She's Eccentric Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I've found out more about the things that Aimee doesn't talk about. We figured that it was Reila who was Jake's other woman when he cheated on Aimee.I don't think I can act the same way as I acted before towards Rei. I don't think I can still pretend like everything's alright.Aimee is acting as if it's all in the past and it doesn't bother her. But deep inside her, I know, it's hurting her.

Even if Aimee puts on a mask, I will know and I will feel how much it pains her. Even if she smiles and laugh, I will know.She must be haunted by that night when my brother cheated on her, and it must be terrifying to see Rei who doesn't even remember her.To hurt someone and forget them is unforgiveable; to be happy when you are the reason for someone else's pain is inexcusable.And I know that no matter what I do, I won't be able to change the past that's causing her those kinds of feelings.

Sometimes, I wish that I was God. And then I'd remove Aimee from any illness and make sure she does not encounter any pain.I feel like I want to protect her, give her everything, and make her happy all time. I want her to be carefree and contented.But I am just me, a normal guy. I only got my parents' money in my wallet and I don't have anything that I could offer her.

The only thing that I can offer her is my feelings which are true. If only we could switch our life spans, then I would be happy to give her mine.I had loved someone before. She's not the first one that I've loved. But this is the first time that I've gone crazy because of a girl.I'd seriously turn the world upside down just for her. That is why I am hoping that there's a cure for her sickness.I don't want to lose her. I want her to stay by my side forever. I'd never love anyone as much as I love her.

Ever since I met her, she became the center of my life. My world revolved around her and it is crazy.When her hair flips, when her eye blinks, when her lips purse, when her hand moves, when she looks at me, it's driving me wild.I wanted her more than anything in this world. I would give up everything just to make her stay with me.That is why, thinking that she'd leave me soon, makes me wanna break out. Right now, she's everything I have.

"Chase, you're spacing out. What are you thinking?" she asked. I smiled to hide the feelings I have from being obvious.

I shook my head. "I was just thinking that maybe we should go on a date before New Year. A good way to end the year, what do you think?" I said.

Aimee broke into a wide smile. "You'd seriously bring me out again?" she asked with excitement. "I'd love to!"

That happy face just really gave me contentment and satisfaction. When she gives me that kind of face, I feel like I won a hundred million cash.I moved closer to her and put my arms around her waist. "Where do you want to go? I'll bring you anywhere possible," I said.

Aimee moved her face closer to me and looked me in the eye. "I want an overnight trip to somewhere far from here. Somewhere I've never been to," she said.

I am glad became vocal with what she wants. She would always act as if everything is bothersome before.

"How about a trip to meet my parents?" I asked. Her smile vanished and she pulled away from me. I don't think she likes that idea.

"You know, I'd want to meet your family. I really do. But I don't know how I will face them. I'm scared," she said.

"Before I met you, Arvin and Serena; everybody hates me. I don't have that much confidence in myself like you thought I do," she explained.

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