Chapter Twenty

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Ray's P.O.V.

I watch as Bob grabs Caroline's face and kisses her. I didn't know he felt that way about her, even though they just met.

Then, it seems as though everything goes into slow motion, and they jump.

I gasp in horror as they plummet towards the concrete below.

They both hit the ground with a 'thud' that I could hear from the roof. I cringe at the noise of bones cracking. But there isn't blood. I'm not sure if that's a good sign or a bad sign, because there is a possibility of internal bleeding.

I grab my cellphone out of my pocket and dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My two friends just jumped off of a building and they are laying on the ground below but there isn't any blood and I'm worried that they might not make it and-"

"Sir, I'm going to need you to calm down. Can you please give me the address of the building that you are at?"

"Um, yeah, it's 6780 Bandit Way." I say as I squint at the road sign across the street.

"Ok, just remain calm and stay and wait for the ambulance. Can I please have your name?"

"Ray, Ray Toro."

"Ok, Ray. I just sent the ambulances. I hope everything goes alright and try to have a good rest of your night."

"You too."

"Ok, bye." she says, then she hangs up.

I race through the stairwell door to the bottom floor (hehe, that rhymes) and out of the lobby's revolving door. I look up and down the sidewalk to find the point of impact. I see them still holding each other, but Bob somehow managed to get himself under Caroline to soften her landing. How sweet.

-Skipping to inside the ambulance-

I watch as they put Bob and Caroline into two different ambulances. One of the paramedics asks me who I want to ride with and I choose Caroline. Bob and I have some rough patches but not as rough as some of the other guys. I get into the ambulance with an unconscious Caroline and watch as they take her vitals. I feel like I should have known that something was up with her. I need to call one of the guys and let them know what happened. I decide not to call Frank because of the tension between him and Bob and Caroline. Gerard is out because he hates Bob. So I decide to call Mikey because he's pretty cool. I dial his number and it rings three times before he picks up.

"Hey man, what's up." he answers

"Caroline and Bob... the..they jumped. Together."

"Holy shit man, we're on our way."

"Alright bye." I hang up, and turn my attention to the paramedics. "What's going to happen with her?" I ask.

"Well, we're going to put her in a medically induced coma for a while. She has some brain swelling, and we're going to have to operate."

"Oh. Will she be ok?"

"If we can stop the swelling she will be fine. If not, there is a very small possibility that she'll survive."

"Oh," is all I can manage to say. If Caroline survives this, I'm getting her straight into therapy. I wish she would have talked to me about how she was feeling.

"The man in the other ambulance, Bob, he saved her life. If he hadn't moved to the bottom, she would have died for sure. It's a miracle that Bob isn't dead."

"Oh, wow. I'll have to remember to thank him." I mutter, and the rest of the ride to the hospital is silent, except for the steady beat of the heart monitor.

When we arrive, doctors come rushing out of the building to cart Caroline and Bob into the hospital. I can see Bob's eyes start to flicker open. How is he awake and fine so quickly?

I follow the doctors into the bright white building, and see everyone sitting in the waiting room. Including Amy. I don't know why Frank brought her.

"How is she?" Gerard asks worriedly.

"They put her in a medically induced coma, because she has brain swelling. She would be dead if it weren't for Bob. He managed to shift underneath her so her impact wouldn't be as hard."

"Wow. I should really thank him." Mikey whispers to himself. That's surprising, Mikey and Bob had a lot of tension after Bob left the band.

"That's almost exactly what I said. The last time she attempted suicide, she promised she would tell me if anything was wrong. She broke her promise."

"Wait, she tried to kill herself before?" Claire screams.

"Yeah, a while ago. When she was pregnant. I talked her out of it, and she made me promise not to tell."

"Woooooow, she has a lot of problems." Amy says. Her voice is so annoying, she sounds like a stereotypical mean girl. Her body and face match her voice too. She has obviously fake boobs, a fake tan, badly bleached blonde hair, and un-blended makeup is caked on her face. I kinda want to throat-punch her.

"Frank, are you going to let your little slut talk about Caroline like that?" Mikey scolds.

"She has a right to her opinion! And its true! Caroline does have a lot of problems!" Ok, that's it. I walk over to Frank, and punch him square in the jaw. He has a look of anger on his face, but then The Bitch grabs his face and shoves her tongue down his throat. Seriously? Whatever.

"Mr. Toro?" a nurse calls from the hallway.


"Bob Bryar has requested to see you." What the hell? This man just jumped off a building, but now he's well enough to ask for me? How? I follow the nurse to a room, and inside I see Bob laying in a hospital bed.

"Hey Ray!" Bob says cheerily.

"Hi. How are you ok? I'm not upset that you're fine, but how?"

"Well, it's kinda weird. We jumped, and I felt us land. But then everything went black. I couldn't see, but I could hear. The doctors in the ambulance were saying that I was dead. But I didn't want to be dead. So I tried to open my eyes, and I couldn't. But then I thought maybe Caroline was in the ambulance, so I tried again, and I opened my eyes!"

"Aren't you in any pain? You landed pretty hard."

"Nah, they gave me a shit ton of painkillers, so I'm fine. How's Caroline?"

"Not great. She's in a medically induced coma, because her brain was swelling. They're probably operating on her right now. You saved her life, ya know."

"I'm glad she's alive. We shouldn't have jumped. I think she's going to need some serious therapy after this."

"Yeah. I do need to tell you something important though. She's been through a lot, especially during this tour. Don't hurt her, please." I plead.

"I won't, Ray. I know I just met her, but we're going to be great, if she agrees to be my girlfriend."

"Ok, great, thank you," I say with sincere gratitude and hug my old friend. When I pull away, I notice that he's wincing in pain.

"Oh, sorry," I say and look down at my shoes.

"No, it's okay," Bob chuckles. "Who else is here?"

"Mikey, Gerard, Frank, and Amy."

"Bring Frank in, I want to yell at him. None of us would be here if it weren't for him."

I leave the room and tell Frank to go in. He brings Amy with him, an almost definite mistake. I can hear Bob yelling at Frank all the way put here and so do the Way brothers. We exchange glances and all have the same thought. I'm glad that isn't me.

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