Chapter Twenty-One

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*Two months later, Caroline's POV*

"I think she's waking up!" I hear a familiar voice say. I try to open my eyes to see who it is, but my eyelids are too heavy.

"Caroline, come on! Wake up." Someone whispers in my ear. I try again, but to no avail.

"I know you can do it." A man's voice whispers, and I feel a kiss pressed on my forehead. Ok, Caroline, you can do this. It's a simple task, open your eyes. I try once more, and I'm blinded by the light (revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night). My hand shoots up to block it, and I'm greeted with immediate pain. My back, my arms, and my hips feel bruised. What did I do?

I think back to what happened before everything went black. Bob and I jumped off a building, oh, right.

"Am I in heaven?" I ask, my voice soar and scratchy. I need some water.

"No, but I think I might be." someone chuckles, and I think they get slapped by someone else.

"What does that mean? Can you get this light out of my eyes so I can see?"

"Yeah, one second."I hear a light switch being pulled, and the bright light goes away. I pull my arm away from my face, and see Bob, Frank, Gerard, Mikey, Claire, Ray, and who I assume is Amy.

"Wait, so I'm not dead?"

"No. Bob saved your life." Mikey informs me.

"Oh, uh, thanks Bob. When am I allowed to go home? And where is home?"

"I guess you get to pick where you stay, since your house is trashed. You can go with Frank and Amy, Mikey and Claire, Gerard, Ray, or me." Bob tells me. Who do I stay with? I barely know Bob, and he lives far away. He could be a serial killer for all I know.

"You're right, I could be a serial killer," Bob says. Crap, did I say that out loud?

"I think I'll go with Claire and Mikey, mostly because I've known Claire longest so I can trust her and I don't have a chance of Mikey breaking my heart and making me want to kill myself again," I say. Bob looks sad, but quickly puts on a smile.

"Yay! I get to live with my two favorite people!" Claire exclaims. A tall doctor enters the room and everyone else leaves.

"Ms. Allen," the doctor addresses me in a high pitched, whiny voice. "We have to do a few more tests, but if everything is fine, you'll be free to go."

I smile. "Thanks Doctor," I look at his badge,"D." (Not doctor death, the one from phineas and ferb)

After the tests are done, I leave the hospital with the guys plus Claire and Amy. I get in the backseat Mikey's car with Claire in the front. Ray puts a suitcase of my stuff in the trunk and then gets in his own car.

Claire puts a c.d. into the slot and animal sounds start playing.

"What the fuck is this?!" I ask.

"My mixtape," Claire replies with a cheesy grin.

"It's,uh, lovely, but can we listen to some actual music?" Mikey asks.

"I agree with the lanky legged man, real music!" I say.

"No," Claire replies in a stubborn tone and crosses her arms.

"Well I'm driving. Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts her cake hole" Mikey says and turns off the music.

I pass up my iPod(Ray had handed it back to me a bit before I got in the car) and plug it in, letting Mikey choose some music when we are stopped at a red light. He chooses to play Migraine by twentyønepiløts.

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