3: Partners

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-Third PersonP.O.V-

Hermione walked down the hallway to the Great Hall, trying to shake the crimson from her face. Shortly after she arrived at breakfast that morning, sitting by Ron and across from Ginny. 

"Good Morning Mione'!" Harry smiled, his arm draped over Ginny's shoulders. 

"Morning" Hermione smiled in return. 

"How are you?" Ginny asked. 

"Fine" She said sweetly as she buttered her toast. 

By now Ron was already stuffing his face with a large amount of food. Which in Hermione's opinion was repulsive. 

"Ronald... Do you even breathe?" She asked clearly disgusted . 

"What?" Ron asked, mouth full. 

"Nevermind" She couldn't help but grimace at the egg that flew out of his mouth when he spoke. 

She quickly finished her breakfast and left, not wanting to watch Ron's gross eating any longer. She got up and headed to her first class of the day, Potions, taught by Professor Slughorn. She walked through the doors to find herself in the same class room as before the war. She sat down at a desk and placed her book out, along with her parchment, inkwell and quill. She took a deep breath and sat up with good posture in her seat, waiting for class to start. 

Many students walked in, passing her to their desk and things like that. Ginny walked into the room and spotted Hermione. She quickly picked up her pace and sat herself next to her best friend with a smile glued to her face. They smiled at each other and then Slughorn walked in. 

-Hermione's P.O.V-

"Good Morning class!" He smiled cheekily. "Now today we will be choosing our pairs for the academic year. You may not change your partner, I did not choose them out of who you like or not I chose them you of what will be easiest and your grades. So two people who are towards the top of the class may be pared and visa verse... When I say easiest I mean people who will have a easy time being able to meet up, such as the same house and such.... Now any questions?" He asked. 

No one replied so he started "Now then, here we go... Hannah Abbott and Neville Longbottom... Stewart Ackerley and Luna Lovegood..." Professor Slughorn continued on and on and I managed to zone out. 

"Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy" He said and I suddenly snapped back into reality.

Not again! Please no! It's bad enough I have to deal with him everyday this year and now he's my partner for the year?! I mean... I guess he hasn't been that bad... but really?!

When he finished the name calling all I heard was Malfoy and I were together, Ginny and Harry were together and Ron and Lavender were together, yay. 

"Alright, move to the desk where your partner sits please. Doesn't matter what desk" He smiled "Once you are at a desk get used to it because that desk will be yours and your partners for the year" Slughorn concluded.

Ginny got up and went to Harry and Draco got up and came to me.

"Malfoy" I nodded.

"Granger" He replied.

This was going to be great!... Note the sarcasm in my voice.

After classes and dinner for the day I headed to the Common Room. I got to the portrait hole and said the password. I walked inside to see Malfoy working on some homework at his desk. I continued walking into the livingroom.

"We have rounds at 11" He reminded me.

"Right" I said offering a smile. 

I then sat down on the lvingroom floor by the fire and started on my homework.

"Hey Granger?" He asked suddenly.

"Hm?" I asked looking up from my homework to see him standing right by me.

"Could I... Um...  join you?" He asked softly, clearly nervous.

I was taken back "Uh, Of course" I said slowly, quiet shocked.

He offered a small smile, which also shocked me but I returned. He then sat down by me as he set his homework down in front of him. After a while of silence besides the crackling fire and scribbling of quills he spoke.

"Bloody hell..." He muttered.

"What?" I asked.

"I can't figure this out" He sighed exasperated.

"What is it?" I asked again.

He sighed "Question 31: Magnifies the spell caster's voice, functioning as a magical megaphone, what spell is this?" He read quoting the paper.

"Ah, 'Sonorus'" I nodded and went back to my work.

"Of course! How did I not remember that?" He sighed and wrote it down. "They don't call you The Brightest Witch Of Your Age for nothing, eh?" He smirked and went back to his work.

Wait? Did Draco Malfoy just complement me?

"Did you just... Complement me, Malfoy?" I asked completely shocked.

"Well it wasn't an insult" He retorted, with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded and couldn't help but smile... He had complemented me... And even admitted to it...

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