24: Pain

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-No P.O.V-

They found him. Lying on the ground in one of the halls on the fourth floor outside of the classrooms. They found him out there in the morning when kids were on their way to breakfast. The young thirdyear girl bent down to him...

"Um... Are you okay?" She asked shaking the 8th years arm.

Suddenly Professor Slughorn came out of the classrooms, "Step away! Make room! What's wrong with the lad?" He asked as the thirdyear got up and walked to her friends.

After a moment the old professor spoke again, "Oh my... Oh my dear Merlin! You young girl" she pointed to the thirdyear, "Go get Head Mistress!" He ordered, "Tell her it's urgent! Tell her, theirs been a death in the castle"


 -That same morning, Saturday-  -With Hermione and Draco, No P.O.V-

Hermione stirred a bit as she laid in the Slythrin green bed. She tightened her grip around the blonde's shirtless, perfectly toned chest, nursling the top of her head deeper into the crook of his neck. He smirked, already being awake though his eyes were closed, and continued tracing little circles over her bare shoulder with his middle finger. The brunet wore a tanktop and night shorts and he wore only sweatpants. Their already intertwined legs under the black comforter and dark green silk sheets.

Hermione opened her eyes, "Morning" She whispered in a voice only he could hear.

His eyes remained closed, "Morning" He whispered back.

She then kissed his bare chest a few times, his eyes then opened for a moment. She trailed soft little kissed up his neck and his eyes once more closed. She reached his mouth and planted a lingering kiss on his lips. Then removed her lips and let herself fall on him, her head on his chest, her torso on his.

"Well isn't that a friendly 'Good morning'" He smirked and kissed the top of her head.

She giggled softly before speaking again, "What time is it?" She asked.

"Mmm..." He stretched out to look, "8:30... Good thing it is Saturday... Otherwise class would be in a halfhour" He muttered to her. "I love Saturdays more" He continued.


"Mmm and Sundays"


"Because... I get to be with you ALL day" He purred.

"Your so sweet" She giggled again.

"I know"

There was a sudden knock on the portrait door...

They both jumped out of bed as fast as they could... Knowing that the only one who would come would be Professor McGonagall... Hermione ran into the bathroom and crossed into her room so she would enter from her room (just incase)... She ran out of her room and headed into the common room to find Professor McGonagall standing in their entry way... At this point she thanked God she had took the time to go through her room. Draco also made his way out as he pulled a shirt over his head.

"Good morning you too... I'm sorry to bother you with no warning and I hope I didn't interrupt anything." She said in a very serious tone.

"No, completely fine professor, please excuse my informal attire" Hermione apologized for she was in short night shorts and a little tank top.

"Of course, like I said I gave no warning but I'm afraid I have some horrible news..." She sighed deeply.

"Yes?" Draco spoke up, coming closer to the two females.

"I am sad to say that this morning Mr.Weasely was found on the fourth floor by a thirdyear... Professor Slughorn came to his aid... But-" she seemed to get chocked up... "But he was already gone" She looked down, clearly fighting tears... "Mr. Weasely has passed away"

Hermione listened with wide eyes... Tears slipped from her eyes by the words, "Already gone"... Her mouth was slightly open and her chin began quivering. "Wha-what?" She stumbled out.  "How?" she asked.

Draco moved closer to the young Gryfinndor who could not show her bravery at the time. He kept a slight distance, but was ready for her when she needed to crash into him...

"They are trying to figure that out now... We are not sure but, between you and I for now... It looks like a killing curse... Though we really cannot be sure so please, keep it quiet... I wanted to tell you so you could be alert... I'm truly sorry for your loss... Our loss" She said trying to get back to her normal attire.

Hermione was at a loss for words... How could Ron be dead? After all they had gone through... Yes, he had been a total arse the last couple months but... He had been her best friend for 7 years... ANd now he was dead???

McGonagall nodded, clearly wanting to get out before she broke down... She then left through the portrait hole... When the portrait door closed Hermione turned to Draco who had his hand on the back of his neck, clearly stressed. Tears had now streaked her face and was quivering slightly...

"Come here" He muttered softly and she didn't hesitate before crashing into him.

He wrapped his strong arms around her as her hands clutched his chest and she cried softly into his shirt. He had his mouth and nose on her head and in her hair like a kiss that didn't leave her head.

Draco hated seeing her unhappy, and when she cried, he wanted to cry. She was his light, his happiness, his love, his everything... Her emotions affected his and visa verse. The two of them were so perfectly in sync, maybe not because they both felt the emotion that the other had... But being so close to each other created the emotion to rub off to the other almost instantly...

"It's gonna be okay" He whispered to her, "I'm so sorry love" He continued more soothing words like that.

-One Hour Later-

Hermione entered Gryfinndor tower, the first thing she saw was Harry and Ginny on the couch... Harry had tear stained eyes but Ginny was sobbing... She went over and hugged both her friends... Then they sat on the couch crying letting it all out. After a long time it was dark... They looked at the time and they had missed dinner.

Hermione left after some sad goodbyes and then headed back to the Heads dorm where Draco was seated on the couch.

"Hey" He muttered, getting up crossing to her.

"Hi" She mumbled, going to him.

He pulled her in and hugged her tightly. She hugged him back just so. After their embrace they went to bed in her room together. She snuggled into his bare chest like the night before and he traced circles on her shoulder, soothingly.

"Draco" She whispered.


"I love you"

"I love you too Hermione" He kissed the top of her head.


A/N: Please Comment what you think so far! I really love this fanfic and I hope you do too!!!

Much love and Ship on!!!

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