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7 years ago

She was shy and embarrassed at the same time when her Mom told her that the camel eye guy is her future husband . He's cute , she thought . But she was too shy to even look up to meet her eyes with her future parents - in - law . She can say she's somehow scared and uncomfortable about this marriage after .

" Hi Princess " someone greeted her . She look up and saw her future Mother - in - law looking down at her smiling . She felt so shy that she couldn't help it but to look down because she was blushing deep red .

" Oh . I'm sorry Mrs Kim . My daughter is a shy girl . I'm sorry if she offend you by looking down like that without greeting you back " Her Mom explained . " Ah no no no . It's okay . Shy girls are Jong Dae type . Right Jong Dae ? " her future Mother - in - law said . She was too shy to even look up now . And she's bet her face are freaking red right now like the traffic light .

" Mom ! I told you to call me Chen ! " So he's name is Chen . She thought . Well , probably she didn't heard what did his Mom called him earlier or she would probably laugh at his name . " Awwh ! My 22 years old baby boy are whining at me . How should I past you to this cute lady infornt of me ? Hmm ? " His Mom said . Neul Ra then gather her courage to look up and there she saw a guy with a camel eyes , nose and lips are looking back at her , smiling . He's smile is cute , she thought again . If only she could open up her mouth and say it but it will be too straight forward for it . He might have a heart attack if she says it .

" Honey , why don't you make the drinks with Chen in the kitchen for us ? " Her Mom ask . Well , her Mom probably wanted her to open up with Chen more instead . She look up at her Mom with wide eye . " B - b - b - but Mother " she stuttered . Her voice is beautiful , Chen thought . Her Mom gave her a nod knowing that they have maids but her parents insist for her daughter to make the drinks for the guest herself . Since , she's the one who is getting married not her parents , right ? So why a bother for her parents and maids to make her future parents - in - law drinks ? She sigh before standing up to walk to the kitchen .


" G - girls " the Princess said over the phone while stuttering . Well , they most of the time video call , instead of those normal calls . Because for her besrfriends normal calls are boring because you can only hear your voice but can't see your expression at all . That's what they thought . But true enough . " Yes sistah ? How may I heeeeelp you ? " Seul Ra ask . Well the Princess thought she was singing so she chuckled at her for dragging the word " help " . Neul Byul was kind of busy with her room so she couldn't really join their sister or should they say girls conversations . They had always had their girls conversation where ever they go . But still they called it their girls conversation . But still , Neul Byul's room are in the camera but not her face . " Hey sistah ! Is your room going to talk to us ! " Seul Ra shouted over the phone .

" Shut up ! And ! Found it ! Hahahahaha ! " Neul Byul said as she found something funny . " Hey guys look , I found this cute photo of me when I was a baby ! Aren't I look so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute that you want to pinch me ? " Neul Byul said while dragging the word cute . " Hey stupid ! Our sister over here have something to say . Stop cutting her you big ears ! " They are funny , Neul Ra thought . " Okay okay . So what is it that you want to say " Neul Byul stop half way before continue her words while wriggling her eyebrows , " Princess ? "

The Princess sigh . " I r - reach home today " she started . The girls on the phone lean in to hear what she wanted to say because the Princess are saying inaudible low voice that no one in the room could hear it . Not even the ants in the room would hear it . " Seul Ra !!!! Get ready ! We are going to the Princess house ! " Neul Byul shouted on the phone as she knew something was off with her bestfriend . Truth to be told , her bestfriend face was unreadable . It's a emotion that are mix altogether .

DISCONTINUED : EXO CHEN - When Your Gone Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora