Minato x Reader (AU)

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You were in the Hokage's office, sorting through paperwork and organizing files for the Hokage. You silently sang your favorite song and smiled, thinking about your future. It was difficult to believe that you were going to be Hokage yourself in a month. Your heart raced at the thought. Your dream is finally coming true.

"Still can't believe it, huh?" A kind voice chuckled, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Yeah, it's..I'm just so happy." you replied with a tear threatening to fall. "Do you think my dad would be proud?" you asked Minato with hopeful eyes. He smiled and placed a hand on your shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. "Yes, I'm sure he'll be proud when he returns. Where's Lord Hokage? Did he go home early?" Minato asked.

"He's having a talk with Kakashi at Ichiraku. He'll be back soon." you answered. "I see. Did you eat yet? If you haven't, we can go out for food..if you'd like." Minato asked with a light blush dusting his cheeks. "I'd like to, just as long as you let me pay my share. Okay?" you chirped and walked out. Minato followed. "That's one thing that will never change about you. So tell me, why won't you let someone else pay for your dinner?" Minato questioned.

"I don't want them to spend their money. I'd rather pay for it because I don't have a husband or family." you answered with a small smile. Truth be told, you tried to find a husband, but no man ever satisfied you. They didn't understand your personality. In fact, they only wanted you because you were beautiful, but you craved an actual connection. You wanted someone to fall in love with your soul and not your body. Little did you know, Minato was the man who loved everything about you.

"I don't have a significant other, so I could pay too, you know?" Minato stated. "You don't have a significant other? I thought you had Kushina?" you asked. Minato shook his head. "No, we didn't work out." he answered.

Minato's P.O.V.
Truth is, I couldn't love Kushina. (Y/N) is the love of my life and the only person I want to be with. Of course, I can't tell her that. I mean, we've been close friends since Jiraiya became my sensei. "Have you heard anything from my father?" (Y/N) asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "No, I'm sorry. I seen him three months ago and he said he's doing research again." I answered.

"I see. It's funny because a lot of people freak out that Jiraiya is my father because I'm nothing like him." she smiled and looked at the stars. "I love my dad, but I'm glad I'm not like him. I would be ugly." she giggled. "Even if you looked like Master Jiraiya, I'd still fall in love with you." I stated. My eyes grew wide and so did hers. "What did you say?!" she asked with a deep blush covering her cheeks.

Way to go Minato. You screwed up this time. "I mean, uh, we'd still be friends and hang out and stuff. I would love you-as a friend and nothing more. Hey, look! Ichiraku is open, let's go!" I babbled, while trying to act calm. I was miserably failing. "Minato, tell me what you said." she calmly demanded.

I sighed and faced her. "(Y/N), I love you. I'm not crazy, I'm not stupid, and there's nothing wrong with me. I've been in love with you since we were kids. I tried to get over you, but I couldn't and I still can't. You're the most amazing person to enter my life. Without you, I would've never picked up a book. I never would have made it this far. You're so beautiful, but that's not what caught my attention. I love your personality more than anything. You're always so kind, even to people who don't deserve it. I could say more, but that would take all night. I love you more than you can ever imagine and it's okay if you don't love me back. I just really needed to say that." I confessed with a small smile.

Your P.O.V.
Minato loves me. My eyes started to water and it felt like there was a lump in my throat. "I love you too Minato." I said and wrapped my arms around him. I cried into his shoulder and ran my fingers through his hair. I inhaled his scent, which made me smile. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "This feels so right." he whispered. I couldn't agree more. I felt comfortable, warm, and at peace.

"Well, well. I see you finally told her. Good job." An all too familiar voice stated. Minato let go of me and my (E/C) eyes met a pair of dark ones. "Dad..you're back?" I whispered. He said he wasn't going to make it in time because he wants to finish his book.
"Of course I'm back, I wouldn't miss your big day for anything. I'm proud of you, kiddo." He said and gave me a hug. The two things I've always wanted happened today.

Minato confessed he loves me and my dad said he was proud of me. I hugged the both of them and smiled happily. "How about we go get ramen? Just like old times." I suggested. They both shrugged and followed me to Ichiraku's. Minato sat beside me and kissed my cheek, while staring at me lovingly, as I devoured my ramen in an unlady-like manner. Life couldn't get any better.

[A/N]: It's all I could think of. 😅 There will be more updates coming soon, I just procrastinate all the time. But thank you for reading. ❤

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