23: Firelight Dancing

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-Hermione's P.O.V-

"MIONE!" Ginny yelled as I walked into the great hall. "Troll in the bathroom! Troll in the bathroom" She took me by my shoulders.

"Calm yourself Gin, I'm coming" I said as she pulled me out.

After we got into the hall outside she started, "Hermione! Harry proposed last night!!! After we get out of Hogwarts we're getting married Mione!!!" She exclaimed excitedly.

"Seriously?! That's amazing Gin!" I hugged her.

"I know! I thought it was a bit soon to marry now but its more like a fiancé for a year!" She smiled, bouncing up and down.

I laughed, "Oh Ginny! That's great!" I replied as we walked back into the hall, catching eyes with Draco on the way.

"Congratz Harry!" I smiled at him.

"Ahh there was a troll huh?" Harry asked.

"Yes a BIG one" Ginny plopped down.

I laughed.

-Draco's P.O.V-  -Later in the Common Room-

 I sat on the couch, reading a book for a Potions report... The fire was crackling, the only light in the room besides the fire was a small lamp on the end table near me on the couch. It was peaceful and I was busy reading but I was sort of lonely without Hermione sitting by me... Her head on my shoulder, or myself laying across the couch, my head in her lap. Then, as if on cue... Hermione walked into the common room, her book bag over her shoulder.

I put my book down and smiled at her as she set her bag down. She turned and plopped down next to me on the couch a smile on her face.

"I missed you" I confessed.

"I missed you" She smiled and pecked me on the lips. She then put her head on my shoulder and I felt complete again.

"Harry and Ginny got engaged" She said, "Ginny told me at dinner"

"Wow! Already... I mean we're only nineteen" I was quite shocked to be honest.

"Well... their not getting actually married till after we graduate... But I agree it's early" She added on the subject.

"Yes, better wait until we are at least... twenty" I said sarcastically.

"Mm agreed" She laughed.

After a hour or so Hermione went into her room and changed into leggings and a t-shirt. She came out with a small box in her hand... A plastic cube type object... With buttons and things.

"What is that?" I asked confused.

"A radio..." She said putting a flat circular thing that was shiny and metal looking in a slot.

Suddenly it started playing muggle music, I jumped as music started. She laughed.

The song played and she smiled at me, "Come here" She ordered.

"Why?" I asked, comfortable on the couch.

"Come" She said again.

"Fine" I laughed and got up.

She took my hands and put them around her waist, she then put her arms around my neck.

"Is this the way you ask to dance... "Come"?" I laughed.

She nodded, "Yup" She smiled bigger and put her head on my chest.

"Well okay then... I'm fine with that" I pulled her closer.

She giggled, "We're very odd" She muttered.

"Me? I'm not the one who randomly came out with a rad-ee-oh thingy and pulled me into dancing" I teased.

"Radio Draco, it's a radio... And you are just as strange because you love me just the same" She explained.

I chuckled again, "True, very true" 

I loved her with my whole heart... And I was so glad to have her... I couldn't even begin to explain how lucky I am to have her... How she gave me a chance, and this is the best thing that ever happened to me... I cherish every moment with my beautiful Hermione.

"I love you" I whispered in her ear.

"I love you more" She whispered back.

"Not possible"

"I think it is because I love you a lot..."

"It isn't... Trust me... There's no way possible you could love me more then I love you... No way"

She smiled with a sigh... "Fine, we love each other the same amount... How bout that?"


"Good... I love you my handsome Ferret"

"I love you too my beautiful Beaver"


A/N: Sorry its so short... Filler chapter before things get exciting!

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