Forbidden Tears

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Chapter 19

After staying for a few more days in the hospital before the doctors made sure that I was ready to go home, I was brought back to my apartment by my parents, whom were informed on my stay at the hospital. They didn’t know that it was because I got shot, so they didn’t panic too much.

Instead, I told them that the elevator at our apartment complex had been defective and that I used the stairs while carrying a full bag of groceries and tripped somehow. They had questioned how out of all places to be broken, my stomach was the injured area, but thankfully they didn’t ask many questions.

Of course, my dad didn’t know that I knew about his support to illegal weapon trades, at least he didn’t treat me like I knew. As for Niall, I made clear that I needed a bit time to myself, before I would let him speak. If I was clear in the head, I would ignore him and never talk to him again.

But I couldn’t. Not now. Maybe after hearing his point of view on this. I always feared being attached to someone because of not earning my own money, but now I was bound to Niall, in an unhealthy way. I loved him. I have tried to deny it many times, but I couldn’t. The feeling was simply there.

As I laid on my bed, curled into my soft sheets, I stared up at the ceiling; my mind was pretty buy as I thought about the whole situation. How could I be so calm about this? Maybe I seemed quiet on the outside, but I got a war in my mind. I was debating with myself on many points.

How would my relationship with Niall go after all of this? Could I trust him? Would I be able to feel love in his action again, or would I end up questioning each gesture in fear that it was still part of his game? It had felt so real.

Each touch, each kiss, each conversation, especially the silent ones with only our eyes connecting to each other, it couldn’t be fake. Tears began to roll down from the edges of my eyes, staining my pillow as I closed them, sniffling slightly. I never thought that I would get into a situation like this.

“Remember not to cry for the same reason ever again, okay?”

Niall’s voice echoed through my mind, and I shook my head, turning to the side. How could I not cry? This is completely different than what I went through with Daniel. We might have been dating for a much longer time with Daniel, but I felt like I’ve known Niall for years. I trusted Niall much more than Daniel.

Even after all of this?

My answer was yes. Always yes.

While I was crying, I saw my phone’s screen lightening up, and I reached with my shaky hand for the mobile device, wondering what it was. My brown hues were locked onto the touch screen and I hastily unlocked it, typing up a reply to the text I had gotten.

From: Kiki

Hey Jo are you okay?? What happened? I’ve been out of London for two weeks and you get into the hospital wtf? Anyways I’ll make sure to stop by at your place with some caramel biscuits and shit ;) Much Love :*


From: Jolie

Thanks so much. Can you get a good movie as well? I’m really in need of some entertainment right now. Need to get my head clear.


From: Kiki

Sure thing bro! :D


From: Jolie

Thanks and see you! x

Once I pressed the send button, I put my phone back onto my commode, groaning slightly while getting up, my head felt slightly dizzy and my vision went black for a brief second due to the fast movement. I stretched my muscles a little, placing one hand on my stomach since it ached faintly.

As I passed my mirror, I glanced at the beast in the reflection with disgust. Oh god, I looked like a messed up redneck Barbie, without make up. Brushing with my hand through my hair, I decided to wash myself and made my way into the bathroom.

While drying my hair with a towel, I slipped some underwear on and grabbed a pair of black cotton shorts that ended at my mid-thigh, along with a grey hooded sweater that was way too big for me, but it was really comfortable.

I tied my hair into an effortless ponytail and took my glasses on, since Kiki would bring a movie. I hadn’t seen her in a while. She had been away for two weeks due to some ‘business’ trip her work place sent her to, and I was glad that she was back.

Kiki was two years older than me and already done with college. We met at high school and ever since then, we kept in touch and stayed friends. She had always been the wild one amongst our duo. She was confident and loud, yet also a sweet person to hang around with.

Even though she was 21 and older than me, I was the mature one and had to hold her back when it came to risky things and warn her. We were different, and that was what made us stronger. We learned from each other; she taught me how to be more confident, and I showed her how to control herself. It was something like ‘one hand washes the other’.

I felt like I had let her down during the past few months, due to the whole thing with Niall and all, but then again, she hadn’t been alone either, I’m sure that Harry took good care of her, but I just wanted to spend time with my best friend again.


Short filler chapter. Next one will be more exciting. :) Btw, I didn't plan on updating today, but seeing that I have gotten over 600 reads and 80+ votes made me so happy that I decided to write some, even though it's just a small and crappy chappy (omg that rhymed! :P).

I'm so grateful for every single reader. x

By the way, have you seen that Documentary on Directioners? I have seen parts of it and heard a lot, and I must say, I feel ashamed. They literally insulted us as crazy stalkers when in reality 96% of us sit on their computers all day, tweet, read/write fanfics and eat food. Thank god Liam and the boys' families don't believe them and know the real us.

As for the hate we (mostly Larry shippers) are getting; it's ridiculous. I don't know if it is real or not, but from what I heard some Larry shippers have commited suicide because of the hate they got over this documentary. RIP to those angels, and just to let you know, we as a family should respect each other. The fights amongst our own fandom must stop. If Swifties and Beliebers are there for us, how can it be impossible for the people in the same fandom not to get along?

At times like these, we need to forget our differences and focus on what we have in common guys.

I love all of you, no matter what you ship.

(oh god, the author's note is longer than the chapter, but welp. It had to be said.)

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