Chapter Forty

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I could hear the birds chirping cheerfully through the open window of Liam's bedroom and I groaned with the annoyance of having to wake up and get out of bed again. I didn't want to move, I didn't want to open my eyes, I didn't want to carry myself through the day like nothing was wrong, when everything inside of me was telling me that it was. My body ached and my mind didn't want to work properly. Just thinking of Colt and yesterday's events made me ache in ways that were unfamiliar to me. It was almost like a burning pain shooting through me from my head to my toes.

I didn't quite feel like this yesterday though and it was confusing me that I was now. The only thing I could chalk it up to was the fight Colt and I had, and were still in. We'd never completely made up, although we did manage to have a break through regarding the way we both treated each other, resulting in compromise. We never exactly made up though and since we became mated we'd never once fought like this. I'd never once felt my emotions rolling into one confused jumble quite so accurately. I'd never felt them so heightened either. They were stronger than usual. Confusion, anger, betrayal. I knew I should feel happy about the small amount of progress both Colt and I made after our fight. As well as the fact that I stood my ground with Layla, putting her, however temporarily, in her place. I just couldn't find anything in me that proved that small amount of happiness that I knew should've been there.

I could hear the pattering of a shower running which told me that Liam was in it. When we'd got home last night his parents and sister had been out, and as far as I knew they hadn't come back home. I knew that they wouldn't mind my being here though. Even while Liam and I had been fighting his mother had let me into the house without any questions. She was a nice woman, even if she had been the one to unintentionally give me my latest curse of electricity. I knew I would eventually be able to control it.

"Lady, you awake?" I heard Greg's voice mutter from somewhere beside me. He and I had slept in Liam's room with him last night. But until now I had actually forgotten that Greg was here.

"No." I groaned as I rolled over and buried my head under my pillow.

It was slightly amusing when I stopped to think about the fact that Greg had slept in this room last night. He and Liam rarely got along and I know Liam wasn't happy about it. The fact that Greg was so willing to though was a surprise in itself. He never even tried to argue with me about sleeping in a different room. He'd just walked to the closet, grabbed Liam's sleeping bag and set it up on the floor by the window and lay down. Even Liam hadn't argued about it. Then again though, they both knew Colt's stipulations for my being here or even anywhere around Liam.

Of course Liam hated that Colt had so little trust in us being alone, but after the last boosting episode he understood why Colt had made the rule. He also knew that Colt wasn't enforcing this because he didn't like Liam or want us to be friends. He understood that it was enforced for my own security and safety. Even still he was less pleased that Greg was the one chaperoning here and I knew he would've been a little more accepting if it was Colt himself. But me and Colt were fighting right now and if he'd been the one to escort me here it would've defeated the purpose of coming here to begin with.

"Lady, you have to wake up. The race is today in case you've forgotten and you need to get up and ready." Greg scolded me.

"Ugh..." I groaned as I pulled the pillow from my head and cracked my eyes a wedge, only closing them again when the light hit them. "Close the curtains." I hissed. "The lights way too bright. It's hurting my eyes."

Greg chuckled softly as he swiftly closed the curtains and I carefully opened my eyes again. The pain behind them was almost blinding, even with the curtains closed over. The small amount of sunlight streaming through the cracks made them cry out with pain and my hands instinctively rose rubbing to sooth them. It made little sense to me that they were hurting so badly and if I was completely honest I felt as if I was hung over but I knew it wasn't that. My head began a dull throbbing ache to match the rest of my symptoms and I once again closed my eyes and groaned.

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