25: One Step Closer

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-No P.O.V-

A few days later the Weasely family came to collect there son... Another Weasely lost way too soon... Poor Ginny, George, Percy, Charlie, Arthur and Molly... They had lost yet another son... and the whole family was grieving...  Ginny decided to leave Hogwarts for a few weeks and spend some much needed time with her family. Harry stayed though.

They knew that Ron was indeed murdered, taking the killing curse head on. But by whom they were unsure. There was much talk around the castle from the students saying "Death Eaters must be back" and other rubbish like that... Draco would cringe at the words and Hermione would comfort him... Hermione was doing better with the death of Ron for it had now been almost two weeks. She went to the funeral with Draco in tow about a week ago. But since then she had been doing much better...

-Draco's P.O.V- 

I walked into the Common Room on a Sunday afternoon. Coming from lunch and hearing a good amount of comments from the Slytherin table about "Another strain of Death Eaters coming back"... I cringed at the thought and so returned to the common room. When I got inside I looked to the sitting area for Hermione but she wasn't there... Then I heard the faintest of sniffles.

"Hermione?" I called out walking towards her room, "Can I come in, love?" I asked softly, my forehead against the door.

"It's open" She said softly.

When I opened the door I found her on the floor, her back leaning against the bed. On her lap a scrapbook of magic pictures... A few tears had cascaded down her face. She wasn't sobbing or even crying much... But just a few tears and sniffles. But that was still enough to make me feel horrible inside.

I went over to her immediately and copied her posture. I sat my back against the bed. I looked at the pictures... Mostly of Harry and Ron and herself... A few of Ginny as well, all no older then their forth year. She turned the page... The same thing with them all in fifth and sixth year. She turned the page yet again, pictures from her seventh year, and it warmed my heart...

Pictures of her and Ginny were very abundant. Few of Harry but some... None of Ron... But mostly of me and her... A smile crept on my face as I looked at some of the pictures she had taken of us together...  Most of them I didn't even realize she had taken the picture! Some of me playing Quttich... Some of us doing random things... I wrapped my arm around her and she leaned into me, putting her head on my lower shoulder, upper chest.

I suddenly chucked seeing one of the pictures... It was of me on the couch with my head in her lap... I was asleep and she managed to get a picture.

"I hope you don't mind... But I never want to forget any of these memories" She said softly.

"I could never mind love" I whispered into the top of her head.

And then of course... The moment 'ruiner'... I knock on the door and a very old professor came bonding through the portrait hole... We both got up and ran out... I didn't even think of the fact I was coming from Hermione's room... But luckily McGonagall seemed very stressed and didn't seem to notice.

"I have news" She nodded.

"What" Hermione looked up at her.

"We have a witness" McGonagall said quickly.

"A witness?! How?" Hermione said eagerly.

"Someone came to me today, who wishes to remain anonymous, and said they were at the attack, with Mr.Weasely" She confessed.

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