Returning Home

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The beautifully adorned vessel made its way through the gentle waters of the Nile. Khepri closed her eyes and listened to the sound of her own breathing, her heart beat like a drum at the thought of returning home after over a year, she would see her brother and his new wife, her mawat and father.  

Opening her eyes she looked towards the crystal clear blue sky. The birds trailed quickly overhead, catching small insects and dragonflies  of different colors and sizes darted over the murky water.  Crocodiles sunned themselves lazily on the riverbank, opening there eyes begrudgingly as the vessel glided past.

"Ah my lady here you are!"

 Khepri turned at  the sound of Ebony's  voice as she appeared beside her. They stood in silence watching the passing scenery together just enjoying the blissful peace.  Some children who were running along the bank waved and laughed as the boat passed. Khepri smiled and Ebony waved enthusiastically back at them making her arm's  wobble.

"I am so glad that we have been invited back for the Wag festival my Lady. I am so excited!" 

Ebony said her face alight with excitement, her eyes shone making her whole face shine brightly. A far away expression etched upon her face. Khepri had never seen her so lively, since she had found out they were going back  to the palace for the Wag festival it was as if Ebony couldn't keep still. Her mood was infectious and Khepri couldn't help but be carried along with it like a huge tidal wave. 

Smiling back at her handmaiden she felt the butterflies increase as the Nile carried her back towards home.   

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