11: Worth It

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-Hermione's P.O.V- -The next day, Sunday-

On Sunday it was horribly cloudy, raining with thunder and lightning.  I got dressed and went down to breakfast. I went to Draco's room to get him but he wasn't there... So I headed alone... Today I wore navy skinny jeans. A purple long sleeve shirt that had a hoodie on the beck. I then put a jean jacket over the shirt and pulled the hood out. I also wore my favorite black combat boots. I had left my hair down and had the usual light makeup on.

As I arrived my eyes immediately fled to the Slytherin table... I searched for Draco but he wasn't there either! I started becoming extremely worried. I got to the Gryfindor table and sat by Ginny and grabbed a piece of toast and started quickly buttering it.

"Morning Mione" Ginny smiled.

"Morning..." I said and got up with my ready toast.

"You just got here... Where are you going?" She asked.

"I uh... Okay I really don't want to take much time to say this but... Draco wasn't in the Common Room and not here so I'm going to look for him" I said quickly in one breath. 

"I know you guys are friends and all but aren't you being a little over protective?" She asked.

"No... He can get... Depressed... Trust me on this Ginny... If nothing else Ill feel better" I said quickly.

"Okay fine... Bye" She offered a smile.

"Bye" I said and took a bite of my toast, heading off to find him.

First I checked the Black Lake... Nothing. I then ran off towards the R.O.R next hoping maybe I would find him there. I ran up the stairs and stood outside. I though - I need a place where Draco would be -. Suddenly a door formed and I quickly walked in. It was very cluttered, everything was in there from old chests to a vase full of gold. There was stuff everywhere you look it was like a maze. Everything was covered in spider webs and dust. There were a good amount of windows but there was no lights on. A occasional flash of lightning flickered through the room, the rain outside poured so loud you could hear it very well. It was very creepy and quite unnerving.  

"Lumos" I whispered and started walking, trying not to trip over the million random things in the room.

As I walked farther into the room I heard heavy breathing. My grip tightened on my wand, I'll admit I was a bit nervous. I got to where it was coming from... Draco sat on a old ragged couch, his head low hanging between his knees with one of his hands on his neck. His breathing was hard and the other hand held  a copy of the Daily Prophet.

"Nox" I whispered so he couldn't hear, the light in my wand went out so it was dark besides the light from the windows.

"Draco" I said walking over to him.

I looked up suddenly, he looked shocked that I was there. I noticed his eyes were red from crying as he stood up.

"I l-looked at a copy of the Prophet... And.. I" He stuttered holding tears.

I quickly walked over and took the paper from him. I looked at it...

Lucius Malfoy Gets What He Deserves -By Rita Seeker

Lucius Malfoy, Death Eater and lead server to the Dark Lord, finally gets what he deserves. After years of murdering and torturing with Dementors Lucius Malfoy gets a taste of his own potion by being sentenced to the Demtentors Kiss. After a short trail where the Malfoy family was not even notified about , the wizarding court sentenced Lucius Malfoy to the Dementors Kiss and in other words death, on the 1st of November. 

More on page 9

"Draco..." I sighed.

"I didn't even know... They didn't even tell me my father would be executed in two weeks!" He sighed deeply.

"I'm so sorry Draco" I said putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I'm glad he's finally getting what he deserves! He was horrid! He hates anyone who wasn't a pureblood! I hated him... He forced me to do things I never would have done! Did you know I might not have been a Slytherin?! He demanded them to make me one before I even got my letter! He made me act the part of a Slytheri... I never wanted to be like that Hermione!" He yelled.

My heart broke more and more at every word.

"I never wanted to be who he made me be... This... the person you've met this year... That's the real me Hermione" He said moving closer to me. "I hated him... I'm glad he going to get what he's getting... I just..." He shook his head not knowing what to say.

"It's okay Draco... I like this you... This you is sweet and funny, smart and kind... A good person!" I exclaimed moving towards him.

"You... You really believe that?" He asked.

"I do... Draco, your a wonderful person... and I'm so glad this year went the way it went so I got to know you! There are always silver linings... And even the war had one... For me at least" I confessed.

"For me too" He moved so we were only a few inches a part.

He brushed his thumb over my cheek, leaning towards me. But quickly stopped himself "I don't deserve you" He whispered.

"Yes you do..." I said leaning into him.

Our lips touched, his soft lips moved against mine. I felt butterflies and sparks and... well Fireworks! It felt perfect like I never wanted the moment to end. He kissed me with such passion, like it was meant to be. Our lips moved together, with the most amazing feeling. His soft, velvety, perfect lips, he tasted like tea and a hint of green apples. I had never been kissed like that before, not by anyone this one felt like it was suppose to be... Like somehow I could tell he was the one.

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