Chapter XVII

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A small bell rings as we walk through the poorly painted black door. The small window in the door is stained, multiple colored diamonds making up the breakable rectangle. "Let's go over there." Mr. Payne whispers into my ear, placing his one hand on my lower back and pointing towards a small booth in the back corner of the shop. I don't want to argue, nor do I have a reason too so I walk in the direction he pointed to. I trip over my feet, not able to focus on my walking but instead on his hand pressed into me. "Are you okay?" he laughs as I try to recover from my stumbling. I don't answer and move my attention to the booth, wanting so badly just to run to it and sit down. When we reach the booth I take a seat immediately, relieved that Mr. Payne's hand is no longer on me. It was too distracting for me. "I'm going to go order for us. They make the best pork sandwiches." he says and walks away. I will take his word for it. It seems he has been here before so he probably knows what he is talking about.

I look around the restaurant. The wall next to me has the American flag hanging up. The whole place seems to have an American proud vibe to it. There are a few pictures, framed in gold and hanging by the flag. Every picture has a bunch of men in military uniforms in it. The pictures are obviously older, probably from the second world war. My phone goes off in my purse and I grab it, watching my sister's name pop up. I decide I have a bit of time to read it and respond before Mr. Payne comes back.

So, another date?

I read the message and feel anger towards my sister begin to build. I can't stand the thought of her thinking I am going on dates with my boss. I would never ruin my chances of advancement or reputation at a place of business by being one of those girls. The thought sends shivers down my spine and I shudder to think of Mr. Payne ever being interested in me. It just doesn't seem to be something realistic. My fingers type a message back quickly and I read over it.

Stop it. That is not what is happening. Stop trying to convince me that something that is not happening, is.

I decide it should get my point across to her and send it, placing my phone back on the table and crossing my arms with a huff. I wish my sister would stop accusing me of going on dates with my boss. I was actually looking forward to the next time she would come home but now that she is here, I'm beginning to feel frustrated and she is beginning to make me feel miserable. My phone buzzes, vibrating the table and making an awkward sound. I open the message to see what she said now.

I guess we'll find out if something is happening later, when you meet up with us at the club.

I frown, remembering that he might be going with me later to meet up with my family. I wanted a night with my family, considering I didn't get to see them at all last night. But still managed to spend some time with Mr. Payne. "I didn't know what kind of drink to get you, so I just got a coke." Mr. Payne draws my eyes from my phone and to him. I watch him walk slowly, trying to balance the tray in one hand, and a drink in his other.

"That'll do just fine." I smile and watch as he carefully slides the tray onto the table and smiles. Proud of his accomplishment of not dropping anything. I'm not sure why though, he has many more impressive accomplishments to be proud of.

"Sorry it took so long. The people kept messing up the order." he sighs and sits down across from me. He grabs his sandwich and begins unwrapping it, making a quick job of it. I do the same, grabbing the other sandwich and beginning to open it up.

"It's fine." I acknowledge him and take a bite of the sandwich. The smoky and peppery flavor to the barbeque is delicious and I can't help but hum in satisfaction. Mr. Payne begins to chuckle from across the table, his eyes never leaving me as I savor the sandwich.

"I take it you like it?" He asks, quirking an eyebrow and grinning. I nod frantically, taking another bite from my sandwich. I'm slightly afraid that his ego will grow even more by me saying yes, but he is right. It's probably the best pulled pork sandwich I've ever had. I find that surprising though, because from the looks of the place, it seems like only hipsters would like their food. "I'm glad." He smiles. It seems as though he has forgotten about his own sandwich as he sits and watches me eat. I want to feel insecure about it but can't seem to find a reason to act so shy.

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