Kakashi x Reader

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Kakashi's P.O.V.
I knew this was a difficult mission, yet I ordered (Y/N) to stay home and wait for me to return. I regret it, I need her more than ever right now. Her Kekkei Genkai could've easily destroyed the enemy's powerful Ninjutsu. I can't keep relying on her anymore. My Sharingan is no help at all and I'm running low on chakra. I'm getting frustrated because I can't figure out a way to take the enemy down. It was a girl from the Hidden Mist who became a rogue and killed the innocent.

"Troubled? I bet." She sneered and disappeared. "Don't worry. I'll kill you fast. It will be painless." She whispered into my ear. I couldn't move, she paralyzed me! "But first, I want to see this face of yours." she said while pulling my mask down.

My face was exposed and her jaw dropped. "You're cute, too bad I have to kill you though. Maybe I'll give you kiss since you're going to die anyway." She casually stated. I growled and tried to move. She kissed me and pulled away. She swung her sword and I closed my eyes, preparing for the pain. Cling!

"Lay your nasty lips on him and try to kill him again!" An angry voice growled. I opened my eye to find my beautiful wife standing there, blocking the attack with a kunai. She was glaring daggers at the Hidden Mist kunoichi. She used her strength to push the woman back.

Your P.O.V.
Kakashi you careless idiot! I mentally face palmed and grabbed the pouch he left behind. He took my pouch of kunai instead of his. I growled and started to track him down. He knows my kunai and shurikens aren't ordinary, they were specially designed for the (L/N) clan. They enhance the special chakra that flows through (L/N). They would never work for another ninja who wasn't part of the clan. The kunai would only drain the non-(L/N) chakra anyways. So I must find Kakashi, before it's too late.


Your P.O.V.
I spotted a small puddle of blood near a tree. I cautiously walk towards it and spot my kunai that was stuck in a tree. I walked to it and pulled it out of the tree trunk effortlessly. "You're cute, too bad I have to kill you though. Maybe I'll give you kiss since you're going to die anyway." A female voice cooed. I walked to where I assumed it was coming from. I hid in the leaves of the tree and searched carefully for that woman. I could barely make out the image of a rogue ninja kissing a maskless Kakashi. She pulled away and her right hand grazed the handle of her sword. I have to interfere!

I jumped from the tree at great speed with my kunai in front of me, so I could block the attack. Cling! Blade met blade. "Lay your nasty lips on him and try to kill him again!" I growled. I was glaring daggers at the kunoichi who, apparently, was from the Hidden Mist. I focused my chakra to my blade to boost my strength. Once I did that, I pushed her back and sent her flying through three trees. She hit the fourth tree hard and blood came out of her mouth.

I turned to Kakashi and released him from the strange technique that caused him to be motionless. "I'm sorry, I should've let you come along. She's a strong one, a killer kunoichi. You can easily defeat her with one of your Ninjutsu." Kakashi said while breathing heavily. I chuckled and shook my head. "Trust me, she won't be getting up to fight any time soon. I broke her ribs and her body is weak with pain. All we can do now is tie her up and take her to the prison. Then someone can heal her." I explained with a sheepish smile.

We walked to the woman and tied her up, so she wouldn't be able to wave a handsign. I threw her onto my shoulder and began to walk to the prison. Which was a long way from here. I sighed tiredly because this woman is as heavy as I am, maybe a little heavier. I groaned as I tried to fight the tiredness my arms were showing. Kakashi glanced at me with concern. "I could carry her (Y/N), you're not even supposed to lift heavy things." He suggested.

"Hah. No. I need to get stronger, this is good for me." I said with a grin. Who am I kidding!? She's heavy and I'm not even halfway to the prison! I wish I was stronger.

Kakashi's P.O.V.
(Y/N) insisted on carrying the Hidden Mist kunoichi, so I let her. Being married for two years really taught me a lot about her personality. If she insisted on doing something..she's either angry, annoyed, or in a hurry. We've been walking for a mile and she's struggling with every step she takes. Some sweat covered her forehead and her breathing was heavy. Her body was barely shaking, but I knew it wasn't strong enough to carry this woman for miles more.

"I could carry her (Y/N), you're not even supposed to lift heavy things." I suggested. Her eyes held a flash of anger for a second, but quickly vanished. "Hah. No. I need to get stronger, this is good for me." She tried to convince me with a grin. The way she said that sentence made her seem so unsure of herself. Was she trying to convince herself? Maybe. Whatever she's doing, she obviously lied to me. Suddenly, her knees gave out and she collapsed. I caught (Y/N), but I accidentally let the Hidden Mist kunoichi fall. Thankfully, she was still knocked out.

"You're tired, let me carry her." I said. (Y/N) quickly scrambled to her feet and stood in my way. She glared and I knew she was serious. "No. Kakashi, you can just walk alongside me, but you will not carry her." She said in an angry tone. "What's this about?" I sighed. "Nothing, I..just..uh...you're injured and you need to recover." She said quickly. She's lying.

"If you don't tell me now, you can forget about our date next week." I said sternly. She growled and sighed. "When she kissed you, my blood boiled and it's taking every bit of my humanity not to rip her limbs off one by one. I don't want you to touch her because she called you cute and kissed you. Even though she's tied up, I don't trust her." She mumbled while avoiding my gaze. I blushed and let out a laugh. She glared at me with a light blush coating her cheeks. "It's not funny!" She said.

Your P.O.V.
"I know. I'm gonna say this a million times, until the day I die. I married you because I love you. Who stole my first kiss and my heart? You. Who is holding my child in their womb? You. You're the only woman..I ever let see my face. Well, until now..because she kinda paralyzed me and tore it off. Ahem, well I'm just trying to say that..I will never cheat on you. I can't do that to my beautiful wife and my son, who I love dearly..even though he isn't gonna be here until another eight months." Kakashi explained while placing a hand on my flat belly.

I smiled and remembered why I loved Kakashi so much. I'm only less than a month pregnant, but he gave up his pervy books..just for me. He spends his time reading books about pregnancy and babies. Whenever he goes away on a mission, he asks Naruto and Sakura to watch over me. Which, Naruto is the only one who really does..while Sakura spends her time stalking Sasuke. I smiled and hugged Kakashi.

"How about we get Kotetsu and Izumo to take her while we go home and rest?" I suggested with a yawn. He nodded and carried the kunoichi to the gates where we asked Kotetsu and Izumo..to kindly take the rogue ninja to prison. They happily agreed.

Kakashi and I made our way home, hand in hand. Patiently waiting for eight months to pass, so we can meet the boy who will change our lives forever. He would be named Takashi Hatake.

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