Itachi x Reader

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(Y/N) stopped and checked her surroundings, in case someone was following her. She saw nothing and sighed in relief. "Thank goodness." she whispered to herself and quickly started to jump from tree to tree to a certain spot, far away from the Leaf Village. She came to a halt and made a hand sign. "Release." she said, avoiding a Genjutsu. "You're earlier than usual, Itachi." she commented. The Uchiha stepped out of the dark shadows the forest provided.

"I didn't want to keep you waiting again. The longer you're gone, the more your uncle will grow suspicious." Itachi replied with a stoical expression. "I have more pictures and updates of Sasuke for you. Also, the Third Hokage asked if I could train Sasuke. What would you like me to do?" (Y/N) asked, while handing him a file. She studied his movements, trying to figure out how he feels about what she had just asked. "Let him continue training with Kakashi." Itachi said and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"Well, I have some time to kill, I'm pretty sure my uncle wouldn't notice I'm gone. How's life Itachi?" (Y/N) questioned, looking at the Uchiha with curiousity. She has always wondered how life was for a good rogue ninja. "It's been fine. However, this Mangekyou Sharingan makes my vision go blurry sometimes." Itachi replied. (Y/N) took off her gloves and let them fall to the ground. "Come here 'tachi. You're lucky my clan spealized in Medical Ninjutsu for the Uchiha's sake. I mastered it because I took your situation into consideration. That rhymed." (Y/N) giggled and walked to Itachi.

He looked down at her. "Thank you." Itachi said. (Y/N) blushed and gently placed her small hands on his face, covering his eyes. She focused her chakra and started to sing a forbidden song her clan would use to speed up a healing process. Suddenly, (Y/N) pulled away and fell to her knees, gasping for air. "You knew that was going to happen, yet you helped me. Why is that?" Itachi asked with confusion. "Because your life is worth more than mine, Itachi." she replied with a whisper. "I can't have you helping me like that anymore, you have a life to live, people to meet, children to have. I'm not going to let you throw it away just for me to have clear vision." Itachi said.

"I don't have a life to live, you're forgetting my condition Itachi. I probably won't even be able to have children." (Y/N) whispered quietly. "I'm sorry I brought it up." Itachi apologized. He knew (Y/N) only had a few more years to live, due to her family's forbidden Medical Ninjutsu. Sometimes wounds and other injuries weren't able to be healed with just ordinary chakra. The (L/N) were able to quickly heal fatal wounds and other sicknesses, but such skill came at a price.

Every time they use the forbidden technique, it causes them to become ill. In (Y/N)'s case, she was already very sick ever since she was a young child. "Itachi, can I ask you something?" She asked while looking at her feet. "Yes." He simply replied. "I talked to the Hokage and he agreed. I also think this is the best thing for me, but it all depends on you. Itachi, will you take me with you?" (Y/N) asked, her (E/C) eyes swimming with hope.

"Why? You have friends, a sibling, and students here. You want to give all of that up? What is your reason? You weren't like this when we were in the Anbu, you always wanted to stay with the people you love forever." Itachi asked and narrowed his eyes in confusion.

Itachi's P.O.V.
I've known (Y/N) for many years, but this isn't how she normally is. Perhaps it's someone from the Leaf disguised as her, but it's not possible. Only (Y/N) knows this location and how to escape this specific genjutsu. Besides, her Medical Ninjutsu skills are impossible to copy because it's a bloodline trait. Why is she saying these things?

"You see, I hate being in the Leaf. Word got out that I've been using my clan's forbidden technique and everyone sees me as a threat. No one really talks to me anymore, not even my younger sibling. If I stay, I'll only be miserable and unhappy. I don't want to spend my last moments feeling like that. I want to be with you, Itachi. I've said this a million times, but I'll say it again. I love you Itachi and I've always had. Please let me go with you. I know you don't return my feelings, but I want to be with you because you make me happy." (Y/N) said with a few tears rolling down her cheeks.

"I'll let you come along, but I need you to be with me at all times." I answered. "I'm aware that you can handle them yourself. However, if any of them lay a hand on you, tell me." I said. Her face lit up with joy and her eyes sparkled with excitement. She wiped her tears and sniffled. "Thank you Itachi, you won't regret this decision." she said and stood by my side. "Let's go, I'll make up a story saying you betrayed the Leaf and you're an old friend. The Akatsuki leader, Pein, will see your abilities as very useful to his plans." I explained.

"Okay. I know you work in pairs, but would I be able to be with you and whoever your partner is?" she asked. "Of course, but my partner is a pretty violent person. His name is Kisame Hoshigaki, he was one of the seven ninja swordsmen. He wields Samehada." I informed her. "Nothing I can't handle 'tachi. I won't be on his bad side, I promise." she replied. She's a little too happy about this, but I'm glad she'll die happy.

~~Timeskip to a couple years later~~~

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
"Why do you enjoy being a Jashinist?" I asked Hidan while using Medical Ninjutsu to heal his wounds and reattach his arms. "Why do you enjoy asking stupid questions?" Hidan retorted. "I'm curious." I answered. Hidan's arms started to heal and soon enough, he was as good as normal. "There you go, now pay up. I know you have what I want." I chirped happily. Hidan growled and handed me a few pieces of (F/F) candy. "I'm just glad you don't charge money." Hidan mumbled.

"I don't like going into town, so I'd rather take candy. Now take it easy with the rituals." I said and walked out of his room. I walked to Itachi and I's shared room and laid on the bed. I sighed and hugged my stomach. "You know, you're obvious when you keep an eye on me. Itachi, it's hurting again." I whined and snuggled my fluffy sheep plushie that Itachi bought for me on my eighteenth birthday.

"Only six more months and you'll be better." Itachi whispered and kissed my cheek. You see, I'm three months pregnant. About a year after I joined the Akatsuki, Itachi found a woman that treated my condition. Now, I'm as healthy as any normal person. I wasn't dying anymore and Itachi was happy. That same year, Itachi confessed and asked me to be his wife, of course, I said yes and here we are. However, Itachi still wanted Sasuke to kill him.

"When is he coming for you?" I whispered to my husband. "Sometime this year." Itachi replied and closed his eyes. "Why can't you tell him the truth? Itachi, haven't you considered the possibility that Madara would tell him?" I asked with fear lacing my voice. I hated Madara, he scares me. "You know I can't, I'm certain Madara wouldn't do such a thing. You have nothing to worry about." Itachi assured me with a small smile. I sighed in defeat and snuggled close to him.

"I wish these moments could last forever. Hopefully, Sasuke won't come too soon. I really want you to see our child and hold him or her. Oh Itachi..I'm gonna miss you so much." I managed to say, the lump in my throat made my voice shaky. A tear rolled down my cheek and I started to silently sob. "Don't cry, it makes it difficult for me. Just cherish these moments and tell our child about it. I love you, now get some sleep. The baby won't be healthy if you're stressed about these things." Itachi said while running his fingers through my hair.

It was relaxing and started to make me sleepy. Itachi grabbed my sheep plushie and lied it next to my belly. "What are we going to name the baby?" I asked, trying not to fall asleep. "When the baby gets here, we'll decide. For now, go to sleep." Itachi said and soon, I fell into a deep sleep. I dreamt about being with Itachi forever.

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