Chapter 10 - The Story About Kai's Parents

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Soo-Ri's POV
Kai took me to Dad's office. I need to talk to Dad about something.

As we walked to the building.

Tao was about to jump at me, until Kai grasped my waist, making Tao's face planted on the ground.

"Ow! Kai! Why did you have to do that?" Tao groaned.

"Reasons, Tao." Kai replied.
"Tao, you okay?" I asked.

Tao got up and he had a black eye.

I held in my laugh. Dad says it's not polite to laugh at someone.

"Um...Tao, I think you need to go to the restroom." I said.

"Agreed." Kai said.

Tao pouted.

"But I want a hug from Soo-Ri."

I giggled at that.

"You'll get your hug later." Kai said.

Tao got up and pouted again.

"Yah! What's all the commotion?" Suho and the others came out. They saw Tao had a black eye.

Chanyeol and Xiumin were snickering.

The rest...well, they were holding onto the laughs.

"Um...I need to go talk to my Dad." I said.

Suho turned to me and nodded.

I did a 90 degree bow and left them.

Kai's POV
I don't know why Soo-Ri wants to come here. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough to protect her.

"Kai, is something wrong?" DO asked.

"It's nothing, Hyung." I replied.

DO looked at me curiously.

"You have the same dream again, didn't you." he said.

I looked at him with a blank expression.

"No." I lied.

DO looked at me again.

"It's nothing, Hyung. Don't give me that look." I said, walking inside.

Soo-Ri's POV
"So, what is it that you need, sweetie? Is Kai not protecting you?" Dad asked.

"Ani. Kai is doing fine. But I'm curious about his----" Dad cut me off.

"You're curious about his past, am I correct?"

I gulped and nodded.

Dad sighed and gestured me to sit on the couch with him.

I sat by him and he pulled out a folder.

"Soo-Ri, you do know what I told you...don't get into people's business." he said.

"I know, but Kai is important to me." I said.

Dad smiled at that.

"Since you're" He said, as he gave me the folder.

I opened it and saw a little boy with two girls.

"That's Kai when he was 9 years old." Dad said.

"He was 9?" I asked.

Dad nodded.

I looked at the picture again. I never thought that Kai has a beautiful smile.

"He looks so happy." I said.

"That's his two older sisters. Jiyeon is the one on the left and Joo-Ri is the one on the right." Dad said.

His sisters....they look so beautiful.

Then Dad pulled out of another picture.

"These are his parents." Dad said.

I took the picture and examined it.

"He looks like his father." I said.

Dad nodded.

"His father...worked here." Dad said.

I looked at him, with shock.

"Kim Jaejoong. He's your biological father's partner." Dad said.

"Mwoh?" I asked.

"You Father and his father are friends. When Jaejoong died, I found him and his wife dead. I didn't make it in time. But Jaejoong's last words was 'take care of my kids.' But, his sisters didn't survive. Only him." Dad replied.

"But, how did you----" he cut me off again.

"This happen the day after your attack."

The day after. I thought.

"Then you took him in." I said.

Dad nodded.

"That means....I'm his sister." I said.

"Eh? When did you get that idea?" Dad asked.

"Look at this way, Dad. You adopted me when I just turned 9 years old. And you took care of Kai when he was 9 as well. That means we're siblings." I replied.

Dad started to laugh.

"Appa!" I said.

"Soo-Ri, you and Jongin are not siblings." he stated.

I was so confused.

"Jongin is my student. I was the one who taught him how to be a bodyguard." Dad said.

I slowly understand about that.

"Jongin chose this road to become one and I don't blame him. He knows what he is doing and all." Dad added.

I nod my head at that.

"But, the people who attacked your parents that night, it's the same people who attacked Jongin's parents." Dad said.

I was shocked about that.

"When I found Kai in the forest....I saw his two sisters, dead. It was dark, but I couldn't see that well." Dad said.

"But, did you found that man who killed our parents?" I asked.

"Not yet. We're still trailing him." Dad replied.

I nodded.

"But, Soo-Ri...don't use his real name. If you do...they will know that he's Jaejoong's son. All right." dad said.

I nodded.

"But, if you want to know the whole story. You have to ask Kai about it." Dad added.

I nod my head again.

"But, I want you to keep this as well. Show it to Kai once he's ready to you about his past." Dad said.

I nodded and took the folder.

"Thanks Dad." I said.

Dad smiled at me.

"One more question, Soo-Ri." he said.

"Ne?" I asked.
"You love Kai, don't you?" Dad asked.

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