21: The Jerk

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-Draco's P.O.V-

A little over one week had passed since my fathers funeral, but I couldn't stop thinking about it. Honestly I couldn't stop thinking about how I was finally free... But also the fact about how much he's done to me... And that tattoo on my arm is a constant reminder. But I must admit Hermione makes everything easier, she talks to me and tries to take my mind off things. Today was Sunday and Hermione had gotten me out of the Common Room outside. She said "Fresh air would do me good"... Bollocks. I on the on the other hand had other plans...

She pulled me along with her, her hand in mine. We walked out to the courtyard. A chilly November day but, surprisingly, not horribly cold. We got to a tree, but not just any tree, Hermione's favorite tree. Once there she dropped my hand and climbed up so she was sitting on a low branch, so she was now just slightly taller then me.

"Oh no" I muttered to her "Nope, this won't do" I smirked.

"What?" She asked curiously.

"This. Won't. Do" I said slowly.

"And why not?" She asked, perking her head to the side.

"Because, I have other plans" I said and quickly grabbed her off the branch, throwing her light self over my shoulder.

"DRACO!" She screamed as I threw her over my shoulder and started walking away. She beat on my back with her fists "Put me down this instant!" She protested loudly.

"Nope" I smirked wider, popping the 'p'.

"Ughhhh" She let out a exasperated groan.

After a short walk we arrived at the Quittich field. I then set her down on her feet and she huffed up at me. She then realized where we were...

"What are we doing here?" She asked nervously.

"If I remember correctly you once told me you have only been on a broom once or twice, correct? Not to mention you HATE it?" I asked, my smirk growing.

"Yes..." She said worried.

"Then you can get rid of your fear" I smiled reassuringly "Accio Broom!" I shouted and a nimbus 2000 came flying to the pitch. It then stopped, hovering right next to us about 3 feet above the ground.

"No" She said quickly "NO WAY" She nearly yelled.

"Yes" I said firmly.







"NO" She yelled and started walking away.

"You'll be with me! Please Hermione!" I begged, grabbing her arm.

"Draco" She begged the same way.

"Yes" I said and picked her up bridal style.

She huffed as I set her down on the broom, I then got on in front of her and took her arms that were glued to her sides. I took her arms and wrapped them around my waist, as I was in front.

"Okay... Hermione, your safe, I won't let anything happen to you" I told her in a soft voice "Just hold on to me okay" I felt her grip tighten slightly, she buried her face into my back and nodded. "Okay" I breathed and with that I let the broom rise from the ground, she gasped and gripped on to me with a strong death grip... I could hardly breath to be honest, but I didn't care.

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