Chapter 41 - The Big News!!!

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3rd Person's POV
Jongin was in the waiting room, pacing back and forth. He doesn't know what's going on.

Until the others came.

"Hyung!" Sehun exclaimed.

Jongin stopped and looked.

"How's Soo-Ri?" asked Tao.

"Nado Molla. The Doctor hasn't come out yet." Jongin replied.

Min-Jun sighed.

"She never act like this before." he said.

Everyone nodded.

Then the doctor came out of the room, with the smile on his face.

"Doctor, how's my wife? Is she alright?" Jongin rambled.

The doctor chuckled.

"She's alright. And she's fine. She just exhausted, that's all. And she's due on Janurary 28th." the doctor said.

Our eyes widen at that.

"Mwoh?!" we asked.

The doctor chuckled again.

"Kim Jongin, congratulations. Your wife is 2 weeks pregnant."

Jongin's mouth went wide open. Like in shock.

"P-Pregnant?" Jongin stuttered.

The doctor smiled and nodded.

The look on Min-Jun's face. He was happy.

Jaehyun...Hana....I hope you're watching Soo-Ri from above. And Jaejoong, Hye Yeon...hope that you're proud of your son. He thought.

"We're Uncles!!" EXO chanted.

Jongin stood there shocked.

"I'm a Dad...I'm a Dad." he mumbled.

"You can go in there now. Soo-Ri will wake up and then you can take her home." the doctor said.

Jongin bowed his head.

Soo-Ri's POV
I woke up and felt a little dizzy. I carefully sat up and noticed that I was in the hospital.

"You're awake."

I turned to the door and it was Jongin.

He smiled and sat on the edge of the bed.

"You nearly freaked me out." he said.

"Minhae, I didn't know that this is going to happen. Hope you're not mad." I said.

Jongin chuckled and held my hands.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

I shrugged my shoulders.


Jongin suddenly his hand on my stomach.

"Eh, Jongin? What are you doing?" I asked.

He smiled and looked at me.

"I'm so happy, Soo-Ri. You and I are going to be parents." he replied.

My eyes widen at that.

"P-Parents?" I stuttered.

Jongin nodded.

"You're pregnant." he said.

I was shoocked and surprised.

"But...I didn't know that I was pregnant at all. All I felt was dizziness." I said.

"That's the first symptoms, Soo-Ri. But I can't believe it. I'm going to be a Father." he said.

I smiled...big time!

"I'm going to be a Mother. A mother, Jongin!"I exclaimed.

Jongin chuckled and hugged me. And I hugged him back.

"We're going to be one happy family." Jongin said.

I giggled and hugged him tightly.

"Ne, one happy family."

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