Chapter Seven

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The next three weeks pass uneventfully. I graduated, so now I have nothing to do except for texting Frank and hanging out with the guys. I've seen them a few times since I finished school, but I've been busy trying to find a job. There is a research center nearby, but I'm not sure they want someone with as little experience as me. They have a spot open for an internship, and I'm considering.

I'm leaving for tour with the band tomorrow. Claire is coming, but Nelly and Anna will be staying to watch the house. Anna moved in with us after the sharpie mustache incident, and we have all been living on the edge of our seats, scared for another prank. At the moment, I'm trying to pack, but Nelly keeps interrupting.

"If you die on tour can I keep your paintings and sell them as my own?" She asks, poking me in the ribs.

"Ow! No! They all have my signature anyway. Either help me pack or get out." I say, throwing my black skinny jeans into my bag. She sighs and leaves, presumably to watch Netflix. I wish I had Netflix time, but I've been procrastinating on packing my bag. I throw a few band shirts in the bag, and zip it up. It feels good to have that finished. I sit on my bed, and check my phone. I have a missed call from Frank. I call him back, and smile at his familiar voice.

"Hey. I saw you called." I say, a bit nervous.

"Yeah. There's a party tonight, to celebrate us leaving for the tour. I was wondering if you wanted to come. You can bring your bag, and spend the night if you want." I mentally high five myself.

"Yeah, sounds cool! Where should I meet you?"

"I'm actually outside your house right now. Open the door please." I hear the doorbell ring. "That was me." He informs. I laugh, and grab my bag, then go downstairs. I'm wearing a red tee shirt with denim skinny jeans and black toms, I hope my attire is acceptable for this party.

I open the door and see Frank standing there, wearing a red tee shirt and jeans. I look down at myself, then back to him, and we laugh.

"Do you want me to change?" I ask.

"No, it's fine. Everyone will know we're together!" Wait. Together? Does Frank think of us as together? Together like dating, or together like friends? I wouldn't mind being together. I snap myself out of my thoughts when Frank opens the door of his car for me. I didn't even realize I had left the house. I get in the car, and immediately fiddle with the radio dials. Nothing good is on, so I plug my iPod into the car, and play I'm Not A Vampire by Falling In Reverse. I turn the volume up louder and sing along.

We quickly arrive at a large house. I have been here a few times, but not many. It's usually rented by older couples who want to stay near the beach. My grandparents used to rent this house when they came to visit me. The guys must have rented it for tonight.

I can hear loud punk music coming from the inside of the house. I thought this was just a small party with the guys and maybe Brian. Oh god. I can't go in there! What if I make a fool of myself!? Frank grabs my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze, as if he sensed my discomfort. I exit the car slowly. The more time I take, the less time I'll spend inside.

Once outside the car, Frank takes my hand again. He leads me to the front door, and I feel myself physically shaking.

"Caroline? Are you okay?" He asks. I nod my head. I don't want to disappoint him. We enter the house, and I immediately smell alcohol and cigarettes. The cigarette smell isn't new, but the alcohol scent is almost unbearable. Inside, I see Gerard, Mikey, and Ray on the couch with bottles of beer in hand. Frank releases my hand and runs to meet the other guys, while I walk up the stairs to the room I'm almost positive is Frank's. As you can tell, I'm not one for parties.

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