Kisame x Reader

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(Y/N) stood outside of the hideout, wondering where her beloved husband was. She was worried about him. After all, he's been gone for nearly a week. She imagined the worst things that could've happened, but she chased those thoughts away and rubbed her belly. "It's okay, daddy will be back.." she whispered to her unborn child. Although, it sounded like she was trying to convince herself. She sighed and sadly watched the evening sun go down. She spotted a shooting star. "I just want him back.." she whispered and let a tear roll down her cheek.

She went back inside the hideout and into their shared room. She lied down on the bed and hugged the pillow he always used. It smelled just like him. "Don't worry, your dad will be here soon, I just know it." she assured their baby. Suddenly, the door opened to reveal Tobi. "Tobi can hear (Y/N)-chan crying. Tobi wants to ask if you're okay." He sat on the bed near her feet. She smiled and gave Tobi a hug. "Thank you Tobi, you are so kind. Go get some sleep, it's late." She whispered.

"Tobi will go to sleep now. Tobi is a good boy and made (Y/N)-chan a little more happy. Bye (Y/N)-chan and baby!" Tobi cheerfully whispered while trying to walk out of the room. "Ah!" He screeched and fell on his butt. (Y/N) jumped up with worry and looked towards the door. Her (E/C) eyes landed upon Kisame standing over Tobi, with his right hand grazing Samahada's handle. "Kisame!" She cheerfully whispered and ran to her husband.

Kisame's eyes held anger towards Tobi, but seeing his pregnant wife made his eyes hold love. "I missed you so much! I was so worried." She whispered in his ear while hugging him. "I've only been gone for a week. Do you really doubt the Monster of the Hidden Mist's abilities?" Kisame questioned his wife. She shook her head and pouted. "Are you saying I can't worry about my husband?" She asked sternly. He only chuckled and kissed her. He was happy she was healthy and okay.

~~~~~~~~~~~A week later~~~~~~~~~~~

Itachi, Kisame, and (Y/N) were all out taking a walk. "This isn't safe, we should go back." Kisame whined, obviously concerned about his wife's safety. She shook her head and giggled. "Nonsense. After all, Itachi said exercising is good for the baby. Right Itachi?" (Y/N) said with a smile. Itachi nodded with a smile. Even though the Uchiha was usually stoical, he enjoyed the fact that Kisame was going to be a father soon.

"You would've known this if you actually read the books I managed to get for you, Kisame." Itachi said while glaring at him. Kisame shrugged and chuckled. "I haven't had any time. Besides, I know what to do when the time comes." Kisame said with pride. As if on cue, (Y/N) felt liquid rolling down her inner thighs. "My water broke." (Y/N) said. Kisame glared at his wife. "Lame prank. Besides, we should get home." Kisame said.

"My water broke you idiot!" (Y/N) growled. Itachi rushed to her side and was about to help her, but Mr. Jealous Gills picked (Y/N) up bridal style and ran to the nearest village. They risked the chance of being spotted, but they didn't care. All we cared about now was the baby.


"When this is over, I'm going to use Samehada to turn you into sushi!!!" (Y/N) screamed threats at her husband. Itachi tried to hold back a giggle, but failed. "Now, now, dear. *gulp* I'm sure you don't mean that. GAH!" Kisame said nervously as a sweatdrop appeared on his forehead. (Y/N) squeezed his hand with a lot of force, he wouldn't be surprised if it was broken by now. After all, (Y/N)'s strength rivals Tsunade's. "Agh!!! This hurts so much!!" (Y/N) screamed in pain.

She decided to do a natural birth instead of getting the epidural. "Itachi!!!" She shouted to her best friend. He held her left hand and was ready to bear the pain of his hand possibly being torn off. "Shhh! Calm down, just breathe. You're doing a great job, isn't that right miss?" Itachi said, turning his head to the midwife, he was trying to convince (Y/N). "The head is showing! Keep pushing!" The midwife ordered. "GAHHH!!!" (Y/N) shouted and tightened her grip on Kisame's hand.

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