorite character is now and tell me what you think I should do for future chapters!!(:

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