Naruto x Reader

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(Y/N) (L/N) was noticed as Konoha's most beautiful kunoichi. Even though she's only seventeen. "Hey (Y/N), looking beautiful as always!" Kiba complimented with a flirty smile. She blushed and shook her head. "Thank you, Kiba. Those are very kind words." She smiled. (Y/N) is undeniably gorgeous, but she remains humble and unspoiled by her fame. "Hey cutie~" non-ninja guys cooed towards the (H/C) haired kunoichi. She looked at them with a hint of annoyance. They stood in her way, she tried to flash them a fake smile. "Excuse me, I must attend to something very important and you're in my way." she lied. They chuckled and started to corner her into an alley. "You can do that after we're finished with you" they grinned evily.

Her blood boiled as she glared at them. "I usually don't hurt villagers, but guys like you make me sick! Is this your approach to women? You're not gonna get very far." (Y/N) stated boldly and started to beat them up. "(Y/N), we're terribly sorry!!" They tried to beg for mercy. "Your future depends on women, don't you care about your future? So take care of them, or else you're not gonna have one." She spat at them. She stepped out of the alley and smiled once again, she turned to her left and immediately fell on her butt. "Ah! Hey! Watch it!" She exclaimed. She looked up to see the love of her life.

Naruto's P.O.V.
(Y/N)'s scary when she's irritated. "Sorry, (Y/N)." I sheepishly apologized while holding out my hand to help her up. She blushed and took my hand. "It's okay, Naruto. Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you were on a mission." She asked with confusion. "Who told you I was supposed to be on a mission?" I asked, I wasn't assigned any missions. "Lady Tsunade told me." she replied. GRANDMA TSUNADE WAS TRYING TO MAKE ME LOSE THE BET!!!

"Oh, really? Well she's a liar." I chuckled. She giggled and shook her head at my childish behaviour. "Hey, you wanna take a walk?" I asked hopefully. "Sure, I have nothing better to do." She replied. I felt my heart beat faster, this is the perfect opportunity! I have to tell her.

"So...have you gotten a boyfriend yet?" I tried to ask casually. She giggled and shook her head. "No one really interests me. Besides, they just want me for looks. I'm interested in guys who actually understands me and notices my traits other than my looks. Unfortunately, not many guys are like that, except one..but I'm not good enough for him." She sighed sadly.

Why on Earth would she think she's not good enough for someone? She's perfect! Her personality beats her looks by a million times. Not to mention she is extremely beautiful.

I awkwardly cough to gain her attention. She looked at me with those big (E/C) eyes of hers. "Hey, don't say that. I'm sure he likes you back and if he doesn't..he's an idiot. You're the kindest, funniest, and most humble person I've ever gotten the privilege to call a best friend." I said, truthfully. She blushed and smiled.

"Naruto?" She asked to gain my full attention. "Yes?" I replied, waiting for her to continue. "I..I love you." She whispered. I felt my heart begin to rapidly beat. Did she just say...she loves me?

Your P.O.V.
Confessing to Naruto was a risky thing to do, but I'm glad I was able to get it off of my chest. If he doesn't return my feelings that is perfectly fine, just as long as he's happy. "You love me?" Naruto asked with wide eyes. I nodded and smiled. "Ever since we were kids. Only Jiraiya knew about it, he wanted to be there when I confessed. Yet, here we are. Jiraiya did tell me to be confident when I do show my true feelings and that's what I did. Although, I'm not sure if he would be proud or not." I blushed sheepishly.

If Jiraiya were here, he would've teased me about the way I approached Naruto about my feelings. "He would be proud, but he would also scold me. He knew I had feelings for you as well, so he made it clear that I would be expected to make the first move. You beat me to it. I love you too, (Y/N)." Naruto smiled and looked at the sky. I bet he was imagining our late sensei smiling down at us.

After all, Jiraiya did 'ship' us and published a book about two teenagers in love. The two lovers resembled Naruto and I's personality traits. I giggled at the memory, which caught Naruto's attention. "Silly sensei. Secretly playing matchmaker." I said softly. "(Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" Naruto asked. I nodded and our hands automatically made their way to each other. I've never been so happy in my life.

We looked at each other and leaned in. Our lips were gently pressed together. I shared my first kiss with him and he made the passion obvious. We pulled away and watched the sun start to set. Right now, life is amazing. "I love you (Y/N)." Naruto whispered in my ear. I blushed and kissed his cheek. "I love you too Naruto."

Little did they know, their late sensei watched them from behind a tree. After all, he had some unfinished business that was to be completed. His soul mission was to see his favorite students in a relationship. He smiled proudly and tears formed in his eyes. "Naruto and (Y/N). This is the way it was always meant to be." Jiraiya whispered to himself and smiled. He looked at them and sighed. "I guess I have to cross over now, I'm just happy they finally confessed." He said he turned around one last time, only to see (Y/N) looking his direction in tears. "Can you see me?" He asked. She nodded and nudged Naruto.

Naruto's eyes widen and tears rolled down his cheeks. "Pervy Sage.." he whispered. Jiraiya smiled at his students and waved. "Thank you sensei.." Naruto and (Y/N) whispered. They watched their sensei fade away and smiled. "As I said, he played matchmaker and I knew he wouldn't have missed out on this." (Y/N) said and hugged Naruto.

[A/N]: Sorry for the dumb one shot, it's all I could think of for Naruto. I promise I'll try to do better!!

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