Chapter Six

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I wake up early the next morning, ready to get dressed. I roll myself out of bed and look at myself in the mirror, realizing that I have a sharpie mustache.

"GODDAMMIT ANNA! WHERE ARE YOU?" Anna is the only one who would do that. I haven't seen her in months. I walk into my bathroom, and scrub the marker away. I lift my hair straightener, and do my hair. I nervously do my makeup, afraid Anna will jump out at me and prank me again. Claire must have invited her last night. I grab my backpack and rush out the door, not saying goodbye. Anna always pranks us when she comes over. Last time she came, I had to go to class with shaving cream in my hair. I run to the lecture hall, and sit in the back, ready for class.

The day passes quickly, and I cautiously walk home. I enter my small home, and see Anna sitting on the couch.

"Anna! I missed you!" I say, running to hug her.

"Where's your mustache? I worked so hard on that!" She snickers. I punch her arm.

"Hey! It was just a prank!" I swear, one day I'm going to kill her, and it's going to be 'just a prank'.

"Whatever. I'm going to go text Frank."

"Who's Frank?"

"Frank Iero."

"Did someone post his number? I want it!"

"He gave it to me, ass-wipe."

"No he did not!" I pull my phone out, and show her the contact. She gasps, and Claire walks in the room with Mikey. Anna's jaw drops. I chuckle, and leave them alone as I head to my room. I send a text to Frank asking when he'll be continuing his tour. They must've had a break, which is why they're still here. I'd think they'd want to go back to New Jersey, but I'm glad they didn't. They've been staying in a hotel instead.

*in a few weeks. you should come with us.*

*i don't want to be a bother...* I really want to go on tour, but they probably won't have room on the bus.

*you won't be. just told Brian, ur coming its final.* I squeal with excitement. I'm going on tour with my favorite band! Just then, Nelly calls me for dinner.

"I'm not hungry! I'll eat later, you guys go ahead." I lie. I never really eat. I don't feel the urge. I feel like painting, so I do a quick sketch on the canvas with pencil. I draw a sunset with a tree, and two people sitting under the tree. I'm planning to have the sunset be a lot of colors, and have the tree and people completely black. After I finished my sketch, I paint the colors in, and it looks better than I expected! I put the canvas in my bathroom to dry, and I see my heart painting. Luckily, the water did no damage.

I check my alarm clock. It's 9:46. I may as well go to bed early. I don't have anything else to do.


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