Harsh Hero

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Chapter 2

I watched the strange boy with the blonde dyed hair attack those who had attempted to hurt me. How did I know that his hair was dyed? Well, the blonde color grew out, and his brown hairline was becoming visible. He had beautiful blue eyes, but they were filled with nothing but anger and hatred.

He had saved me, but I was afraid of him.

As he fought against those men, one of them was thrown into my direction by accident, and I was taken aback, crashing against the wall behind me. Ow, that hurt. I could literally feel how I fainted, and the boy was too busy with beating the men to pay attention to me.

My eyes flashed open; my head suddenly began to ache like hell as I raised my hand, pressing it against my head to feel the fabric of bandages around it. My vision was blurry at first, but cleared a few minutes later and my brown hues glanced around in confusion. I was not at home.

I looked around at the unfamiliar surroundings. It was a rather small bedroom, with only a desk that was messily filled with papers, a wardrobe, and the bed I laid in. My muscles tensed slightly as I attempted to sit up, brushing with my hand through my blonde strands of hair as I spotted a glass of water on the small table next to the bed.

Due to having a dry throat, my fingers wrapped around the glass and I lifted it up, bringing it to my lips while emptying it in no time. Where was I? I slowly got up, seeing my coat on the chair in front of the desk and grabbing it to take it on.

The images of last night haunted me, and I tried to calm myself down by breathing heavily, inhaling and exhaling the oxygen noticeably. The boy most likely took me home and took care of me, hence the bandages on my head. I didn’t know if I should feel grateful for that, or scared because I was at a stranger’s apartment.

When I placed my hand on the door handle, the door opened and I stared into a pair of ocean blue irises, which returned the gaze just as intensely, but with no emotion being visible within them. Instinctively, I took a few steps back, while he stepped further into the room.

“You shouldn’t have been outside last night. Don’t you know that it’s fucking dangerous?!” He scoffed, sighing afterwards while running his hand through his quiff. “Well, no one asked you to save me,” I said, crossing my arms above my chest.

I wanted to thank him, but I didn’t like it when people were acting rude towards me. He obviously didn’t expect me to respond like that, and the surprise had been visible within his orbs for a split second before they went back to looking at me with annoyance.

“If I didn’t come, those guys would have done horrible things to you, ya know?!” He walked out of the room, banging the door shut while I stood there, angered but also shocked at the same time. What the hell was his problem?! I asked myself, and then decided to leave. I needed to go home.

As I exited the bedroom, he approached me and came closer than I wanted him to. “Need a ride home?” His voice was surprisingly calm. I wanted to shake my head, but I didn’t know where I was, and how would I find my way back home? I was basically forced to agree.

He then grabbed his coat, motioning me to follow him as he stepped out of the front door, making his way towards the elevators. As we went for his car quietly, he suddenly broke the silence and asked with his harsh tone, “What’s your name?”

“Jolie,” my voice was weak as I answered, and I think that the events of last night got onto my head. I didn’t realize how scared I had been until now. “And… yours?” I asked hesitantly, looking at him while trying to hide my emotions of fear.

We reached his car, a black Audi A3, and as I entered, he finally answered me. “I’m Niall.” I nodded and he turned the engines on, driving forward as he asked me to tell me his address so he could take me home. I remained quiet the whole ride long, looking out of the window while over thinking all these events.


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