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7 years ago

The Princess woke up early because she's feeling better thanks to Chen who had lack of sleep by taking care of her when she's not feeling well . By all means when she had a high fever for a few days .

The Princess look at the time and it was 830 in the morning . She make her way to the bathroom to bath . She didn't know what's in her system that she feel like vomitting . She walk to the toilet bowl to vomit and she felt dizzy afterwards . She have no idea why . But she felt dizzy , really dizzy . That she's sure enough that she can faint anytime soon . Sure she have a weak body does she .

She didn't want to think about why is she having a bad dizzy now all she wants now is to have a good cold bath . Chen who are still sleeping peacefully didn't know that the Princess vomit . He's probably still in his dreamland .

The Princess had done with her bathing , she step out from the bathroom to wear her clothes . She saw how Chen is sleeping , and she finds it cute . She suddenly remembered what did the beagle line said to her a few days ago about Chen .


The girls were having break and the beagle line came to join them , including Chen . They were talking about each other sleeping habit . When Baek Hyun and Chan Yeol started to talk about Chen sleeping habit . " Chen sleeping habit is cute . He have a lot of stuff toys he would put at the bed and sleep with them " Baek Hyun told her .

" He didn't snore too . So you would probably love him more , right Princess ? " Chan Yeol tease her . The latter could only blush at them . She's probably shy to admit this kind of things . Because she wanted to know more about Chen . And she's thankful enough that his bestfriends actually told her about it .

She saw that Chen doesn't like it when his bestfriends started to say about his sleeping habits but she finds it cute . " Hahaha ! Also not to forget , his bed hair " Baek Hyun say loudly making the Princess blush beet red . " His bed hair , I bet you want to squeal out loud cause he looks like a camel with his bed hair " Chan Yeol said laughing that he gain an elbowed by Chen who are now being all shy boy .

The Princess could feel someone eyes are on her , so she look up to see who is it . She could almost faint in that brown orbs of Chen's eyes which are addictive . She smile shyly at him before continue eating her turkey bacon pasta .

End of flashback

She giggled because she remember how funny Baek Hyun and Chan Yeol was . She decided to wake Chen up since it's almost 9 now . She giggled again before waking up the sleeping beauty , Chen .

She went near him and shook his body lightly to wake him up . " Oppa , wake up . It's almost 9 oppa " she said . Chen stir in his sleep and pull the blanket to cover his body fully . " 5 more minutes baby . I'm tired " Chen said with his sleepy voice that the Princess thought that it was sexy .

The Princess went nearer to him before sigh . She took a deep breath and , " Oppa , I vomitted in the toilet " that caught Chen's attention and he sat straight up on the bed pushing off the blanket that is covering his body .

Chen got a shock looking and ask her , " Are you okay ? Are you feeling sick again ? " Chen didn't bother to hide his worried for the girl infront of him . He hold onto her uand and look at her . Chen knows she wasn't lying . So he try to look for someone who can help her or whoever or something that can .

The Princess smile at him knowing that he started to get worried . Chen furrowed his brows and lean forward . " Why are you smiling huh ? Did you lie to me Princess ? " he ask . The Peincess giggled and shook her head . " No . I did not lie to you oppa . I'm just happy on how every single time you got worried about me . You look cute " she compliment him . Chen smile at her before kiss her cheeks . The Princess smile at him sincerely . " I like your bed hair oppa " she said shyly .

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