Kakashi x Reader

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You and Kakashi were surrounded by the enemy and failed to get away. Your only hope of survival was to fight as long as you can until reinforcements arrive. "(Y/N) get behind me!" Kakashi ordered as he created a mud wall with his chakra. Suddenly, flames started to surround you. That's when you seen it, the enemy were going to throw paper bombs.

"Ice Style; Ice Shield Jutsu!" You shouted as ice began to protect you and Kakashi from the paper bombs. Almost instantly, the ice began to melt away and you were confused. Then, you heard a dark chuckle. "Looks like you and your boyfriend are running out of chakra. Don't worry, I'll spare you and kill the weak man who failed to protect you." The man said with a creepy smile.

You panicked and mustered up what little chakra you had. "(Y/N)! Don't!" Kakashi yelled, but it was already too late. Purple flames started to surround your body and you looked at the enemy. "I'll never let you harm my comrade." You growled and began to create a sword out of ice. "Ice Blade!" You shouted and ran towards the enemy.

You plunged the sword into the person and seen a small puddle of blood. "Glad, I made it..in time." A deep voice said with a small smile. You lifted your head up to see the love of your life, with a sword in his abdomen. The purple flames disappeared along with your anger. Your eyes widened in horror.

"Kakashi!?" You screamed with tears falling down your face. He gave you a closed eye smile. "What have you done!?" You screamed at the silver haired Jonin. He wiped a tear away on your face and coughed. "To save you. If you stayed in that form, the darkness would consume you and you would be unstoppable." Kakashi managed to say with a smile. The enemy was going to kill you, until reinforcements arrived. "(Y/N), I know your feelings for me. In my final moment, I want to tell you that I love you too." Kakashi said.

You pulled your sword out and quickly laid Kakashi down. "You're not going to die!" You yelled and focused your chakra. Your chakra turned green and you placed your hands above Kakashi's wound. "Stop. I'm not going to make it." Kakashi said while pushing your hands away. "Why did you do it if you knew you were going to die?" You asked with more tears streaming down your cheeks.

"As I said before, if you stayed in that form you would be unstoppable. (Y/N), thank you..for making my life a little less boring. I love you." He said while placing a kiss on your lips. A second later, his pulse was nowhere to be found. His body went limp in your arms. Your eyes widened and tears started to spill freely. The love of your life sacrificed his life, just so he could protect you and his comrades. You hugged his body and stroked his hair.

"(Y/N)! Kakashi!" Yamato yelled and sat by your side. "Is he?!" Yamato asked, looking at your crying form. You looked at Yamato with sorrow. "It's all my fault.." you sobbed and looked at Kakashi.

Your P.O.V.
"NO!" I said and gasped for air. I quickly looked around the room to see a startled Kakashi sitting up on his bed. I calmed down and drank a few sips from my bottle of water. "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" A concerned Kakashi asked me while giving me a hug. I cried into his shoulder and shook my head. "It was too real." I managed to choke out.

"Shh, calm down. It was just a dream." Kakashi said while rubbing my back. "Hey, I know what can cheer you up." Kakashi said with a smile while sitting across from me. From his flak jacket, he pulled out his Make-Out Paradise book. "Kakashi, you know I hate that book." I said and narrowed my eyes. Kakashi sheepishly chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

"Well there's a page I want you to read." Kakashi said and handed me the book. I took it and noticed that there was a page in there that was different than the rest. I was curious, but quickly figured out that it's a note Kakashi wrote and he wanted me to read it. The room was a bit dark, so I turned on the lamp that sat on the table beside me.

The note said:

I specifically requested you for a reason, not because you're a Medical Ninja, believe it or not. I trust you with my life and I mean it. The Third Hokage asked me to help you contain your power for your own safety and that's something I wanted to talk to you about. I know about the reoccurring nightmares of you killing your own comrades. I'm here to tell you that it will never happen. I promise you, because after this mission..you're going to be a part of Team 7.

I know you're scared of kids, but one of my students could really use your advice on the importance of teamwork. This is pretty sappy, but I'm here for you. Um, I don't really know how to end this note. Oh! One more thing, I knew you would have a nightmare tonight, so..I have (Fav Dessert) for you. If you want some that is.

I looked at Kakashi and smiled. "You have nice handwriting." I complimented with a giggle. "Thank you. Now, do you want to eat (Fav Dessert) or sleep?" Kakashi asked with a closed eye smile. "Thank you Kakashi, but I'd like to try and sleep again." I informed him with a small yawn. I raised my arms above my head and stretched. The feeling of my tired bones popping made me smile in satisfaction. Then, the unexpected happened.

I accidentally let out a small moan that sounded very sexual. I blushed in embarrassment and glanced at Kakashi who was awkwardly reading his pervy book. Before I embarrass myself even further, I covered myself with the sheets and lied down. Suddenly, Kakashi lied down beside me. "Hey, I have something to tell you." Kakashi said, while staring into my (E/C) eyes.

Kakashi's P.O.V.
I couldn't help it, I just have to tell her how I feel tonight. I've waited for this moment ever since we were seventeen. This is selfish, but I don't want anyone else as a girlfriend or a wife. Even if she doesn't return my feelings, at least she'll know that someone loves her. "Yes Kakashi?" She asked, staring at me with her beautiful (E/C) eyes. "I love you, (Y/N)." I confessed with a serious tone.

Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned pink. "W-What?" She asked. "I said I love you." I confirmed and held her hand. "I know we aren't as close as we used to be, but I've been in love with you since we were seventeen. If you don't return my feelings, that's fine. I just really needed to get that off of my chest." I informed her with a small chuckle.

I looked at her and tears filled her eyes. "I love you too Kakashi." She stated with a happy smile. "I never thought you would ever love me too." I admitted sheepishly and smiled. "Now, (Y/N)..will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and she nodded. "I'd love to." She answered and hugged me. I held her close to me and kissed the top of her head through my mask.

"Now that you're my girlfriend, I'm able to take off my mask around you." I chuckled and removed my mask. She laughed a little, but yawned right after. "Goodnight Kakashi." She said. I stared at her for a few minutes and she lightly started to snore. I rubbed her back and held her tight. "No more nightmares. I'm here and not going away anytime soon. I love you." I whispered and kissed her forehead. Then I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

[A/N]: This was a request and sorry if you don't like it. It was all I could think of 😅 I have plenty more one shots that I need to finish and publish. Thank you all for reading and voting 💖 Hope you have a wonderful night or day! 😄

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