29: Christmas Break - Part 2

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-Third Person P.O.V-

Draco and Hermione would be staying at the Mansion until Christmas night... After spending the day of Christmas eve and over night, it meant it was Christmas...

Hermione stirred in the silk sheets of his warm bed, she opened her eyes to look up at the blonde. He looked down at her, he had already been playing with her hair for a while... She was laying on his chest, their legs intertwined as usual. Draco had one arm secured around her and the other hand was fiddling with the ends of her pony tail.

"Merry Christmas Beaver" He whispered, smirked down at her.

She smiled, "Merry Christmas Ferret" She giggled and jumped out of bed... Grabbing his hand and pulling him up.

"Eager are we?" He chuckled.

"Yes! It's Christmas!" She giggled once more.

She suddenly thought of her parents, how this would be another year without them... She sighed, she missed them so much. She thought of how on Christmas morning she would run down the stairs and they would sit on the couch, taking turns opening presents...

"You okay?" Draco asked, bringing her back into reality for she had zoned out.

"Huh.. Oh yeah... Just thinking..." She said putting on a short silky, gray robe that came about mid-thigh, her black leggings went down below her knees so you could see them. Her red shirt with green print reading 'Merry Christmas' was also visible under the robe.

"About?" He asked standing behind her, slithering his arms around her waist, pulling her into him from behind.

"My parents" She sighed and leans back into him.

"I'm sorry love" He whispered in her ear, sending chills up her spine.

"it's okay... let's not think about it now, it's Christmas! Let's just go downstairs and have fun" She smiled and put her hands on his that were on her waist.

"Or we could always stay up here and have fun" He kissed her neck softly once.

"I'll tell you what... When we get back to Hogwarts tonight," She turned around in his arms, "I'm all yours for the rest of break" She smiled and pecked him on the lips.

"Deal" He smiled.

"Now c'mon!" She giggled and ran towards the door.

"Oh no allow me!" He smirked and picked her up and put her over his shoulder. She laughed as they walked down the hall, "Draco!" She laughed as they arrived in the living room.

Narrissa walked out of the kitchen as Draco walked in. She smiled at the could as he put her down on the couch. Narrissa smiled brightly and walked over, "Merry Christmas you two" She hugged her son and then Hermione.

"Merry Christmas Mother"

"Merry Christmas Narrissa" Hermione smiled back.

They then proceeded to give gifts after a huge spread for breakfast... Draco and Hermione did not give each other the special gifts to each other yet, they were saving it for when they got home... However they did give each other a few small things... Hermione also had gifts at home from her friends and the Weasely's...

Narrissa got a silver bracelet with a green gem on it from Draco. He also got her a journal made of green dragon hide... She also got a muggle book from Hermione by Shakespear...

Draco got a box of his favorite candy from Honeyduke's and a nice pair of dragon hide shoes from his mother (which earned a laugh because Draco got Narrissa a Dragon hide book)... From Hermione he got a new nice tie and a picture frame that held three magic-moving pictures of them.

And for Hermione, she got a freshly made batch of tea from Narrissa, the kind she made. She put the tea bags in a wooden box that was engraved with vines and flowers... and inside it held 24 bags of tea. Hermione was ecstatic! From Draco, she got a lovely blouse that was black... and also a revived version of her favorite book Hogwarts a History... In this version there was a whole section on the war and the impact of the Golden Trio.

After a great lunch and many thank-yous from the three, Draco and Hermione got dressed, packed up and headed out after much loving good byes. With many smiles and laughs they headed back to Hogwarts... Once back Hermione went to her room to get the other presents.

-Hermione's P.O.V-

I went into my room and saw an owl at the window... Poor thing was carrying like 5 packages... I let him in and gave him extra treats... I then read the letter attached.


Merry Christmas! Here's some gifts for you, we got yours yesterday morning! Thank you! We love them! Also, the small one is from Ron, he got it for you before he, well... you know...

Love you Mione!!!

Ginny, Harry, Molly, Arthur, George, Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fleur and Teddy."

I smiled at the letter and then looked at the packages, I smiled thinking how Ron had gotten me something. I firstly opened the one from 'Molly, Arthur, Charlie, Bill, Percy Fleur and Teddy... It was a light gray sweater with a light pink 'H' on it...On top of the sweater was a book from Charlie and Fleur which was 'Rarest of Dragons'.

Next I opened a package from George, on the card read, 'and Fred'. I smiled and saw that it was prank powder. When you put it into someones pumpkin juice it makes them turn your color of choice...

Then I opened the one from Ron, it was simple and sweet, a package of assorted candy. But just the fact that he got me something was kind of him, and it meant even more now that he was dead....

Then I opened the gift from Ginny, I nearly screamed, frilly, lacy, emerald green, lingerie... Attached on the note said 'I know youd never buy it for your self... So heres to a good Christmas with Draco ;)'  I laughed and put it in the closet as fast as I could.

Then I opened Harry's, it was a picture of the four of us, Ron, Ginny, Himself and I. I smiled.

I quickly wrote individual responses and sent them off. I the grabbed the box under my bed, a black box with a silver bow. Inside was that little pocket watch that was ticking away.

I walked out into the common room and saw Draco sitting there with a white box and a gold bow. I laughed and he joined in when he realized why, exact opposites.

"Merry Christmas handsome" I smiled and walked over to the couch next to Draco.

"Merry Christmas Love" He smirked and handed me the little box.

I handed him his, "You first" I said softly.

He nodded and opened it. His eyes scanned over the pocket watch, half Gryfinndor, half Slytherin... He opened it and it was ticking softly.

"Thank you love" He smiled and hugged me.

"That's not all" I said in his arms, "It will keep ticking as long as I love you" I smiled as I pulled away.

"Even better" He kissed pecked me on the lips, "Now you" He said almost nervously.

I nodded and opened it... A silver ring with a heart on it, half of the heart was red and the other half was green. Engraved on the band said, 'You Fixed Me'. My eyes filled with tears at this.

"Hermione, you promised me you'd fix me... and you did... You making this life livable, worth living... I love you so much and I know this may seem to move fast, but I've known you for seven years... Your my everything.... Will you promise to be mine until I ask you to marry me?" He asked me shakily.

Tears slipped from my eyes, "Yes.. A million times yes" I said happily tackled him with my lips.

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