5: I'm Sorry

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-Draco's P.O.V-

Why did I do what I did? Why did I say what I did? I don't know... Because I'm no where near good enough for her... She is sweet, beautiful, kind, caring, smart, everything I've ever wanted, the girl of my dreams, the girl I love... And I'm a coward, a ex-Death Eater, a murderer, a monster. How could she ever love a monster like me? I didn't deserve her! She deserves someone better then me, WAY better.

A week passed, we never spoke. We did our nightshifts and worked in Potions together, but nothing more then that. I felt horrible about what I said to her, she probably does hate me now...  All I want is to be with her, tell her the truth... But she is with Weasel... She deserves someone better then him too but I deserve her less...

After dinner on Friday (6 days since the day in the R.O.R) I was sitting doing my homework when I decided enough was enough... I waited until Hermione got back and then I knew what I was going to do...

-Hermione's P.O.V-

I walked through the portrait hole into the Common Room. I saw Malfoy was sitting there so I headed towards my room.

"Granger" He said standing up.

I turned looking at him, quite surprised for we don't talk outside of classes and such.

"Listen, I'm sorry... I... I didn't mean it, I was just upset and I'm sorry..." He continued softly.

"It's okay Malfoy" I sighed.

"And I'm sorry... For being horrid to you for all those years... I'm sorry for everything Hermione" He confessed sadly.

"Did you just call me Hermione?" I asked softly.

"Yeah... You can call me Draco if you want, I don't mind" He gave a soft smile.

I smiled back at him "I accept your apology, Draco... I forgive you... For everything" I nodded.

I did accept it... I did forgive him... The worst he ever did to me was call me a Mudblood... Which yeah it hurt but... He never did anything I could never forgive... Yes he was a Death Eater but I believed he was forced...

"Thank you Hermione" He smiled a big sincere smile. He looked overjoyed "Thank you so much" He said hugging me tightly...

Draco Malfoy... Just hugged me... Hugged me! But... I felt butterflies... chills... I felt warm, calm... Safe. I hugged him back just as tight, a smile on my face like his. He smelled like light cologne and green apples. We stayed in this embrace for a short while before finally parting.

I laughed "Hm, never thought I'd see the great Draco Malfoy hug a 'Mudblood' Hermione Granger" I teased.

"Don't call yourself that! Blood status never mattered to me, only my father..." He confessed.

I nodded, offering another smile, which he returned.

"C'mon... Our shift is starting in ten minutes" He nodded before going in his room.

After about fifteen minutes Draco came out of his room.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yep" I smiled, grabbing my wand.

Tonight's rounds would be much more enjoyable with us not ignoring eachother the whole time. We walked out of the portrait hole and down the long dark hallway, our wands lit with a Lumos spell. We continued down the hall in silence when we heard something... It sounded like someone snogging. We both sighed and walked into the abandon classroom on our right.

A blond girl was pressed up against the wall being roughly snogged. She was topless, as was he and had her legs around his waist. She was being snogged by a... a red head... a familiar red head...

"R-Ron?" I asked in disbelief.

He turned around quickly "Hermione!... I-its not what you think..." He stuttered.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I felt a pang though my stomach "Really?! Because it looks like exactly what I think! How could you Ronald?!" I yelled.

"Hermione please" He said rushing towards me.

"Don't you dare touch her Weasel!" Draco's voice boomed from behind me.

"You know what Ron, We're though! I knew you seemed distant and different... But this?! We are over Ron!" I yelled before walking out.

"Hermione!" He ran after me.

"Stay out of my life!!!" I screamed walking away.

"I'm Sorry!" He yelled after me.

"You blithering idiot! How dare you do that to her!?" I heard Draco yell.

I spun around to see what was going on.

"I swear if I see you anywhere near here I'll hex you into obviation!" Draco yelled at him.

Ron then punched Draco in the stomach.

"Draco!" I yelled, running back towards them.

"That's alright Hermione... Now I can say it was self defense..." He said and punched Ron in the nose.

"Won-Won!!!" Lavender screamed.

That's when I realized it was Lavender Brown he was snogging. More tears ran down my face. I shook my head and grabbed Draco's arm, putting it over my shoulders and helped him along as we hurried to the Common Room.

"You really don't need to help me" He said to me.

"It's okay" I said trying to be strong.

"Bowgart" I said and quickly helped Draco inside, putting him on the couch... Even though I knew he was okay, I used him as a distraction to try and keep my mind off what happened... But it didn't work.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I'm..." I started but couldn't speak. I let out a sob as tears streamed down my face.

"Shh It's okay... He's not worth crying over" He said pulling me towards him.

He wrapped his strong arms around me protectively and I just sobbed into his shirt, my head on his chest. I gripped his shirt on his shoulders needing something to hold onto. He just held me close as I sobbed miserably.

When I finally stopped crying just enough I said one word: "Thank you" I then continued crying softly into his shirt... And wound up falling asleep in his strong, protective arms. Making me feel warm, calm and safe.


A/N: Thank you for reading!!! Please comment and vote!!!

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