19: Meeting Mother

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-Hermione's P.O.V-

We walked down the walkway passing the tall black iron gates. It looked rather creepy, I felt like I was at a haunted house. It was sprinkling out, just light rain, but it made me awfully cold considering its November and I am wear a short sleeve dress. I couldn't help but shiver a bit as we walked down the extremely long walkway.

"You want my jacket love?" Draco asked me, snapping out of my thoughts.

"No thank you, we are almost inside anyway" I nodded.

"You sure?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but I wouldn't mind your arm" I smiled, taking his arm and wrapping it around me, hiding in his side.

"Ah, I see you just want to be cuddled" He smirked down at me.

"You know me so well" I smiled, snuggling closer.

As we arrived at the door I got nervous. I didn't like the thought of being in the place I was once tortured... I knew I was safe with Draco but I couldn't help the memories that fled into my mind like flood gates.

Draco opened the huge black door and led me in, taking me out of the embrace and putting his arm around the small of my back "Mother?" He called out.

"Mother?" He called again, tightening his grip around the small of my back, making me feel safer.

"Draco? Is that you?" Narissa Malfoy asked walking down the stairs.

She was a pretty woman. Black and grayish blonde hair. Blue eyes, but not like Draco's gray ones. She wore a tight black pencil skirt and a black blouse.

"Yes, it's me" He smiled, letting go of me and hugging his mother. I smiled at their embrace.

"I didn't know if you would show!" She smiled hugging him back.

"Sorry, I wasn't sure if I would make it or not so I didn't RSVP" He said letting go of her.

Narissa suddenly gasped "A girl! Oh Draco you brought a girl!!" She smiled brightly, pulling me into a tight motherly hug.

I hugged her back smiling.

"Mother, this is Hermione Granger... My girlfriend" He smiled at her and me as our embrace ended.

"Hermione Granger!? As in the Hermione Granger!?" She asked shocked.

"Mother" He tried to stop her.

"Oh my dear! Draco has loved you for years! He has always wanted to be with you! You made my boy happier in a dark time in his life! I'm so glad you two finally got together!!!" She exclaimed, hugging me again.

I smiled, hugging her back again "My pleasure, he's made me the happiest girl in the world! I never really knew what love was until Draco showed me" I said as her second hug ended. I then smiled at her and then at Draco.

Draco smiled bigger at my words and so did Narissa.

"Oh you two are lovely together!" She smiled. "Now, the funeral will be in about a half hour so in the meantime... Can I get you some tea?"

"Oh, that would be wonderful, Yes please" I nodded gratefully.

"Draco?" She asked.

"Yes, I'd love some" He smiled as we followed her into the huge living room.

Draco and I sat together on the loveseat in front of the fireplace as a warm fire crackled in it. When Narissa returned she handed us both a cup of warm tea, she then sat in the arm chair next to the loveseat. I smelled it and it smelled wonderful! It smelled like Earl Grey but almost with a fruity tint.

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