Just A Little Invitation?

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Chapter 3

After Niall had dropped me off in front of the gate to the apartment complex I lived in, I quickly hurried home, and my whole body had begun to shake as I entered my apartment, quickly slipping out of my clothes to take a shower. Before I did so, I caught a glimpse at the clock on the wall.

13:28 PM.

Thank god today was Sunday, or else I would have to deal with a grumpy chef at the company of my internship. I was in the second year of college and nineteen years old (turning twenty soon), and despite the fact that my parents were rich, I wanted to make money on my own, and so I worked and earned enough to pay for my own apartment and all.

I was born in Paris where my father came from, while my mother was from English heritage. We lived in France until I turned 12 when my parents decided to move to London. It was hard for me at first, getting used to another language and having to deal with those who mocked me because of my accent, but well, I dealt with it.

Now, you could barely hear my French accent, only when I got really angry, which happened rarely. It didn't even happen while I was yelling at Daniel on the phone. Oh, my phone. Picking the mobile device up from my desk, I connected it to the charger and waited a few minutes, before the screen lit up.

Let's see if I got any new messages, I thought and at the same time, the inbox tone was audible. Scrolling through the messages, I let out a heavy sigh as I saw that all of them were from Daniel. Seriously? He cheated on me and then had the nerve to harass me? Stupid prick.

I put my phone aside, making my way into the bathroom to take a long shower. It felt like this was the only right thing to do, after all that happened yesterday. Daniel's cheating, the drunken men, and at last but not least, Niall...

I wondered why he saved me. I mean, he was so harsh to me when he saw me, basically judging me for being outside at this time of night. I was so upset there, but I had the habit of keeping most of my feelings to myself, otherwise I would have reacted worse or ended up crying. Anyways, I'd never see him again, so there was no problem.

Stepping into the shower, I let the warm water pour down onto my figure as my muscles relaxed slowly, obviously being tense the whole time long. Soap bubbles were covering my whole head and body as I began to wash it off, holding the shower head in my hand to do so. I felt refreshed, and this was truly a good feeling.

Once I was done with my shower, I blow dried my hair and grabbed my phone, deciding to phone my best friend, Kiki. I hadn’t seen her for a few days, and wanted to change that. Feeling the need to focus on something else than what happened last night, I dialed her number and pressed the phone against my ear.


Kiki’s voice answered, and I already felt relieved.

“Hey girl… Are you busy tonight?”

For some strange reason, I had the need to party. To be honest, I am not exactly one to party every weekend or such, but after what happened, I would like to forget and have a good time. I could literally feel her smile into my phone at my question, and she responded,

“Sure thing. I’ll pick you up at nine o’clock.”


“Are you okay?”

I was caught off guard by her question, but managed to answer.

“I’ll tell you everything when we meet.”

“Okay, so… I need to hang up now. See ya later, bye!”

With that, I put my phone aside. It was half past two, and I had seven hours until Kiki came to pick me up, so I decided to go for a little walk at the park. My party outfit was always ready hanging in my closet, so that wouldn’t be much of a problem to me. I needed fresh air.


Photo of Kiki on the side!

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