14: I Gotcha

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-Hermione's P.O.V-

Draco and I together... Something I would never think to happen! But he is everything I ever wanted. He makes me feel safe which is something Ron never gave me.  He makes me feel protected and safe. I thought at first he had 'changed' but really, he's been this way his whole life just hiding it because he was forced to. It broke my heart to know that he had to hide it inside.

It been a week... One week together. We haven't kissed since the time in the R.O.R but we do spend more time together. We haven't told anyone yet, because we have no idea how they'll react. Today was Saturday and I was in the Library studying. When I heard someone behind me. I turned to see Ron walking towards me.

"Hey Hermione" He said sitting next to me, we really haven't talked since... what happed.

I sighed "Ron what do you want?"

"Can we talk?" He asked.


"I-I'm so sorry Hermione... I never should have done what I did... Would you consider giving us another chance? I miss you, I need you" He pleaded.

"Ronald, I would never give you another chance... Not after what you've done to me..." I snapped, closing my book.

"Please Hermione you don't understand!" He begged.

"What? Is your dimbo of a girlfriend done using you?" I asked getting up.

"How dare you!?" Ron yelled.

"How dare I?! Ronald, just stay away from me!!!"

"Get away from her Weasel!!!" A strong voice boomed from behind me.

Draco ran in and over to me, stepping next to me and slightly in front. He put his right arm out, like he was shielding me.

"Why do you care Malfoy!?" Ron snapped.

"I'm warning you Weasel... Leave her alone" Draco warned.

Ron scoffed "Why. do. you care about her!? To you she's a mudblood!!!" Ron yelled.

"How dare you call her that!" Draco pushed Ron.

"What's with you too?!" Ron asked.

"Ronald just go!" I yelled.

"Whatever" He stormed off.

"Are you okay?" Draco asked, turning towards me.

I breathed hard now "Yeah" I nodded.

"You sure? What did he want?"

"He wanted to get back together... I told him never"

He smiled a little "That's my girl" He stepped closer.

I couldn't help but move closer as well, still breathing hard. He moved his hand to my cheek, slowly leaning down as his lips met mine for the second time. Fireworks through my stomach as I kissed him back. I feeling a could never describe. It feels amazing! As we kissed suddenly his tongue pushed gently across my bottom lip. I gasped slightly and his tongue slipped into my mouth, exploring every crevice. He tilted my head for easier access. That slight flavor of tea and green apples dancing with my tongue, As our tongues danced around each other. I felt like we were the only ones in the entire world.

As we parted, breathing deeply, a looked up at him, into those deep, icy gray eyes that I love so much.

"C'mon, let's go" He put his arm around me "I gotcha" He smiled and we headed to the Common Room.

As we arrived at the portrait hole we quickly said the password "Bowgart" I said. We walked in and planted ourselves on the couch. I flicked my wand and a fire started, warming us up. Draco put his arm around me and I laid back on his chest as he played with my hair. We stayed like this for a while, just enjoying each others company.

"Mr. Malfoy... Miss Granger!" McGonagall started walking in.

We both sprang from each others arms, standing up looking at her.

"I hope I wasn't... Interrupting anything?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course not!" I smiled innocently "How can we help you?"

"Well one I wanted to see how you were settling in?" She asked.

"Were good" Draco chimed in "Great actually" He smiled.

"Wonderful! So now I wanted to inform you that there is going to be a Halloween Masquerade Ball! I wanted to let you know because I want you too to make a poster for it... The teachers will do the rest!" She smiled. 

"Okay" I nodded.

"Great! And choose a good costume!" She smiled and walked out.

I looked at Draco "Fun" I raised my eyebrows.  

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