Shino x Reader

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"He's kind of creepy isn't he?" "Yeah, he never talks to anyone." "Do you think he'll ever get a girlfriend?" "I don't think so." A group of girls whispered to each other. You happened to walk by and hear all the awful things they were saying about someone. You being the curious kunoichi you are, you decided to listen and see who they were talking about.

There was a fair skinned boy, wearing dark sunglasses. He also wore a jacket with an upturned collar. "Do you think any girl even knows his name?" A girl in the group asked. "Shino Aburame.." You whispered. Everyone looked at you with surprise. "Huh!? You know his name!?" They asked. You nodded and smiled. "Yeah." You replied and walked away.

Little did you know, Shino heard you say his name. He was surprised that the girl he admired actually knew his name. He blushed a little and started whispering to his bugs. "Do you think I have a chance?" He asked with hope. All of a sudden, there was a chuckle and Shino earned himself a slap on the back by Kiba.

"You have a chance, I heard she turned down Sasuke last week. She's hot, but not my type. You're a mystery, girls like her love those type of guys. Maybe you should talk to her." Kiba explained and suggested with a grin. Shino looked away and watched the clouds drift slowly to the North. "I don't know, what if she thinks I'm creepy too?" Shino asked with worry.

"Nonsense. If she thought you were creepy, she would've been gossiping with those girls right now. Just talk to her, before another guy wins her heart." Kiba said, trying to make Shino gain courage. Shino sighed and nodded. "You're right. If I tell her how I feel and she doesn't feel the same, it is what it is." Shino said in a monotone voice. Kiba gave him a thumbs up. "Come on man, we got to find Hinata and ask for her advice." Kiba said and walked with Shino towards the Hyuga compound.

Your P.O.V.
"(Y/N)! How dare you!?!" Ino shouted at me with anger. I lifted an eyebrow and tried to think about why she was so upset at me. "Um, what is this about?" I asked. She growled and held up her right fist. "Why did you turn down Sasuke!?! I would kill to have him ask me out!!" Ino yelled in my face with her angry blue eyes staring into my soul.

I held back a giggle and smiled. "You see, Sasuke isn't my type. Sure, he has looks, but there are other guys in the village who are as equally as attractive." I explained with my arms crossed. Stupid fangirls. Ino shook her head and pinched the bridge of her nose. "You can't possibly think someone else is more attractive than Sasuke." She responded.

"Actually, I do. His name is Shino Aburame and I think he's the most handsome of them all. After all, he isn't consumed by revenge and hatred." I insulted Sasuke with a shrug. Ino lost interest in our little conversation and left. I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I didn't expect a fangirl to understand anyways."

~~~~~~~~~Three hours later~~~~~~~~

Shino's P.O.V.
I walked away from Ichiraku and the sun was starting to set. "Good luck, Shino!" Kiba and Hinata shouted in usion. They gave me a few suggestions on how I should confess and I informed them I was going to do it tomorrow.

It's a beautiful evening, so I decided to take a walk to a hill, near the edge of the village. It's a place where there's no distractions and it's peaceful. Suddenly, I sneezed. "Bless you." A calm voice said, I blushed. (Y/N)'s voice. I turned around to meet the (H/C) haired kunoichi waving at me with a closed eye smile. "Hello, Shino. You're looking great today." She cheerfully complimented.

"Thank you, you look very nice today. Care to join me for a walk?" I asked politely. She nodded and rushed to my side. " has your training been?" She asked. "It's going well. How about yours? I heard you were thinking about becoming a Jonin soon." I commented. She nodded and looked at the ground. "I was thinking about it, but I don't think I'm that great yet. Besides, I'm still young and I should enjoy easy missions for a while. I don't think I'm ready for dangerous missions yet." She explained. I understood and nodded, then we walked in comfortable silence.

Your P.O.V.
I can't lie, I'm so nervous. He's so cool, calm, and quiet. While I'm over here trying not to stutter or seem annoying. Am I annoying? I hope not! "You're nervous about something." Shino stated casually. My eyes widened and I looked at him. "What?" I said out of shock. "When you're nervous about something, you bite your lower lip and your eyes focus on the ground or a plant." Shino pointed out my habit.

I didn't even notice I do any of those things. He's incredibly good at observation. I blushed in embarrassment and nodded shyly. "(Y/N), it's none of my business..but why didn't you stay and gossip about me with those girls earlier?" Shino inquired. I pretended to think about it. "I was never one of those girls that liked to talk about others. I normally keep to myself and avoid hurting anyone. They're Sasuke's fangirls and I greatly dislike them because they put other boys down." I said while shaking my head.

"They're too blind to see that Sasuke isn't the only attractive boy in the leaf village." I finished my little speech. Shino didn't say a word.

Shino's P.O.V.
Is there a possibility of her finding me attractive as well? Wait, it isn't possible. She's never seen my eyes before. Perhaps I should show her. "Shino! Look! It's one of those rare Monarch butterflies! Let's follow it and study it." (Y/N) said with a gleam in her eyes. I forgot that her favorite insects are butterflies.

She also loves to quickly draw them in a little sketchbook she carried around with her. "Are you going to draw it?" I asked. She blushed and nodded. "How do you know I draw? I've never told anyone before.." she pointed out. Now it was my turn to be embarrassed. "Well, sometimes your hands would have ink and paint on them. I figured it was from writing or drawing." I said.

"Oh..I didn't think anyone would notice." She chuckled. I let out a breath of relief. She took out her sketchbook and started to quickly draw the butterfly. After a minute or two, she held the book out to me. "How does it look?" She asked, hoping it wasn't bad. I held the book and pretended to observe it.

I don't know a thing about art, but it was beautiful. "It's beautiful, just like you." I accidentally blurted out. "Huh!?" (Y/N) asked in surprise. "I uh..well...there's not point in hiding it. I like you (Y/N), I always have..since we were in the Academy. You're the only girl that was kind to me and actually tried to get to know me." I confessed.

Her cheeks were red and she smiled. "Shino..I like you too. You were always different and such a mystery. I found your love of bugs cool because I loved to learn about different species." She stated with a grin. "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked. She nodded and held my hand. "Yes, because I don't want any other guy. Only you, Shino." She whispered and started to lean in.

Out of instinct, I started to lean in too. Our lips collided and it was a magical moment. It felt like butterflies were in my stomach. Our first kiss. We pulled away and held hands. "I love you." She said. "I love you, too." I stated with a smile.

[A/N]: I couldn't really think of anything for Shino .-.

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