17: Free

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A/N: Beware, contains Dramione fluff! ;)

-Draco's P.O.V-

I woke up, sitting on the couch in sweat pants and a t-shirt that I had changed into last night. My beautiful Hermione laid on my chest, in night shorts and a baggy t-shirt. My arms were protectively around her and one of her arms was on my chest and the other was in my hair. I smiled down at her, thinking about how I almost lost her last night but she forgave me... Like she always does. And I am so thankful for that. Last night was Halloween night and at the party that 'daft dimbo' –as Hermione would say- jumped me. I could taste the alcohol on her repulsive breath.

Hermione stirred a bit and wrapped the arm that was on my chest around me tighter. She nuzzled her face into my chest and head into the crook of my neck. I smiled at this and took one of my arms and played with her long brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. Her eyes fluttered open...

"Hello Ferret" She smiled.

"Hello Beaver" I teased and kissed the top of her head.

She sighed, with a smile and reached up, stretching her neck and tried to kiss my cheek but couldn't reach so she kissed my jawline.

"Mm I wouldn't mind more of that" I smirked.

"Of course you wouldn't" She smiled and sat up so she was straddling me around my waist.

My smirk widened as she leaned down, kissing my neck softly. She trailed up my jawline to my lips and I kissed her back. I sat up slowly, her lips never leaving mine and I moved so I was sitting up on the couch normally. Hermione sat on my lap her legs on either side of me as she hungrily kissed me, her hands tangled in my hair. My hands rested on her waist and I licked across her bottom lip, asking for entrance, which she happily granted. She opened her mouth slightly and I tilted her head to the side for better access as I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She let out a soft moan into my mouth, making me just kiss her harder and more hungrily. I slid my hands down her waist and to her legs, uncovered by her shorts. I ran them down to her knees and then back up, as I reached the fabric of her shorts I moved them down slightly and under the fabric, continuing up under the fabric or her short shorts still sliding my hands up, when she pulled away slightly.

"Draco" She muttered against my lips.

"Sorry I.. I didn't mean to... When your ready I'm ready... But not a moment sooner then that" I told her, our lips nearly brushing as I spoke.

"Thank you Draco" She pulled me into a hug, still on my lap and we held each other in this embrace.

"We don't have class today" She muttered into my shoulder.

She's right, it was Sunday! Halloween was yesterday, which was Saturday. And today was... November 1st.... I pulled away from her embrace and looked down.

"What's wrong?" She asked, placing a hand on my chin, forcing me to look up.

"Today's November 1st..." I said softly.

Her eyes went sad "Draco... I'm sorry..." She said softly.

"I'm not... He's gone... Or he will be by noon... He cant force me to do what I don't want to.... Hermione I'm free!... I'm safe, and so are you" I said reaching to her face, cupping it with my hand.

She smiled at me "You're free"

"I am" I said and pecked her on the lips.

"Draco..." She muttered softly.

"Hm?" I turned my head towards her.

"Is that your owl?" She asked.

"Yeah... It is..." I got up and took the letter from Dragon, my new owl. He jet black all over except for his ear tuffs that were white. His eyes were electric green. I opened the letter and read it ...


My dear boy, I write to you today for the first time in a long time... I am truly sorry I haven't written more. Today at 9:15am your father received the dementor's kiss... There will be a funeral held in two weeks on Saturday, Nov. 13th. It will be held at the Manor and he will be buried in the graveyard. I would like you to be there but if you can't get away I understand, with being Head Boy and all. Though I did make sure it was a Saturday for your connivance.

I am also proud to tell you I'm doing much better... I started cooking and cleaning along with the house elves and have been feeling much happier. I have been reading and I even have been outside recently. Draco I am doing well and I hope you are too!

Please tell me you have found a girl?! I mean honestly Draco you are nineteen now! If you have one, I want to see her! If she can bring her to the funeral... Don't worry, there will be NO Death Eaters, I would never allow it. I know it's not the happiest of occasions to meet her but I believe your father's funeral should be to remind us we are free now.

With much love,

Your Mother, Narisssa"

I smiled seeing the letter from my Mother. I was just so glad she was feeling better and not simply staring out a window all day. I knew my Mother would accept Hermione, my mother didn't care about whether she was a Pureblood or Muggleborn. I smiled and looked at Hermione, sitting on the couch looking at my curiously.

"Hermione... Would you like to meet my Mother?" I asked with a smiled.


A/N: Comment what you think! Thank you all so much!!!

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