Chapter Four

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I wake to pounding on the bathroom door.

"Caroline! Open the door! Are you okay?" It's Claire.

"Are you dead? Please don't be dead!" Nelly too, I guess.

"I'm ok." I mutter as I open the door. Nelly and Claire run and hug me, but I fix my gaze on Mikey who is examining the paintings hung in my room.

"I uh, made them myself." I exclaim, startling Mikey. He turns to me and blushes, brushing a stray lock of his hair out of his face.

"I guess I'll be going. Gerard will be wondering." Mikey sticks his hands in his pockets and exits my room, Claire chasing after him. I laugh a little and look to Nelly who is looking at me eagerly.

"Soooo, what happened with Frank?" She pries. I sadly shake my head.

"We didn't get to spend a whole lot of time together, he was on stage most of the time." I'm really disappointed that I didn't get to talk to him a lot. I also forgot to get his number.

"It's a shame, because I think you'd make a cute couple. You're both so short and adorable." Nelly informs, patting my head.

"Hey! I'm just vertically challenged!" I punch her in the arm playfully. She pretends to be hurt, and leaves my room, understanding I want privacy. I pace around my room a bit, before deciding to watch a movie. I walk to the lightly colored wood bookcase in the corner of my room, and select an old favorite, Beauty and the Beast. I am aware of the fact that I am a 23 year old woman watching a Disney movie, I don't care.

I take the movie to my bed, pick up my laptop, and pop the DVD in. While the computer plays boring previews for movies that came out long ago, I change into a pair of shorts and a tank top. Everyone here knows about my thighs, with the exception of Mikey, but he's probably not going to see me for the rest of the night. I plop myself back down on the bed, trying to ignore the sound of Claire and Mikey in the room next to me. I grab a disposable water bottle off my bedside table and throw it at the wall that closes Claire's room off of mine. The bottle causes a small bang noise, as it breaks spilling water all over a few paintings, the wall, and the carpet.

"Shit!" I cry, and grab my wet paintings. Will acrylic paint stay on the canvas? I really liked this painting. It was an old timey record player, but instead of the place where you would put the record, I had painted a realistic heart. So it was a painting of a heart with a horn-like thing coming out of the top. I took the canvas and propped it up in the bathroom hoping it would be fine and dry tomorrow. I didn't pay much attention to the wall or the carpet, I'm sure it would dry up soon.

I flop back onto my bed, and hit play, ready to watch my movie. Shortly after the film begins, Nelly waltzes into my room and sits on my bed to watch the movie with me. By the time Belle reaches the castle, my friend is fast asleep, and Mikey and Claire have quieted themselves. I sigh and check the time on my computer, after closing media player. It's 10:19. I pick up my dirty jeans from today and pull my phone out of the pocket. I have a text from an unknown number.

*wanna hang out tomorrow? The guys and I are going to the beach. Your friends can come, but bring Mikey. He brought the girls home and never came back.- Frank* I read the text one more time to be sure I'm not hallucinating. He must've got my number from one of my friends.

*sounds fun! Mikey is here spending the night with Claire and making quite a ruckus. They just met! WTF? Does he always do this?* I hit send and anxiously await a reply while I walk into Nelly's room. I get myself comfy in her bed and check my phone again, opening my awaiting text.

*not really. Claire must be special. Sorry about the noise, I know what that's like. Get Mikey to drive you guys to the beach, he'll know where to go. Gee is calling me for Guitar Hero, so I'll talk to you tomorrow, I can't let him beat me again.* I laugh at his response, then drift into sleep. I dream of Frank, and what awaits me tomorrow. When I wake up, Mikey is at the door of Nelyasia's room. Nelyasia is Nelly's real name, we call her Nelly for short.

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