Sasuke x Reader Pt.1

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(Y/N) stared at her best friend until he was out of sight. He was all she had left, but he decided to abandon her in a village that wasn't too kind to her. She was determined to prove she wasn't a threat, however, Sasuke wasn't there to help her anymore. She has to grow up now and take on the responsibilities she was terrified to do. Over the years, little by little, she stopped caring. An empty feeling began to replace what little humanity she had left.

Your P.O.V.
Being a ninja was the most exciting thing in the world. Fortunately, before I drove myself mad, I gave up the lifestyle and opened up a restaurant. Things were going great, but there was a feeling of emptiness that I just couldn't shake off. I began to clean the tables that weren't being used and I refilled customers drinks. I was in desperate need of a social life, but I had a difficult time fitting in with people my age. Especially my old friends that blamed me for Sasuke leaving the village. It wasn't my fault, the idiot wanted revenge more than anything and I couldn't stop him.

When the customers left, I started to clean everything. I locked the restaurant and slowly made my way home. I began to wonder if I'll spend the rest of my life feeling this way. If so, I just have to accept it. I glanced at the place where I last seen Sasuke. I wonder how he looks now. I hope he matured and realised how ridiculous his hairstyle was. I stopped by Ichiraku to have some ramen, it satisfied my cravings. I looked at my surroundings and I noticed that some of my old friends were parents now and they all looked so happy. Then there was me, alone. Desolated. I'll visit my parents tomorrow, it's been a few years since I seen them.

Sasuke's P.O.V.
Coming back to the Leaf Village was a difficult decision, but I did it anyway. I needed to apologize for the trouble I have caused. (Y/N). Some say she died during the war, some say she left the village. I knew better. If she's alive, she would never leave, this was her home. This is where her family lived before they were killed in action. I decided to congratulate Naruto, it's been a while since I've spoken to him. After the reunion, I joined Sakura for tea. She went on and on about how things have changed, I would've remembered every detail of the conversation, but my mind was somewhere else.

I need to find her. She's alive, she wouldn't die so easily. I knew who to ask, he could give me the answers I'm searching for. I didn't know how to approach him, I don't want him to think that's all I visited him for. I knocked on his door only to be greeted by a young woman. "Mr. Hatake is in the backyard, you may join him." she stated and lead me to where he was located. "Well, well, you're all grown up now." he smiled. "Kakashi-sensei." I bowed respectfully. "I came here in search for answers, I was hoping you can help me." I stated, it came out sounding desperate. I explained that I wanted to know what happened to (Y/N).

"After you left, she faced every challenge with an undying determination. She overcame her fears and earned the respect of many. However, she slowly began to lose herself. Her comrades gave her a hard time and she just..wasn't exactly living life to the fullest. She went on dates in an attempt to find love, but she was disappointed. Instead of continuing her life as a ninja, she retired and opened up a restaurant. She didn't marry and has no children. She doesn't socialize with anyone and doesn't visit her parents' graves. I'm afraid she's at the point of no return. If you wish to see her, this is the address to the restaurant." Kakashi explained while writing the address on a piece of paper.

I thanked him and went to find her. (Y/N) was a sensitive person, she always went above and beyond for everyone. That's just who she was. Who knew that one day she'd abandon such an admirable trait? I can't help, but to feel like I'm responsible for this. Kakashi said she didn't visit her parents anymore, so that's where I'll go. They were great people that took care of me when I was alone and didn't have anyone. Hell, they even took Naruto in a couple times. That's just who they were.

When I arrived, I didn't expect to see fresh flowers resting against their headstone. She left her mother's favorite flowers here. A warm smile was planted on my face. "Don't worry. I'll get her back, she'll start to visit more often." I whispered, hoping that they can hear me..wherever they are. I read the slip of paper Kakashi gave me and walked towards the restaurant. What am I going to say? "I'm sorry for leaving"? Should I let her speak first? I stopped at the front door and let out a sigh. Here it goes.

Your P.O.V.
Another day at the restaurant and it was the same boring routine. I cleaned the tables and tend to the customers every now and then. The meals are made fresh by my clone. My regular customers are the old people that befriended me because I was extremely kind to them. They reminded me of my grandparents and my parents. I always had the most respect for them. Of course, there were the occasional men that would come in and attempt to get me to agree on going out on a date with them. I refuse every time.

There was a customer that entered and sat at a table in the corner. I've never seen him before, so I hurry and made my way towards him. "Hello sir, welcome! Would you like something to drink?". His onyx eye met mine and the world stood still. I didn't want to believe it, this can't be him. He was frozen as well, our silence was starting to worry my customers. My clones in the kitchen were trying their best to act normal and tend to everything, but they were wondering the same thing. [Well, duh author, they're clones].

After ten minutes of awkward silence, I ran to the back of the restaurant and tried to calm myself down. My mind had a million thoughts racing through it every second. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and I couldn't breathe normally. It wasn't exactly an anxiety attack, but it was similar to one. Suddenly, I became lightheaded and lost control of my body. I collapsed and pain shot through my body. Was that really Sasuke?

Sasuke's P.O.V.
She recognized me, but she didn't handle it too well. I should've said something instead of just looking at her. She changed in so many ways. Her hair was (H/L) and it framed her face perfectly. Her smile was beautiful. Her voice sounded so mature, but it was great to hear it. After all these years, I wanted to hug her and apologize, but I was speechless. I began to think I frightened her, because she didn't say a word. Suddenly, she ran away from me and I didn't know if I should follow. It wasn't the reaction I was expecting. Then, there was a loud thud, and I had to take her to the hospital. (Y/N), I'm sorry.

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