She's Eccentric Chapter 1

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Chapter I

It was a very cold evening. I gazed at the window and I saw that it started to rain. I got off my feet and looked outside. It was very dark. And the darkness consumed the world outside; the only thing that fights the darkness is the dim light from the light post. I looked at the clock and it is half past seven.

Whenever it rains, I want to lie down my queen-sized bed. How I wish I could share it with someone. Share it with whom? I don't even have a girlfriend. The last time that I had one was about a year ago, and her name is Jenna. She's a pretty girl but she has an attitude problem. She's too possessive, and those kinds of relationships are not welcome for me. Yes, I love my independence more than anything. That is why I am living alone unlike other teenagers who still reside with their parents. My parents are working abroad and I really thank them for being that way. I call it practicality.

And unlike normal teenagers, I'm not longing for my parents. Longing for someone, or anyone, is not a thing for me. I like living alone. I don't like anyone telling me what to do, or what not to. That's how I am, plain and simple. I want everything in place and where I want them to be.

It's started to be really cold so I stood up next to my closet. I opened the first drawer inside hoping to find a sock for my cold feet. I hate this weather. Whenever my feet turn cold, my stomach grumbles. The first drawer does not have what I'm looking for so I had to check the other drawers. I opened the second one and saw a few handkerchiefs. Not what I'm looking for either. I closed the second drawer to open the third one. I saw some pictures inside the drawer.

It's definitely not what I'm looking for. But I grabbed the pictures and I looked at the one in front. I closed the drawer and the closet then sat on my bed. I covered my cold feet with a beanie that I saw on my bedside table.

Still holding the pictures, I saw a pretty face. In the picture, I saw a girl smiling. What a very innocent smile. She has a long black hair. She has a fringe of hair cut short across her forehead which is pinned on the right side of her head. She looks very nice, lovely, petite, gentle and shy. That is what she was, a shy girl. I flipped the picture down so I can see the next picture. Then, there's a picture of her, beside me. My left arm is wrapped over her left shoulder and her right arm is on the right side of my waist. I can still remember that day.

The girl on the picture is Diane, my first girlfriend. No one ever thought that such a nice girl like her can be a real bitch. Is this bitterness that I feel? Well, whatever it is, the feeling is not welcome. Aside from that bad feeling, I also felt happy. I laughed as I see the fourteen year old me with a military cut hair. I look really weird in that picture. It's such a shame that I ever had that haircut, I'm never gonna have that kind of haircut again, ever.

So again, I flipped the picture to see the next one. Oh! Jenna. She was my last girlfriend. Unlike Diane, Jenna is a bit outspoken, unreserved. At first I thought that it is a very trait good of her, but when I figure out how that trait can go bad, I didn't think twice in breaking up with her.

There were still some pictures but I rather not see them. Memories, the coldness of the evening, and the darkness outside makes me feel somewhat, lonely. So I collected the pictures and brought them back to where they originally were. I remembered that I was actually looking for socks. Darn pictures!

I lie down on my bed again and cover my whole body with my blanket. Uh! This is not enough. Maybe I could grab a coffee and noodles to warm me up a bit. But I feel really lazy. I hate it when it rains. I feel so down and gloomy for no reason at all. If only someone could embrace me, it might warm me up. Or maybe someone could give more something more than just a hug.

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