Chapter Fourteen

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"Oh my gosh! I thought you were going to kill yourself or something!" Frank exclaims and runs up to hug me. Reluctantly, I wrap my arms back around him.

"I wasn't. I'm fine." I lie.

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" Frank asks, jumping like a small child. It looks like he's back to his old self. I smile and nod.


"NOOOOO!!" Everyone screams and throws pillows at her, none of them actually hitting her. Claire puts her hands on her hips and stomps her foot.

"How rude," she pouts. Gerard sticks his tongue out at her.

"Whatchu gonna do bout it?" He asks. She throws a pillow at him, which hits his stomach.

"Ok, so, a movie," I say, trying to ignore the two fighting children.

"How about Sharknado?" Mikey asks.

"Didn't we watch that yesterday?" I ask. "Please, not again."

"Aww, but I love that movie!"

"NO MIKEY!" Everybody screams all at once. Now it's Mikey's turn to be ambushed with pillows. Why do we have so many damn pillows?

"Geez, sorry." Mikey says under the mountain of pillows, but it's muffled, so it sounds more like "mmph, moory."

The movie starts and I lay down across my friends like the last movie. Gerard placed his hands on my stomach, but this time I didn't flinch. His hands were warm, and soft.

"It's weird knowing there's a baby in here." He moved his hands around. "There's no bump yet."

"I'm only like, two months pregnant." I roll my head to see who's lap it's on. It's Ray. I smile, and he does too, brushing the hair off of my face.

"Do you know if it's a boy or a girl?" Mikey asks, and I shake my head. I want a little girl, but I'm sure Frank wants a boy.

"Like I said, I'm only two months pregnant, it's too early to know what gender my baby is."

"True." Mikey replies. Claire smiles at him, and leans over to whisper something in his ear. He nods excitedly, and she leans into his shoulder.

"So what would you name the baby if it was a girl?" Gerard asks.

"Glimmer," Frank says before I have to chance to answer.

"Frank. Are you trying to get our possible daughter to be a stripper? Because with a name like that," I say. "I was thinking something like Darcy if it's a girl and if it's a boy, Roman."

"Those sound like nice names." Gerard agrees. I smile proudly, and get up to sit on Claire's lap. She squints her eyes at me before gently pushing me off her lap. I squint my eyes back at her and push her off the couch.

"OW!" She exclaims from behind the couch. I laugh and all the boys shush me. I stay quiet for the rest of the movie. Well I try to, but it's not easy when you're having a war with your friend. By the time our movie is over, it's one am.

"Ok, everybody out and away, I'm going to bed." I announce. The group tiredly shuffles to their bunks, while I flop down on the couch.

"Wake up," Frank whispers in my ear and softly shakes me.

"Whyyyy," I groan and roll over.

"Because it's almost two pm that's why," He says.

"I don't care," I say and pull my blanket over my head.

"Gerard made coffee!" He says teasingly. That makes me shoot up off of the couch. Too fast though. I get really dizzy and fall back onto the couch, holding my head.

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