Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hi. This is going to be the last chapter, and I'm going to write it in a series of flashbacks to show the rest of Caroline's life. All of these go in chronological order.

I step into the doctors office, shivering as I do so. It's always so cold back here.

"Please step on the scale ma'am," the nurse tells me. I look at Frank and flash him a nervous smile as I step onto the white scale. After a few seconds, it reads 132.6.

"Congratulations, you're now at a healthy weight!" The nurse informs me. I feel a huge grin spread across my face.

"Frankie!" I yell, and run to him, throwing my arms around his neck. He hugs me back and smiles.

"Why don't we go get some ice cream to celebrate?"

"Sounds great," I reply.


It was the Fourth of July, and Frank wanted to take me out to see some fireworks. Of course, I was feeling too tired to go out, but I didn't want to disappoint him, so I decided to go.

He ended up taking me to this huge empty field. It was gorgeous. The grass was green, the moon was bright, and fireflies were flying around everywhere.

"Oh my god Frank. This is beautiful!" I exclaim, looking at the fireworks in the distance.

"Not as beautiful as you," he says.

"Frank that's so chees-" I stop as I look over at him. He's down on one knee, with a box in his hands.

"Caroline, will you marry me?" He asks, as he opens the box. I look inside to see a beautiful diamond ring.

My hands move to cover my mouth, and I feel tears in my eyes. I can't speak, so I just nod. Frank smiles that gigantic goofy smile of his, and hugs me.

"I love you"

"I love you too"


"So, Mr and Mrs Iero, how long have you been trying for a baby?" My doctor asks.

"About two months," Frank answers.

"Well, I have some good news for you. It seems that Caroline is pregnant!"

"Holy shit," I whisper to myself.


"Happy birthday to youuuuu!" everyone sings. I smile at my friends. Frank had thrown me a surprise birthday party, which I was extremely thankful for. Ever since the band broke up, he's been spending a lot of time at home with me and our unborn baby. It's due to be born in three more months.

"Caroline, do you have want some cake?" Ray asks me.

"Yeah home slice. Cut me up a piece of that bitch," I say.

"Caroline what the fuck."


"FRANK GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I scream through the pain of my contractions.

"I'm coming!" He yells back. We rush into the car and drives me to the hospital, where I give birth to our twins, Roman and Darcy.


"I can't believe he's dead," I whisper to Frank.

"I know. It feels like just yesterday when he nearly beat me up for kissing you," Frank whispers back. The pastor gives me my signal, so I walk onto the stage, passing the coffin where Bob Bryar was laying dead.

"Robert Bryar was a fairly good person. I dated him for a short period of time after we met on the top of a hotel where I was about to jump. We ended up jumping off that roof together, and he saved my life by shifting under me. We both survived, and he moved in next door to the house I was staying in. When we broke up, he moved back to Chicago and I never saw him again. When I heard the news that he had committed suicide, I felt terrible. I felt like I could've prevented this. But I didn't, and now it's too late," I finish my speech with tears streaming down my face. I take my seat next to Frank and cry for the rest of the service.


"Noo! Don't leave!" I scream.

"Go kids! Come on!" Frank pushes Roman and Darcy into the back of his car. "Caroline, they have to start school sometime," Frank says.

"I know, I know. I'm just going to miss them," I explain.

"You can't stay home anyway. You have to go to work," he says. He's right. I was finally a marine biologist. There was a small research center near the house, and I was the head biologist. I wasn't making a whole lot of money, but it was what I wanted to do. Plus, it's not like we needed the money, what with Frank's band and all.


"Darcy Iero, Roman Iero," the high school principal calls as my son and daughter cross the stage to collect their diplomas.

Frank and I smile as we watch them.

"When did we get so old Frankie?"

"I don't know babe."


"Happy anniversary mom and dad," Roman says and he hugs Frank and I. We had made it to our fiftieth wedding anniversary. I was 75, and Frank was 76. We decided we didn't want a big party, we just wanted to hang out with our friends.

"Congrats guys," Ray says, giving me a hug.

"Thanks princess fro fro," I reply. I walk to Nelly, and sit with her. We watch as my grandson Alex nervously chatted with her granddaughter Jenna.

"If they get married does it make us sisters?" I ask.

"We're already sisters, goofball."


I wiped my tears as ugly sobs escaped my lips. He was actually dead. My Frankie was dead. Mikey and Claire comforted me while I cried in the middle of the hospital. I can't believe Frank had to spend his last few days in a hospital. I wiped my curly gray hair out of my face, and blew my nose into a tissue. I don't know how I'm going to survive without him.


My heartbeat wasn't strong. It wasn't going to be long, and I knew it. I looked down at my wrinkled hands, and fiddled with my wedding ring. I missed Frank even more everyday, but soon I was going to see him. I was 87 now, and it was my time. At least I'd be in the comfort of my own home.

It was soon hard to breathe, and all I could see was a bright white light. My body became lighter, and I looked down at myself, and to my surprise, I had my old body back. My 24 year old body. I looked ahead of me.

"FRANKIE!" I yelled, running to my 25 year old husband. We could finally be together again.

"I missed you," he says, while leaning down to kiss me.

"I missed you too," I reply right before his lips meet mine.


The end! I cried while writing this. I hope you enjoyed it.

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