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Hello everyone, 

Happy Thursday :-) thank you to everyone who is reading this book and adding it to there libraries I appreciate you guys a lot. 

I hope you are all having a good week. Nearly the end of the week and then the weekend. What are you all doing? Got any exciting plans? I am going to a farm at the weekend and staying the night there. They have meerkats, alpacas, sheep, llama's,  goats, horses, peacocks, chickens, roosters, and bot bellied pigs as well as many more animals!   

So very excited to go. I am hoping perhaps I can get some writing done whilst there but who knows. It's just nice to get away sometimes.

Anyway, Have a lovely rest of the week and weekends 




Khepri stood outside the golden doors. Palms sweating she kept rubbing her hands over and over. Her new wig felt hot and stuffy she wanted to just throw it off and run. She paced back and forth like a lioness trapped in a cage. 

She was alone in the corridor she could hear the music and laughter from within. 

By the gods why was this so hard? 

The two guards who stood either side of the door watched her, expressionless,  as she continued to pace.  Suddenly, the doors were thrown open wide and there appeared Nefertari. As she saw Khepri her smile grew wider. 

"Khepri. What are you doing out here all alone?" 

Khepri had stopped pacing and stood still as if all the nervous energy she felt just a second ago had gone.  Although, secretly she fiddled with the linin on her gown instead. 

"I wanted to speak to Amunher" 

Nefertari looked confused for the moment then nodded her head slowly.

"I see. Well, he is inside. If you will excuse me I am tired."

She rubbed her bulging belly affectionately and smiled again. 

"Just you wait till your carrying a child. It's exhausting." She laughed brightly. Her eyes sparkling with mirth. She came forward and hugged Khepri as best she could with her belly between them. 

"Congratulations Khepri on your marriage to Prehir. " 

She pulled back letting Khepri go before turning and walking down the corridor towards her own chambers. 

As soon as Nefertari had gone the nervous energy came flooding back 10 fold. She could still hear the music and the laughter coming from within the chamber. 

Then other sounds suddenly filled her ears. She heard rushing footsteps as if someone was almost running. For some reason, she had the urge to hide. She gestured to the guard to not say a word, putting a finger to her lips, and darted quickly behind a pillar. 

Looking out from behind she saw Wadjyt fly past. Running quickly the patter of her sandals hitting the ground hard and reverberating along the corridor. Once she had passed and the coast was clear Khepri stepped out from behind the pillar. Having the urge to follow Wadjyt. 

Why was she running? 

Taking off her own sandals so she wouldn't make any noise, she followed, running after her. Her bare feet felt cool to touch on the stone floor. 

She stopped abruptly and ducked again behind a pillar as she saw Wadjyt had stopped running. 

Smoothing herself down and adjusting her wig she walked gracefully out into the courtyard. They were now at the front of the palace. The long steps went down into the capital of Pi- Ramesses. 

In the moonlight, the palm trees on either side shone a silvery-white. The wind whispered blowing them gently from side to side. The endless steps shone like white gems reflecting the moon. As she poked her head out from behind the tree she could see the Nile beyond, as it weaved its way either side giving life to the people of the capitol. 

She heard a Nightjar bird up in the palm tree. A secretive nocturnal bird. It sounded like a grasshopper interrupting the silence of the night. A dog started to bark in the city as if in response to the Nightjar's call. 

Ducking back behind the pillar she heard voices. 

" What am I to do? He will marry her and make her head wife?"  She heard Wadjyt say in dispair. 

She then heard a slap ring out into the night as flesh hit flesh. Looking back around the pillar she saw two figures in the darkness. One was clearly Wadjyt but the other person was taller. They were wearing a dark cloak that hid their face in the moonlight. 

She saw Wadjyt had put her hand to her cheek in shock. So she was the one who had been slapped.

"Don't be so stupid girl. You will marry my son. If it's the last thing I do. We have our plans. As long as you do your part and remain useful to me."

She saw Wadjyt shiver in the moonlight. She almost felt sorry for her for just a second. 

 Frozen in horror and feeling sick.  It felt like she had been punched in the gut. The other person was Isetnofet. A deep fear penetrated her like a sword. She had always been slightly scared of Isetnofet especially when they were children and since then, that hadn't really changed. 

By the Gods, she would need all her strength to fight this battle. 


Ah damn !!!

Did you see that coming? 

What is she going to do? 

would like to hear your theories now! 

Also, the Nightjar (also known as the nighthawk is a bird that can be found almost everywhere. Here is some info on it if interested.  

Thanks for reading :-) 




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