Chapter Fifteen

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My eyes flutter open and I find myself laying in my bunk. I touch my forehead and feel a small lump. "Guys?" I call out, looking around the bus. There is no answer so I get up and try to find someone. And again, nobody. Hmm that's strange.

"Hellooooo?" I call again. Still no answer. I find my phone and call Frank. It goes to voice mail, so I call Claire. What if they left me? Why wouldn't they leave me, I'm a piece of no good shit who doesn't deserve life. The only reason I'm living is so I can pop this baby out and die. And that time, no one will stop me.

"Where is everybody?!" I panic into the phone when she picks up.

"Croatoan," she says with no emotion, trying to mimic what happened at Roanoke. Except she's not a tree, and her words aren't carved into her.

"Hah. Hah. Very funny. But seriously history nerd. Where is everybody?"

"We're at a show. Did you even look outside the bus window?"

"... Shut up Claire." I open the curtain and take in my surroundings. It's gotta be at least 8:00, as its already dark outside. There's a venue across from the parking lot the bus is in, and I can see lights dancing through the windows. I can also hear one of my favorite songs, Thank You For The Venom, playing. Wow, that's an old one.

"Ok, well I gotta go. The shows almost over, I'll see you in a bit."

"Bye."I hang up, and walk into the lounge. The TV is on, and playing some crappy kids show on Disney. Disney went so far downhill, so fast. How can kids stand this shit? I flip through countless channels until I finally decide to just watch something on Netflix. As I search for something to watch, Claire enters the bus.

"Hey," I say, without looking up from my laptop.

"Hi." Claire sits next to me on the sofa and peers over my shoulder to see what I'm doing.

"Ooh! Watch Supernatural!" She suggests.

"Only if you watch Sherlock," I say, but click on and start watching Supernatural. Claire nods and grabs her tablet and some earbuds. I look over to see that she's taken my suggestion. Two or three episodes of Supernatural (which are pretty long) later, Gee, Frank, Mikey, and Ray join us on the bus. I pause the show and close my laptop.

"Sorry we took so long. We were meeting some fans," Ray explained. I notice that Frank and Gerard are giving each other stone cold glares, but I'm not sure why.

"What's wrong with them?" I ask Ray.

"Don't you remember?"

"Remember what?"

"They had a big fight after Gerard walked in on you and Frank making out. You ended up getting pushed, and you hit your head and passed out. By the way, how's your head feeling?"

"Um, wow. Could be better, could be worse." I am suddenly aware of a throbbing headache growing behind my eyes.

"Let's get you some aspirin." Ray takes me to the kitchen, and hands me two tiny pills. I take them, and wander back to the bunks. I still don't have my own, but I'm sure I'll be welcomed in Claire's.

I get to Claire's bunk, and notice she's watching Supernatural. I slide into the bunk next to her, and we watch a few episodes in silence.

"You ok?" She asks, around five episodes later.

"I'm fine, just needed some girl time so I could think." It's not completely a lie.

"Ok. What do you want to watch?"

"I dunno. Family Guy, Bobs Burgers. Something of that sort." Without thinking twice, Claire turns The Simpsons on. "Oh my god Claire you always know the right thing to turn on." Claire just nods, and continues to watch the show.

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