Shikamaru x Reader Pt.1

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Shikamaru's P.O.V.
"Shikamaru, you should tell (Y/N) how you feel. It's not good to keep your feelings bottled up. There's also a huge possibility of you two being together." Choji said while chewing a mouth full of barbecue chips. I glanced at him and shrugged. "I don't know Choji. There's no way she can like me back. She's smart, funny, and just really cool. She's way out of my league." I replied and watched the clouds drift by.

"Nonsense Shikamaru. That's not true. You're smart, so you should know that (Y/N) is happy whenever she's around you." Choji stated. "She's happy around everyone." I mumbled and closed my eyes. "Just tell her how you feel before it's too late." Choji encouraged me. "Yeah, yeah. I'll do it in a couple days. I'm going to be Temari's escort again. It's such a drag." I lazily informed Choji with a small smile.

"Speaking of Temari, she's going to be here soon, so I better meet her at the gates. See you later Choji." I said and walked away from our usual hangout spot. I walked to the gates and spotted the Sand kunoichi who smirked at me. "Wasn't expecting to see you so soon. Miss me?" She chuckled and placed a hand on her hip. I shook my head and smiled. "No, but it seems like you're happy to see me." I joked and waited for her to join me.

Your P.O.V.
Today is the day I will tell Shikamaru how I feel. I can't help, but to feel proud of myself. I never wanted to tell him sooner because he's one of my greatest friends. As I walk towards the Yamanaka Flower Shop, I spot Choji. "Hey Choji!" I greeted him and tackled him with a hug. "GAH! (Y/N)! How many times have I told you not to do that?" Choji asked with a small smile.

"I'm sorry Choji, I'm just so excited today!" I exclaimed with a sheepish smile. "You're going to finally tell him today, I assume?" Choji asked with a smirk. I blushed and nodded. "Yeah, do you know where he is?" I asked with hope gleaming in my eyes. "Yes, he's at the village's gates. He's escorting Temari again." Choji said while eating his barbecue chips. My eye twitched at the name. Temari. Rumor has it that she's taken an interest in Shikamaru.

"Thank you Choji, I'll see you around!" I chirped and started to walk away. I hung my head and tried to think of how I should tell Shikamaru when Temari isn't around. Which would probably be impossible because he has to be with her at all times. Hopefully, she'll only be here for a couple days. "Maybe I should approach him with someone else, so that person can keep Temari company while I talk to Shikamaru alone. Yes, that's it! Perfect!" I whispered to myself.

"And I'm assuming you'll be needing to ask someone to come along with you, correct?" An all too familiar voice asked, but it sounded more like a statement. I turned around to face my best friend, Neji. "How many times do I have to tell you to stop doing that Neji!" I scolded and crossed my arms. "I'm sorry, I followed you because you were so lost in thought, you almost bumped into an old woman." Neji stated while shaking his head.

"Thank you, you're always there to look out for me. Hey! Can you join me? I'm gonna tell Shikamaru." I asked while holding Neji's hands. He sighed and shook his head. "Fine, but if you leave me alone for more than five minutes with that Temari girl, I can't promise I'll be nice." Neji grumbled. I gave him a hug. "Thank you so much! I'm so lucky to call you my best friend!" I stated happily and started to make my way to the gates while Neji followed.

The sun was setting, so I assumed Shikamaru would be in a nearby restaurant. I checked every one of them, until Ichiraku came into sight. "Surely he's there." Neji commented and I nodded. By now, the sky was dark and shining with stars. I told Neji to wait a second while I go ahead. I started to get nervous and my heart was pounding fast. "I can do it." I encouraged myself.

"Sh-Shikamaru, I need to-" I whispered, but something made me stop. "You're so beautiful and everything I've ever wanted. Your hair compliments the shape of your face. Your eyes glisten so brightly, even on the darkest of days. I love you and I want to know, if you'll join me by my side forever." A deep voice said. Shikamaru. I looked to see Temari nodding in approval. My heart shattered and my throat started to burn.

Hot tears slid down my cheeks as I ran out of Ichiraku. I ran to Neji and buried my face into his chest. "N-Neji..he.." I tried to explain, but started to sob. He rubbed my back and held me close. "Shhh. I heard. I'm so sorry." He whispered. Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. "H-Hey (Y/N), Neji. We're going to hang out with everyone at Sakura's house. Why don't you two come join us?" Shikamaru asked. I held my breath and tried not to cry.

"Thanks for the invite, but no thank you Shikamaru. (Y/N) and I are going to spend some time alone." Neji answered for the both of us. "Oh okay, that's fine. Maybe next time? I'll see you guys around." Shikamaru replied. He sounds a bit..disappointed? No, it couldn't be. "Let's go to the training grounds and watch the stars. Don't think about Shikamaru." Neji said while giving me a piggy back ride.

Shikamaru's P.O.V.
I took Temari to Ichiraku, so she can eat dinner, but things were a bit weird this time. Instead of exchanging sarcastic remarks, we had a genuine conversation about our lives. She noticed my odd behaviour and knew what was wrong. Instead of making a statement about men and 'fragile egos' she actually gave me advice and told me what to do.

That gave me the confidence to actually tell (Y/N) how I feel, but I was too late. As soon as we left Ichiraku, I spotted the girl I loved in the arms of Neji. I'll admit, I was jealous, but they seemed happy. Maybe I'm just not the guy for her. "Oh okay, that's fine. Maybe next time? I'll see you guys around." I managed to say, while sounding calm. When we walked away, Temari gave me an apologetic look. "I'm sorry. It's not easy, but you just have to accept it and move on. Maybe there's someone out there that's better for you." She said with a small smile.

"Maybe." I shortly replied and looked at the stars. Which is a bad idea, because (Y/N) loves the stars. This is going to be difficult to get over her. Love is such a drag. So, why do I even bother?

[A/N]: This was requested and I hope I did an okay job. Part 2 will definitely be coming soon 💖 Also, I am finishing up the Neji x Reader Pt. 2 as well :)

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