Chapter Eight

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I wake up with hands over my face.

"Mmm...... Get off..." I mumble, and try to pry the hands off my face. I open my eyes wide, and I realize those are not hands.

"FRANK! GET YOUR BUTT OFF ME!" I scream. For once, Frank does what I ask, and he stands up, and gets off the bed. "You're so gross," I complain.

"Well, I am a dude, right?" He jokes, shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah, true. And a cute one I might add," I say.

"Hmmm, what was that? Did you just say that I, Frank Iero am cute? Well, I can't disagree with that, although might I suggest, hmmm flawlessly beautiful?" He teases.

"Shut up," I say, shoving Frank. He smiles then turns and walks out of my room. I follow him into the kitchen where he begins searching for coffee, along with Gerard.

"It's in the cupboard above the coffee maker, geniuses." I mutter.

"I know, I am a genius, however buttbrain over here," Gerard says, gesturing to Frank, "is not." That earned him a smack from Frank. Frank tried to get the coffee out of the cupboard, but failed due to his midget-ness. Claire walks into the kitchen, rubbing her eyes and wearing a tutu. Gerard picks her up, and she kicks out her leg, hitting Frank's face. Claire grabs the coffee, before getting put back down. She hands Gerard the coffee, then prances out of the kitchen, without saying a single word. A few minutes later my mom comes into the kitchen.

"Why is Claire prancing through the halls?" She asks nobody in particular.

"Ummmmmm," I start.

"Because she is a pretty princess ballerina. Also my partner in crime. Hallelujah for coffee," Gerard says sipping his fresh cup of coffee.

"Yes, she is a pretty princess. My pretty princess," a voice says from across the hall.

"GOOD MORNING MIKEY!" We all yell, excluding my mom.

"Mornin'" he replies.

"Thanks for waking me up guys," Ray complains, walking into the kitchen, wearing only pajama pants. He glances down at his bare chest, then disappears, coming back a few seconds later with a tee shirt on. After a while, Claire comes back into the kitchen, my mom starts to make eggs and bacon. After eating, everyone got dressed.

"Um, when is the concert?" I ask Frank.

"7:00," He replies, doing something on his phone.

"It'll take two hours to get there if there is bad traffic and I know Claire wants to show Mikey, Ray, and I around the city, which will probably take about five hours. Then we will need about a hour to get ready. That's about eight hours total, and since it's 10:30 now, we should leave soon," Gerard adds.

"Woah, ok math genius," Mikey jokes, picking up and kissing Claire then going outside to get on the tour bus.

"Bleck," Frank says, pretending to puke. Gerard, Ray, and Frank went outside too, leaving me to say goodbye to my parents. I stand awkwardly in the living room, waiting to say bye. My mom walks in the room, and gives me a hug.

"Be safe sweetie. I love you. Goodbye," She says.

"Bye mom," I say quietly then turn to leave, hoping to escape before facing my father. Just as I'm walking out the door, I hear my dad's voice.

"Goodbye, Caroline," he says.

"Bye dad," I say, without turning around. I walk out the door and run to the bus. Claire is reading, Frank is on his phone, Mikey is also reading, Ray is browsing Netflix, and Gerard is sketching something. I sit down next to Ray and help him pick a movie. We end up choosing Lilo and Stitch, which I've seen a bazillion times. Frank puts away his phone, and cuddles up next to me. Claire and Mikey put down their books and scoot closer to Ray so they can see the movie. Gerard keeps sketching, and half-watches the movie.

By the time our movie is over, we were pulling into the hotel parking lot. It is a nice looking building, probably about 20 floors. After exiting the tour bus, the small group entered the large building. In the center of the room, I could see a desk with a pretty blonde receptionist sitting behind it.

While Ray checked us in, I walked over to Frank.

"Hi. Are you going to see the city with Claire?"

"No. I thought we could have some alone time." He says, and I nod, leaning my head into his shoulder. After Ray gets the room keys, we take the elevator to our room on the fifth floor.

I was not expecting our room to be so large. In fact, I wouldn't call it a room, it's more like a large apartment. It has a few bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. I'm impressed. I walk into the living room, and plop down on the couch. I'm exhausted. Everyone throws their stuff on the floor and wait for Claire to get phone and wallet. "We're gonna take a segway tour if you want to join us," Claire says to me and Frank.

"Segway tour?! That sounds like fun. Sorry Caroline, you're gonna be alone until dinner. I'm going on that tour," Frank says.

"Fine," I shrug, "see if I care Mr. 'No, I though we could spend some time alone'."

Frank opens his mouth to say something, but remains silent. After a while Mikey finally speaks up, "So are you coming or not Frank?"

"No. But bring me back some popcorn or something," he pouts.

"Okey dokey, bye guys," Claire says, walking out of the room with Ray, Mikey, and Gerard.

"I thought you wanted to go?" I say.

"It made you unhappy." Frank shrugs, and walks into a bedroom. I burst into tears. Why did I say that? I didn't mean to sound so rude! Frank really wanted to go! Gosh, I can be so stupid sometimes. Maybe it's not too late and I can call Claire to make her wait for Frank. I pick up my phone and dial Claire's number.

"Hello?" Claire says.

"Hey Claire," I say, then explain my situation.

"Yeah sure, just make sure he gets here in the next 10 minutes, we're right outside of the hotel actually, bye Curryline," she says.

"FRANK!!" I scream. "GET IN HERE!!" Frank runs in with a shoe in his hand.


"Calm down, there's no spider. I called Claire. Everyone is waiting outside for you. Get out there and go on that segway tour," I say to Frank.

"But I thought you wanted me to stay here with you. I'm not leaving you alone here Caroline, I want you to be happy," he says.

"But this isn't about me being happy, it's about YOU being happy idiot. Now go before I change my mind and stop feeling guilty for making you stay with me," I sigh.

"Fine. But only if you come with me," he says happily and grabs my hand.

"But-" I try to protest, but Frank is too cute to argue with. He grabs my hand, and pulls me out the door. We take the elevator, and run to Claire.

"Ok, let's go!" She claps her hands together and smiles excitedly.

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