10: Night Terrors

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-Third Person P.O.V-

Almost 3 weeks have passed. Hermione is over Ron. Ron and Lavender and still together. Draco has been eating, thanks to Hermione. He is healthy again. However he doesn't sleep much still and is using a spell to remove the bags from his eyes. Hermione and Draco have grown closer over the 3 weeks. More playful and joke with one another. Little does Hermione know how badly she is falling...

-Hermione's P.O.V-

I woke with a start, hearing a horrid screaming. Not like a high pitched girl scream. More like a yell... Draco... I jumped out of bed, just wearing night shorts and a T-shirt. I ran out of my room, my bare feet pattering against the wood floor. I got to Draco's door and heard the yelling. I went to knock... Oh what ever! I ran inside to see Draco in his bed yelling, tears flooding, he was just sobbing and screaming. He looked to be still asleep, like a night terror. I ran over and got on his bed, I pushed him down so he wasn't thrashing back and forth.

"Draco!" I yelled over his screaming.

He didn't wake.

"Draco come on! Wake up" By now tears were streaking my cheeks too because I just couldn't stand to see him like this.

"Draco!!!" I yelled.

His eyes opened and he yelled one last time before breaking down sobbing.

"Shhh it's okay I'm here" I told him as I wrapped him in a tight hug.

I sat on my knees and he had just thrown himself over so his head was buried in the crook of my neck, his torso in my lap. I held around his shoulder and the other hand stroked his soft platinum hair. His arm gripped at the small of my back and the other loosely held my shoulder and upper arm. After a short while he calmed down, now just breathing hard.

"Hey your okay... I'm here" I continued with soothing words.

He then sat up looking at me. He suddenly wrapped his arms around me tightly, hugging me.

"Thank you Hermione" He muttered in my ear, giving me chills.

"Of course, you would have done the same for me" I smiled as he let go of me.

"You okay?" I asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah..." He sighed.

"Good" I smiled at him.

"What time is it?" He asked.

That's when I noticed it was still dark out...

"Um... I'm not sure... But tomorrows a Saturday so..." I assured him with a nod. "I'm gonna check" I said and got up.

I looked at the time and saw it was '4:09am'.

"Almost 4:10am" I said walking back in.

"Oh.. sorry I woke you" He said softly.

"It's okay Draco" I smiled.

"That normally happens when I sleep..." He sighed.

"When you sleep?" I asked.

"I don't sleep much because when I do that happens" He explained.

"I've never heard you yell before though..."

"That's because I haven't slept..." He confessed.

"Draco you have to sleep... You can die without it!" I said worried.

"I use spells so that doesn't happen..." He sighed again.

"Draco" I muttered "Okay this qualifies as one of those things I swore to do..." I said firmly.

"Hermione don't bother" He said slightly annoyed.

"I will..." I scoffed.

After some short silence I spoke "I get them too sometimes..."

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah... Ever since the war" I sighed "Some nights are worse then others"

"Yeah... I know how that is" He said softly.

"Well... I'm gonna head to bed then..." I said softly with a deep breath and got up.

"Hermione" He stopped me.

"What?" I turned around quickly.

"I uh... Um... nothing..." He shook his head.

"What? You can tell me" I said walking back go his bedside.

"W-would you uh... mind uh... you know.. L-like... staying?" He stuttered out.

"Like... The rest of the night?" I asked shocked. I was surprised he'd ask that but I was personally more then flattered... actually quite happy.

"Sorry, never mind I.. It was stupid" He covered.

"No" I said softly "I don't mind... I can stay" I offered a small smile.

"Thank you Hermione" He smiled gratefully "Just knowing someone's there... Helps, you know?"

"I know" I smiled and laid down, under the blankets.

We laid apart, careful not to touch each other, scared that the other wouldn't be ready for that. I put my head down on the pillow and fell asleep probably faster then I should have considering I was supposed to be 'there for him'.


I woke up, my head on a shirtless, very toned, perfect chest, with a strong arm around me. I looked up to see Draco, fast asleep. My arm was around his perfectly toned torso. I had to admit, he had perfect abs. Not too muscular but just toned enough to show the indentations and strong pecks and arms. I smiled to myself seeing he was peacefully asleep. A few platinum blonde locks fell into his eyes and I couldn't help but move them away. I reached up with the same hand that was around his waist and brushed them gently out of his face.

His eyes then opened and I quickly took my hand away. He looked down at me as I looked up at him. There I lay on his shirtless chest, In nothing but night shorts and a tanktop... and I was just caught moving hair from his face... all of this after spending the night in HIS bed.... Harry and Ginny must never know!

He just stared deeply into my eyes as I did the same into his. His icy gray eyes that seemed like they had his soul telling a hundred stories within.

"Morning Ferret" I broke the silence.

He smirked "Morning Beaver"

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Honestly... That was the first time I slept more then a hour" He confessed.

I looked at the time '9:22'.

"We over slept... and missed breakfast... But its a Saturday so... But it was worth it because you got some sleep" I smiled at him.

"Yeah I guess I did" He smiled back.

"A whole five hours worth!" I exclaimed, sitting up.

"Wow you do keep your promises" He teased.

"See I told you I'd fix you" I smiled brightly.

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