Choji x Reader

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Your P.O.V.
I couldn't contain my excitement, I wanted to run through the gates and greet everyone. Going away for two years wasn't as fun as it seemed. At first it was great, but slowly I began to dislike being around Naruto and Jiraiya. They were incredibly immature and wouldn't let me out of their sight when I wanted to train. When the village was in sight I couldn't hold back my smile. I wonder how strong everyone became. I couldn't wait to see them. Fiddling with my necklace, the memories came flooding back to me.

Eating a bag of healthy snacks, I looked at the boy next to me and smiled. He gave me a sheepish smile when he realized he was being watched. Silly boy. I always reminded him that the way he eats doesn't disgust me. I'm secretly jealous about the way he can finish a meal so quickly. "Choji, I have something to tell you", I said quietly. Noticing the seriousness in my voice, he grew concerned. "What's the matter (Y/N)? Is something wrong?" he questioned while searching my face for clues. "I'm leaving with Naruto and Jiraiya." I stated. He didn't hide the way his spirit fell. I couldn't stop myself from frowning. "Choji, you're always going to be my best friend, I'll return. I promise." I said while giving the boy a hug. "I know (Y/N). I'll be here. I have something I've been wanting to give you, I made it myself." he said with a sheepish grin. The necklace was small, but beautiful with a butterfly pendant. "Thank you Choji! I love it!" I exclaimed. "How about we go out for some food? Just one last time before you leave" he asked. I accepted the offer and walked by his side through the village. Out of all of the people I met, Choji was the kindest.

"I'm surprised your head doesn't explode from all of that thinking" Naruto teased. My eyes narrowed at him. I'm glad I wasn't going to be around him for much longer, our last fight was too intense. Jiraiya was about to have one less student. "Behave, I'm not going to be nice if you two start a fight" Jiraiya warned. I stuck my tongue out at Naruto who did the same. Jiraiya just rolled his eyes. Once we made it to the gates, most people stared in awe. The Leaf Village's two knuckleheads were all grown up. Thinking about it made me smile fondly at Naruto. Both of us were orphans, troublemakers, and ambitious. Yet, I wouldn't dream of having it any other way. Although, I wish he were more levelheaded. 

Naruto made a dramatic declaration of his return. I smiled and headed towards my small apartment right next to Naruto's. He wanted to see Tsunade and everyone else. All I wanted to do was take advantage of my time away from Naruto and Jiraiya. When I opened the door, I wasn't surprised to see how dusty it was. Cleaning wasn't a problem when shadow clones were used. Fixing my bed, I jumped right underneath the covers before I heard a knock at the door. Groaning, I stomped towards the door. Only Naruto would come and bother me when I wasn't in the mood to deal with his-Oh. Instead of the knucklehead, I was face to face with Choji. I blinked slowly.

Unsure about how to greet the boy in front of me, I shyly avoided eye contact. "I heard Naruto was back, so I just had to check" he offered an explanation. Smiling, I finally found the courage to look him in the eye. "Hey, um, it's been a while. Would you like to come inside?" I said, stepping inside to let him in. He held up a bag with some groceries inside. "I figured you haven't gotten something to eat yet, so I took it upon myself to buy you a nice meal with some drinks. I hope it's alright" he stated with a small smile. Same old Choji. I felt nervous when I shouldn't. I was overthinking again, like usual.

"Your hair grew longer, it looks nice. I bet you became really strong along with Naruto." he complimented. I smiled sheepishly and chuckled a bit. "Naruto is way stronger than I am, but he's still the same old knucklehead. I couldn't trim my hair or do any girly things while being around Naruto." I explained. Unwrapping the food, I didn't hesitate to dig in. After being around Jiraiya and Naruto, I stopped caring about my figure and learned how to eat as much as I could. Choji chuckled and watched me with admiration. I couldn't help but smile. I missed this. "(Y/N)!!!" Naruto obnoxiously shouted while knocking on my front door. My moment with Choji was spoiled. "What do you want?! I'm trying to enjoy some food!!" I yelled through the door. "We gotta prepare to fight Kakashi-sensei! We need to train!" Naruto informed me. "Let me get some rest! Besides, knowing you, you gave him that damn book and he's going to read it!" I shouted, ending Naruto's insistence.

Choji's P.O.V.
When (Y/N) left, it was so sudden. I didn't get to say goodbye the day she walked away from the village. It feels surreal being in her presence. She grew up around Naruto and Jiraiya, so she didn't care about her weight anymore. She's confident. There's something that caught my eye, the necklace I gifted her. A fond smile found it's way on my face. "I didn't think you'd keep it after all of these years" I admitted. She instantly knew what I was talking about. She held it between her fingers. "You're my best friend Choji, I wouldn't dream of losing it." she said.

We finished our food and decided to take a walk around the village. She told me all about her training with Naruto which sounded pretty intense. She learned new jutsu that catered to her abilities, she was more confident now. It's amazing. The sun was starting to set, so we admired the sunset together. "Choji, there's something that I must confess" (Y/N) said with a small smile. "When I was away, I missed you. I always wondered what you were doing or how your day went. Before I left, you were my best friend. Now that we're older and more mature, I realized that you mean so much more to me than that. I'd like to spend the rest of my life with you, if you allow me to be your equal." she stated with a hesitant glance towards me.

I didn't know how to react, but her words were true. I felt the same way. "I'd be foolish to deny you (Y/N). I feel the exact same way. From now on, let's work as a team. Let's get stronger together and prepare for what's to come." I answered. She smiled while I grabbed her hand. Being affectionate is new to the both of us, but nothings ever felt this comfortable before.

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