27: Plans For The Holidays

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-No P.O.V-

'Ron Weasely Dead - Killer Found -By Rita Seeker

A few days after the young witch Lavender Brown, was taken away from Hogwarts the Ministry put her on trial. Her family came to the trail to see their sobbing daughter in the middle of the room for questioning... After a short trail she was found guilty. After using the killing curse to murder her boyfriend, member of the Golden Trio, Ron Weasely. She was indeed under the impression of the Imperious Curse but she has been put in Azkaban for her wrong doings. As to whom put her under the curse, that is still being investigated. The Weasely family is grieving at home aside from Ginerva Weasely who just returned from there and headed back to Hogwarts after three weeks with her family. Incites say other two members of the Golden Trio Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, remained at Hogwarts but are grieving over the loss of their dear friend.

More on page 3.'

Hermione tossed The Dailey Prophet down on the coffee table in front of the couch... She sighed and leaned back, taking a sip of tea that Mrs.Malfoy sent her. She knew she would be staying at Hogwarts for Christmas break. The train would be leaving tomorrow, Ginny and Harry were leaving for the Burrow but Hermione would not be joining them. After a discussion on it over dinner she decided it would be best to stay.

She hadn't told Draco yet for she only discussed it with Ginny and Harry an hour or so ago. She waited for her blonde haired Slythrin to come back for dinner but an hour passed and still no Draco. She sighed once more and went into her room, changing into black leggings and her favorite shirt... One that Draco gave her, his old Slythrin Quittich Team shirt. It was green with the Slythrin crest on the back, above the crest was written 'Malfoy' in white. On the front of the shirt it was plain green. It was a V-neck, silky shirt that was rather big for her... But she loved it!

She put on some long socks and headed out into the common room once more. The only noise to be heard was the crackling of the fire and the soft ticking of a clock. The only light that came from the room was the fire's flames dancing around and the bit of light coming through the windows for it was dusk.

With a soft click the portrait hole opened... Hermione rushed to the side so when he came out of the hall leading inside she could tackle him with no warning... And that's what she did.... She waited for him to walk out of the hall... He began to say "Hermione" But was cut off by Hermione tackling his back...

"What the bloody hell Hermione" He laughed, "Are you trying to kill me?" He continued laughing as did she.

"Nooo" She giggled more, climbing her way up his back so she was seated like a 'piggy back ride'.

"Merlin you nearly gave me a heart attack" He sighed, still laughing.

She laughed more, "I know I'm good, huh?" She smiled and kissed the back of his neck. After she did so she got down and faced him.

"Hello" She sang.

"Hello love" He chuckled once more and pecked her lips. "I like your shirt" He smirked down at her.

"Yeah, me too... My boyfriend gave it to me" She nodded.

"Really? Wow... He must love you a lot to give you his Quittich Team shirt"

"Oh he does..." She smiled bigger.

"Well then" His smirk widened into a smile.

"So... I wont be going with Gin and Harry to the Burrow.." She said softly.

"Really? Hm, I thought you would..."

"I could never go that long without you"

He chuckled, "Same... I'm staying as well... At least for most of it... Christmas Eve, Mother wants me to come, spend the night and then Christmas day... Hey, you should come! She'd be absolutely ecstatic to see you!" He said excitedly.

"That sounds wonderful" She smiled.

"Great!... Hey, you know that means I get you all to myself for two weeks!" He exclaimed.

She giggled, "Mmm"

"No classes, no Ginny, no Harry, no homework, NO distractions... Nothing" He grinned.

"Same goes for you"


Hermione had gotten Draco a present a month or so ago... She really hoped he would like it... Little did she know but Draco had done the same for her...

Hermione had gotten Draco one thing she knew he'd love... It was a silver pocket watch, it had a crest where half was Gryfinndor and the other Slytherin. But there was something very special about the watch... It will keep time and tick for as long as she loves him.

For Hermione, Draco got her something that he would admit, he was nervous... He got her a ring, a ring that would stay on her finger for as long as he loved her... He planned for it to be a promise ring... Like a courtship, they were promised to each other until he proposed and then be engaged. He knew Hermione was the one, she made him feel whole again, happy again, she fixed her.

They hadn't planned out their gifts to each other, it just happened to end out like that.. But one thing was for sure that they would have some exciting gifts on Christmas morning.

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